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ALIEN Rollenspiel auf Year Zero Engine

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Gerade in der Alien RPG Facebook Gruppe gepostet "Good news, if you haven’t already heard. In response to my email request for a digital copy of the Alien QuickStart to run at gaming conventions, Fria Ligan said that the PDF will be available by June 15th. I suspect that may also be the date preorders go up. The QuickStart PDF will be available to all who preorder, which I previously confirmed. So let’s hope for Jun 15th for that, too."

Ich bin so heiss drauf  :headbang:

Dazu noch die Newsletter 2 und 3, in denen auf den Cinematic Gameplay Modus und das Kampagnen Spiel eingegangen wird :)

Gerade kam dann auch die Ankündigung der Vorbestellmöglichkeit. In Kurzform: los geht'  um 15 Uhr (CEST) am Samstag (25. Mai); die Aktion läuft bis zum 4. August. Wer vorbestellt, bekommt sofort Zugriff auf den Schnellstarter (genannt Cinematic Rules).

Details nachfolgend:

--- Zitat von: Fria Ligan ---Welcome!

This is the fourth official newsletter for the upcoming ALIEN tabletop RPG by Free League Publishing and Twentieth Century Fox. And we have big news!

On May 25, 1979, ALIEN first graced the silver screen. Forty years to the day after the ALIEN franchise first inspired and shocked the world, we launch the official pre-order for the game at This exclusive pre-order starts at 6 am PST / 9 am EST / 3 pm CEST Saturday May 25, and will end on August 4.

The full printed game will launch late this year, but if you pre-order you don't need to wait to play! As a complimentary bonus gift for anyone who pre-orders via our webshop, we offer a meaty 168-page Cinematic Starter Kit PDF including the full-length Cinematic scenario Chariot of the Gods written by Alien RPG setting writer and sci-fi novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska. The Cinematic Starter Kit will be available for download via DrivethruRPG as soon as the pre-order purchase is confirmed.

In addition, anyone who pre-orders the core rulebook will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the game before it goes to print and earn a play-tester credit in the final publication.

The centerpiece of the pre-order is of course the Alien RPG Core Rulebook containing 300+ pages of mythology, original artwork, and custom mechanics for open-world campaigns as well as cinematic gameplay, based on our award-winning Year Zero game engine.

In addition to the core rulebook, we offer a deluxe GM Screen, custom dice, a large starmap, and custom cards for weapons, NPCs and combat initiative. If you want to go all-in, we will offer bundles at great value.

If you want a unique artifact, we will offer the 40th Anniversary Limited Edition Core Rulebook, with a special commemorative embossed book cover. Exclusive to this pre-order campaign, the 40th Anniversary Limited-Edition will never be printed again. You can see the design below.

In the past, we have done many Kickstarters to fund the development of our roleplaying games. This a pre-order, meaning that the game will be published no matter how many people take part in it. However, there are three good reasons to take part in this-preorder:

    You get the 168-page Cinematic Starter Kit PDF within days after purchase and can start playing immediately!
    By taking part in the pre-order you can provide feedback on the game before the core rulebook goes to print, and thereby help us making the game even more awesome.
    A big support for the pre-order will help us kick off development of modules and supplements for the game even sooner.

More information about the pre-order, including the pricing, will be revealed on Saturday.

Retailer? Official retail solicitations for the ALIEN roleplaying game and supplements will begin in July, but retailers are encouraged to contact us at with any questions to welcome them into the 40th Anniversary fun as well

--- Ende Zitat ---

Yes!  :headbang:

Ich muss sagen die Überlegungen hier im Thread gefallen mir gut, vor allem nachdem ich anfangs Probleme darin hatte mit dem Setting und nicht wusste was man da spielen soll. Allerdings mag ich auch nur Alien und Aliens als Filme, den Rest finde ich nicht wirklich gut. Auf der anderen Seite bietet sich der Plot von Alien Covenant sehr gut als Vorlage an. Und es gibt auch noch genug Comics und die Videospiele zur Inspiration. Leider habe ich nicht genug Geld um mir das Rollenspiel zu kaufen. Vielleicht ende des Jahres, wenn ich auch Befürchte dann noch tiefer in die Tasche greifen zu müssen ohne den Vorbestellerbonus. Trotzdem freue ich mich auf das Erscheinen des Buches. Und mittlerweile habe ich ein Faible für die Rollenspiele von Fria Ligan entwickelt inklusive Tales from the Loop und Mutant Jahr Null.


Ich wollte mal fragen ob irgend jemand das Alie RPG vorbestellt hat und ggf. was zu dem Cinematic Starter Kit erzählen kann, welches man dann ja bekommen soll.



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