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Mail Order Apocalypse - ein Into the Odd Hack
Wäre ein Ordnungsamtsbot, der einem seit jahrzehnten falsch geparkten Fahrzeug den 11.234ten Strafzettel anklebt, ein solches Encounter?
Jau, hiermit geklaut!
Hiding in an AI-controlled zone:
There is this roomba with the skelleton of a cat on top, still cleaning the floor every day.
64 Deliverator Drone that is supposed to deliver a pizza to "Jonas Wagner", but culdn't find him so far. It's been searching for 200 years now. It has started out as a simple delivery drone but upgraded itself during the search. The pizzabox is now a stasis chamber, and the Deliverator is armed to prevent food theft. (Armour 2, HP 12, Twin Katanas, 1d6 each)
Kurze Wasserstandsmeldung: Bis auf die 10 letzten Einträge in der Tabelle "random encounter in an undetermined area where the machines rule" bin ich fertig! Danach geht es zum Verlag..
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