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Adventure League in Deutschland
« am: 1.12.2016 | 14:35 »
Spielt jemand von euch über das Adventure League-Programm? Hatte mal geschaut, ob es bei uns München da was gibt, aber das scheint leider nicht so zu sein oder jedenfalls habe ich nichts Konkretes gefunden. Ausserdem hat es ja bei der AL erst kürzlich eine gravierende Änderung in der Struktur/Organisation gegeben, die aber angeblich Spieler und Spielleiter nicht beeinträchtigen soll.

Hier die Nachricht von Enworld:

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure League announced late Wednesday a change in organization. Adventure League contact with stores and conventions is being rolled into the current Wizards of the Coast corporate structure through its Customer Service and Retail Support departments. Players and Dungeonmasters for Adventure League should be unaffected by this change. However, a side-effect of this change is that the roles of Regional Coordinator and Local Coordinator are being eliminated. While people holding these roles tended to be heavy organizers of D&D Adventure League, their only official role in that capacity was disseminating information from Wizards of the Coast to appropriate venues such as stores and conventions. I would like to thank the D&D Adventure League Community Manager Robert Adducci for speaking with me to clarify some of these points.

While the information distribution is now being done by Wizards of the Coast’s corporate structure, the organization efforts are moving to the Herald’s Guild of DMs and their Ambassador Program, a new program from Baldman Games. Herald’s Guild is structured similarly to the old RPGA with feedback cards filled out by the players at every table for an official game and various levels which grant additional benefits and responsibilities as you move up. However, there are a few issues. Moving up in ranks requires attending “seminars”, which are only held at conventions. While there will be streaming and downloadable versions of these seminars according to the site’s FAQ, the recordings will only count for “lower levels” of DM. This means that dungeonmasters outside of North America, who live in rural areas unable to travel to large conventions, or for whom such travel would be a significant financial burden may be out of luck for reaching the higher levels of the organization. Much of this information is still in its formative stages as the announcement was just made Wednesday evening, so further clarifications will most likely be coming soon as details are more firm.
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Re: Adventure League in Deutschland
« Antwort #1 am: 1.12.2016 | 14:48 »
In Braunschweig gibt es auf dem Brot und Spiele ein regelmäßiges Angebot, hab ich auch schon getestet.
"In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich unser Territorium halbiert, mehr als zwanzig Siedlungen sind der Verderbnis anheim gefallen, doch nun steht eine neue Generation Grenzer vor mir. Diesmal schlagen wir zurück und holen uns wieder, was unseres ist.
Schwarzauge wird büssen."

Offline Tintenteufel

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Re: Adventure League in Deutschland
« Antwort #2 am: 1.12.2016 | 15:07 »
Gut zu wissen! Danke. Vielleicht könnte ich das mal mit sportlichen Aktivitäten verbinden, da sie dort ja auch das Löwendojo haben. Diese Braunschweiger, haben aber auch einfach alles was das Herz begehrt!
« Letzte Änderung: 1.12.2016 | 15:33 von Mhyr »
Spiele/leite derzeit Mausritter, Mothership, Shadowdark und Swords & Wizardry.
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