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Informationen zur WoD2

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Selganor [n/a]:
Das von der Website:

--- Zitat ---As we move closer and closer to the launch of the new World Of Darkness will become your source for all previews and pre-release information. At first information will be a trickle but eventually it will contain previews, excerpts and lots of other goodies. Over the coming months, we will begin the process of winding down the current White Wolf website. Even now we are working feverishly behind the scenes to create an all new built from the ground up. When Vampire: The Requiem launches, so will the all-new site. Feel free to visit our old forums and make suggestions about what you would like to see.
We will still continue to release information on this site for Exalted, Sword-Sorcery materials and our other products, but changes will be kept to a minimum while we create the new site.
Remember - you only have a few days left to purchase old World of Darkness books before they are removed from our site forever.
Thanks for all your support over the years, we hope you will enjoy what's to come!

--- Ende Zitat ---
Erstaunlich dass Dark Ages vergessen wurde (oder wird das doch auch eingestellt?)

Bitte beachtet die Aufforderung für den Diskussionsthread.
- Danke. 1of3

Jo, das WOD Logo ist cool, finde ich auch.

Das V:tR mag ich eigentlich ebenfalls, nur der komische Haken am "V" ist merkwürdig.


Dort finden sich 3 Bilder zu WoD2 und Informationen darüber, welche Künstler für die neuen Bücher engagiert wurden.

Selganor [n/a]:
Ich war mal wieder auf Wolf-spoor und habe folgendes gefunden:

--- Zitat ---jachilli
04-22-2004 09:03 PM
And why does anyone believe any rumor they've heard? The information hasn't been released yet. Why are people lending any credence to any rumors that circulate without corroboration?

Not being antagonistic, just empirical.


And then:

04-22-2004 09:59 PM
I hear the new Werewolf has Yoda in it.

Which lead to...

04-22-2004 10:08 PM
If Ethan verifies it, I'm going to believe him. He's the Werewolf Developer. :D

Which naturally resulted in...

04-22-2004 10:17 PM
I'm afraid I can indeed verify that Justin has heard that Yoda will be in it.
--- Ende Zitat ---


--- Zitat ---Game Trade Magazine Issue 51, A few specifics on the changes in 2.0

Some quotes from Justin Achilli:

"From the beginning, we knew we wanted our new World of Darkness to be free of metaplot, leaving you to do what you want with our ideas, not forcing you to come back to the well or invalidate your chronicle when we print something new."

"Likewise, some subtle things detracted from the old game's suspension of disbelief. Famous historical figures being vampires, for example. We wanted to get away from that."

Explaining why they chose to have one core rule book that serves as a basis for each of the three 2.0 storytelling games, Justin Achilli says, "One world-and one set of rules-for all three games."

"Characters begin as mortals before they suffer an irrevocable transformation, becoming bloodsucking parasites, bestial shapeshifters or power-mad mystics. The World of Darkness rulebook, we thought, should thus give you everything you need to create a mortal character and play his prelude into a life amid the shadows, before he is Embraced into the Requiem, changed into a wolf, or Awakened to magic. Each supernatural setting book would then provide rules for that transformation."

"Since mortals share the same streets with vampires, urban shapeshifters, and technomancers, we set out to design a consistent set of rules that applies to all creature (and character) types."

"Instead of modifying the difficulty of a task by shifting target numbers up or down, or altering the amount of successes needed, we decided to add bonuses and subtract penalties from your dice pools. There would be a single constant target number for all rolls. No more asking the storyteller for what you need. And no more 'unsuccesful successes.'"

"Another important goal we set for ourselves was a single attack and damage roll. No more rolling to hit and then rolling again to check damage (and sometimes getting no successes!). We wanted it all handled in one quick roll. If you hit, you should always inflict some damage."

Some interesting choice of words though. Mages are referred to as both "power-mad mystics" and "technomancers." There isn't a whole lot you can pull out about the setting, but it gives you a few things to think about.

A more complete article can be found in the May 2004 issue of Game Trade Magazine, issue #51.

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Selganor [n/a]:
Und wieder was neues:

Der Katalogeintrag von VtR:

Vampire: The Requiem

Since time immemorial, the Kindred vampires have stalked their prey, unseen by the mortal masses. Their world is a xenophobic nightmare, populated by tyrannical despots, wildeyed heretics, bloodthirsty rogues, and scheming manipulators, all unified by the mysterious curse of vampirism.

Join the revival of the Storytelling tradition! Vampire: The Requiem invites you to tell your own stories set within the world of the Kindred. This book includes rules for using vampires in World of Darkness chronicles, covering everything from the five clans to covenants to Disciplines, bloodlines, storytelling advice, and a complete spread of game systems governing the undead.

Damit kann das Raetselraten losgehen welche 2 neben Nosferatu, Gangrel, und Ventrue noch da sein werden. (Bzw. in welche Richtung DIE gehen)


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