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Blood on the Pavement – This week we take a look at the Kindred, the undead creatures at the core of Vampire: The Requiem. Vampires feed on blood and their own blood – their Vitae in their parlance – grants them a variety of benefits (including cheating death in the first place, of course).

How Potent Are You? – The raw power of a Kindred is captured in a trait called Blood Potency. Every vampire begins with a Blood Potency of 1. That potency rises with age and experience as the Kindred learns to tap the raw power in his veins. Higher Blood Potency allows the vampire to use his supernatural power more effectively. In game terms, the character can spend more Vitae per turn and store more Vitae in his body. He can also gain access to new supernatural powers and change the very nature of his blood.

Potent blood has its price, however. A young Kindred can feed off lesser beasts (such as animals) to satisfy his hunger. As Blood Potency rises, animals fail to satisfy, so the vampire has to feed from mortal people. At even higher levels, only the blood of other undead will satisfy. Beyond that, Kindred with high Blood Potency also feel the call of slumber like no others–they eventually fall into long periods of dormancy (called torpor). When they rise, they find that their blood has thinned and they must begin their struggle for ascendancy all over again.

Das wars dann wohl mit den Generationen. Das gefällt mir immer besser. ;D

Monkey McPants:
Sympathy for the Devil

Vampires call themselves “Kindred,” but some are closer kin than others. The connection between sire and childe carries supernatural power. Kindred can affect their immediate, linear “family” with their Disciplines more easily than they can affect other vampires. The character receives the blood-tie bonus (+2 dice) to affect her sire, her sire’s sire, her childer and her childer’s childer. This bonus applies with several Disciplines, most notably those that affect the mind.

The same blood ties also manifest as blood sympathy, an instinctual sense that resonates within a lineage. This normally happens spontaneously, when a “relative” feels some strong emotion or sensation such as frenzy, a grave wound or the pleasure of diablerie. On such occasions, the Storyteller can ask a player to roll the character’s Wits + Occult. The number of successes tells how much information the character gains from this flash of sensation.

The Kindred bless and curse this blood sympathy. If a Kindred sends another vampire to Final Death or diablerizes him, his sire, childer or other “relations” might feel it. The chances are small that any of them will know exactly what happened and who did it, but would-be murderers must consider the possibility.

Oooooooh, das klingt coool. ;D

Will haben, will haben!!!


OK. Und noch eine handfeste Info aus einem offiziellen Teaser:

Wahrnehmungsproben werden nun entweder auf Wits+Composure oder - falls das höher ist und auf die passende Situation anwendbar - auf Wits+Fertigkeit. Also z.B. auf Wits+Survival, um ein wildes Tier zu bemerken.

Zum aktiven Suchen wird Wits+Investigation verwendet.

Monkey McPants:
Hier mal ein paar Infos, die auch die Leute, die zu faul sind sich die Sachen selber auf anzusehen, interessieren könnte, denn es geht um die Clans:

What Clan Are You? – In Vampire: The Requiem, Kindred blood runs in five large clans. Every Kindred (with a few, possibly apocryphal, exceptions) is Embraced into one of these clans. This heritage defines some of the nature of their damnation. This week we take a look at each of the five.

Clan Daeva

Emotional and sensual, the Daeva cultivate both desire among their prey and physical perfection among themselves. Sexual predators and sensual hedonists alike populate the ranks of the clan. Succubus sires look for some combination of charm, culture, seductiveness, desire to achieve, passion and physical beauty. Many Daeva Embrace mortals to whom they have become attached, but this attachment almost invariably proves false, a mixture of lust and simple hunger. Few relationships are as euphoric as those between a Daeva and a newly Embraced childe, and few grow cold as swiftly.

Nickname: Succubi

Disciplines: Daeva are masters of Majesty, the vampiric Discipline of lust and want. Their blood also favors the inhuman grace and power of the Disciplines of Celerity and Vigor.

Weakness: The Daeva’s cursed blood enslaves them to darker passions. Any time a Daeva has an opportunity to indulge her Vice but does not do so, she loses two points of Willpower.

