Autor Thema: Slayer Handbook ?  (Gelesen 915 mal)

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Slayer Handbook ?
« am: 25.12.2020 | 15:40 »
Was genau steht eigentlich im Slayer Handook ? ja klar mehr über Jägerinnen. aber was genau hebe ich mir darunter vor zu stellen ?

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Re: Slayer Handbook ?
« Antwort #1 am: 25.12.2020 | 15:44 »
The Slayer's Handbook is a supplement for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplaying game. In it, you will find:

    Background on being a Slayer, tales of the Slayers and advice for Directors on using Slayers in their games
    New character creation ideas, qualities and drawbacks, and more character archetypes
    Guidelines for alternative settings in a Slayer-oriented game, including different places, times and histories
    Three ready-to-play mini-settings for Slayers of all shapes and sizes
    A complete Episode continuing the plotline begun in the BTVS corebook>
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