Autor Thema: [Kickstarter] Cha'alt by Venger Satanis  (Gelesen 580 mal)

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[Kickstarter] Cha'alt by Venger Satanis
« am: 31.01.2019 | 21:32 »
Hallo liebe Mitrollenspieler :)

Ich wollte hier nur kurz auf einen interessanten Kickstarter hinweisen (hoffe das geht ok :) )

Cha'alt is an OSR / D&D 5e science-fantasy, eldritch, gonzo, post-apocalyptic campaign world focusing on The Great Pyramid megadungeon.

Das Ding ist der neueste Kickstarter von Venger Satanis, dem leicht verrückten Kerl hinter Kort'thalis Publishing.
Im Prinzip ist es ein DnD 5e Setting in einer post-apokalyptischen und ziemlich schrägen Welt. Ein großteil des Buches soll sich zudem um die "schwarze Pyramide" ein SciFi-Horror- Gonzo MEgadungeon drehen.
Bevor ich mich hier allerdings verquatsche lass ich den Authoren einfach selbst zu Wort kommen:

The world of Cha'alt started as a fairly typical medieval land with elves, dwarves, snake-men, clerics, and magic-users; steeped in superstition along with antediluvian traditions, before the Old Gods went mad. 

Three-thousand years passed. The surface dwellers split from the malevolent creatures who slithered below. Those who remained on the surface lost the understanding of magic, but their civilization became a highly developed, technological empire of domed cities welcoming interstellar travelers, their massive starships hovering high above in blue skies.

But in the deep crevasses of the world, a power older than time stirred from its deathless slumber. The Ancient Gods, long forgot, had not died but continued to dream... growing chaotic and full of darkness.  And those living underground hastened the Old Ones' rising because they yearned to reclaim Cha'alt for themselves.

When the Great Old Ones awakened, they were angered by the lack of worship, sacrifices, or even casual acknowledgement that they had fashioned the world and all life upon it.

Soon enough, Cha'alt was all but destroyed by those vengeful Gods, jealous of their creations' achievements and bitter that they had been forgotten.  Civilization in ruins, the surface-dwellers of Cha'alt turned to barbarism as sorcery reappeared, dragons appeared in the now-magenta sky, and demons took hold once more.

Cha'alt is a mysterious world where you're likely to encounter mutant bikers with laser rifles, tentacled sandworms in the deep desert, tribal warfare as blood-splotched shamans ululate at the crimson rock, and alien pirates on anti-grav skiffs looking to steal relics of a bygone age.

My job is making Cha'alt stand out from all the other weird post-apocalyptic campaign settings.  It's going to have a unique flavor, yet containing many of the ingredients we all know and love.

Der Kickstarter hat noch ein paar Tage und es fehlt nicht mehr viel.
Selbst wenn man am  Kickstarter kein Interesse hat, hat VS vor kurzem das Einstiegsdungeon für das Buch frei für alle veröffentlicht.

Lohnt sich also auf jeden Fall mal reinzuschauen