Clan Gangrel

Primal and savage, the Gangrel hunt in the untamed places and show no mercy. Gangrel can come from nearly any former life, but all Savages possess a strong survival instinct. Gangrel loathe personal weakness and admire those whose greatest strengths are those of the self – self-awareness, self-confidence and self-reliance.

Nickname: Savages

Disciplines: Masters of the vampiric Discipline of Protean, Gangrel let their bestial nature affect their very shape, becoming wolves, bats or the very mist on the night air. Their blood also grants them an aptitude with their bestial brethren (in the form of the Discipline of Animalism), and the supernatural toughness of Resilience.

Weakness: The Gangrel's blood curses them with a potent bestial instinct that sometimes makes it difficult for them to think clearly. Gangrel suffer a loss of the 10-again rule with regard to dice pools based on Intelligence and Wits Attributes.

Clan Mekhet

Secretive and wise, the Mekhet are masters of all things hidden. They hunt from the shadows, preying secretly on victims and unlocking secrets that no one should know. The only common thread linking Mekhet is an affinity for the night itself or some metaphorical darkness, such as a pained soul or a thirst for knowledge. Mekhet are tutored intensely by their sires so that they understand the nature of the clan and its duties. Some prefer to let their progeny discover the Kindred world on their own, but not even these sires stray so far that they can’t watch a protégé’s progress.

Nickname: Shadows

Clan Disciplines: Mekhet master Auspex, the Discipline of preternatural perception, gaining insights that make them particularly dangerous to Kindred. While they reveal others secrets, the Mekhet keep their own, and they have an affinity for Obfuscate, the Discipline of concealment. Finally, they move with the blinding speed of Celerity, as quick as they are deadly.

Weakness: As creatures of darkness, the Mekhet suffer certain banes of vampiric existence more acutely than their fellow Kindred do. Whenever Mekhet suffer damage from sunlight or fire, they take an additional point of aggravated damage from that source.


Stealthy and disturbing, the Nosferatu wield fear itself like a hunter’s blade. Their very presence unnerves people, whether by physical ugliness, foul stench or nebulous personal malignance. Nosferatu come from society’s castoffs, such as the homeless, the mentally ill and criminals. Haunts tend to be self-reliant individuals who actually manage their new condition.

Nickname: Haunts

Clan Disciplines: Nosferatu are masters of Nightmare, the vampiric Discipline of terror and phobia.

Their weakness tends to make them rely on Obfuscate to counter their appearances when necessary. Their bodies are also able to utilize Vigor, a blood-granted supernatural strength.

Weakness: Nosferatu are cursed to be social pariahs, and their very presence is uncomfortable for others. This manifests in a myriad of ways, ranging from clear physical deformity to an indefinable aura of menace, passing through such things as a charnel odor or the undeniable manner of a predator. With regard to dice pools based on Presence or Manipulation Attributes in social situations, the 10-again rule does not apply.

Morgen wird der letzte Clan veröffentlicht, man wird also gespannt sein dürfen, wie sich die Ventrue geändert haben...



Regal, commanding and aristocratic, the Ventrue are the harsh lords of the Danse Macabre. The Ventrue most often come from the closest the modern world comes to feudal nobility: the ranks of professionals, the cream of high society, the scions of old money or political dynasties. As new professions and new forms of power arise, the Ventrue bring them into the clan. Through whatever means necessary, the Ventrue rise to the top of the undead heap.

Nickname: Lords

Clan Disciplines: The Ventrue master Dominate, the Discipline of mental subjugation. Their strength is not diminished on beasts, as they exert themselves with the power of Animalism over lesser creatures. And as Lords must be fit enough to resist challengers, their undead bodies are gifted with Resilience.

Weakness: Power corrupts, and among the Ventrue, even the thirst for power can corrode an ambitious Kindred's moral bearings. Over time, a Ventrue's mind becomes fragile. Therefore, Ventrue characters are more prone to gaining derangements when they suffer a loss of Humanity.

Und nächste Woche gibts n paar Diszis.


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