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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: Archetypes Set 1 (SWADE Edition)
Author: Sean Tait Bircher, Robin English-Bircher, Sean Roberson
Pages: 15
Prices: €2,76 (PDF)

Get to the action faster using our “print and play” pregenerated Archetype characters, now including an Advancement track!

These ready-to-play archetypes for Savage Rifts® are formatted in character sheet format, feature expanded rules references, background information, and include the following:

    Glitter Boy
    Ley Line Walker
    Mind Melter
    City Rat

This product requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Second Edition), and Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook (Second Edition) to play.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: Harrowed Cards
Author: John Goff, Shane Hensley, Simon Lucas
Pages: 3
Prices: free (PDF)

Deadlands: Lost Colony introduces a new way to manage Dominion for the Harrowed. These cards can be used with the rules inside when a player “Lets the Devil take the reins!” The six different cards with unique art can be used for those stubborn Deaders in your Lost Colony game!

Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: Power Cards
Author: John Goff, Shane Hensley, Simon Lucas
Pages: 4
Prices: free (PDF)

Deadlands: Lost Colony introduces a few new powers like Banshee’s howl and ghost in the machine. This free PDF gives you the cards for print-and-play use! It also includes updated replacements for a couple of powers updated since SWADE's release (as noted in the SWADE Update found here and on our site).

Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: GM Screen Inserts
Author: John Goff, John Hopler, Shane Hensley
Pages: 16
Prices: €3,68 (PDF)

The Deadlands: Lost Colony GM Screen Inserts contain full-color landscape format pages for the Customizable GM Screen and features art from the setting! This has all the tables and handy reference items a GM needs to play!

DEADLANDS: LOST COLONY is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.

Deadlands: Lost Colony is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands: Lost Colony: Power Templates
Author: John Goff, Shane Hensley, Simon Lucas
Pages: 4
Prices: free (PDF)

Download these print and play PDF Power Templates with purple energy trappings to best represent anouk magic and complement your Lost Colony game. You can find other Power Templates here and on our website!

DEADLANDS: LOST COLONY is a roleplaying game set in the award-winning, best-selling Deadlands series. It requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game system.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Wendigo Tales: Volume One - Heroes
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 7
Prices: free (PDF)


What makes Weird Wars Rome‘s Magnus Bos so tough? Which Hindrance keeps East Texas University student Lily Tate in the hot seat?

This PDF includes the Savage Worlds game statistics for the main protagonists found in Wendigo Tales: Volume One.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Wendigo Tales: Volume One - Bookmarks
Author: Shane Hensley
Pages: 1
Prices: free (PDF)


This PDF includes a set of four printable bookmarks you can use to mark your place in the print version of your Wendigo Tales: Volume One or your favorite Savage setting!
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[SWAG][Ron Blessing] The Wagon Mound Incident
Author: Ron Blessing
Pages: 6
Prices: $3.99 (PDF)

In a sleepy New Mexican village, a sweet 16 birthday party goes awry when an innocent game tears a hole in the fabric of reality. The heroes are called in to find out what happened and save the village—and perhaps, the world.

Six ready-to-customize archetypes are included—just add name, description, and Hindrances.

This adventure was designed to showcase the upcoming Fuse: The Spirit War setting, but the story is completely self-contained. It can be run in a typical four-hour convention time slot, but it contains enough material to run a longer story. Two of the included archetypes utilize material from The Warrior Adept, but all rules (other than the Savage Worlds core rules) needed to play the characters are included in this document.
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[SWAG][Carl Davis] The Helix Nebula Situation Adventure
Author: Carl Davis
Pages: 22
Prices:PWYW, Suggested Price €1,78 (PDF)

As you activate, the blaring of sirens and flashing lights assault your senses. You can see the starship is drifting in a nebula and the control panel is conveying the enormity of the situation. In microseconds, you assess that the computer has decided you are the ships last hope and has activated you. The computer's voice is not reassuring even with the unemotional calmness in the electronic voice: "Warning: Life Support Anomalies", "Warning: Propulsion Sensor Errors and Failures", "Warning: Collision Detected". This is the moment you were designed for. The reason your AI deep learning networking wet-ware was created. You will not fail at the reason you exist. Your programming executes the command to review memory file 001. You are ready to report to the crew-member in charge if you can only find them.

In this 22 page Savage Worlds adventure, you play a robotic support unit that finds itself in the middle of a storm of failing systems and the Oregon Trail drifting in space. You are challenged to understand why and bring failed systems back online before it is too late for the crew and the success of the mission.

This adventure includes pregens and ship maps.
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[Blessed Machine] Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Road Less Traveled
Author: Pete Ruttman, Michael Chumbler
Pages: 4
Prices: €2,69 (PDF)

Secret Agents of CROSS Mission: Road Less Traveled

For most people, a car is just a means to get from one place to another, for others, it is an expression of who they are. When that owner is also a sociopath your team is in grave danger.

This product is a 4-page mission for Secret Agents of CROSS. Use as-is or expand to your liking.
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[SWAG][Tayna Laubacher] Wild Cards and Companions
Author: Tayna Laubacher
Pages: 14
Prices:PWYW, Suggested Price $3.99 (PDF)

Sometimes you have a limited number of players at your game, but you could really use some help with combat and support. With Wild Cards and Companions you will find 15 character archtypes ready for use with an Edge that allows for one of 12 available human extras or one of 12 animal companions.

Each is written to be quickly adaptable to swap out some Hindrances and some Edges, as well as adding your own Powers where applicable.

Wild Cards available include cowboy, doctor, idol singer, knight and scrapper.

New animals listed include a winged cat, deer, ferret, pony and small dog.

Available Extras include sailor, scribe, nurse and Nerd Squad™.

It's a nice little assortment to help out when the number of people at your table or in your online feed is slim.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: Savaging Your Favorite Rifts® Ideas
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon, Clint Black, Sean Roberson
Pages: 15
Prices: free (PDF)

There’s a whole Megaverse® out there to explore!

This free, 15 page, PDF written by Sean Patrick Fannon with Clint Black and Sean Owen Roberson, aids the Game Master in translating her favorite ideas from the vast amount of material in Palladium’s Rifts® library into Rifts® for Savage Worlds.

Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license.

This product requires these products from Pinnacle Entertainment Group: Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Revised Edition), Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook (Revised Edition, and Rifts®: Savage Foes of North America (Revised Edition), and the Savage Worlds core rules. Game Masters may also want to have the Rifts® North America Books: Arcana & Mysticism, Blood & Banes, and Empires of Humanity.
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[Just Insert Imagination] The Cat Came Back
Author: Brian Reeves
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

When a recently-whacked rival seemingly returns from the grave, the wise guys find themselves dancing to his tune… or else!
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[SWAG][Radulf St. Germain] Legends of the Frost Wars Spielerhandbuch [German]
Author: Radulf St. Germain
Pages: 14
Prices:PWYW, Suggested Price $1.10 (PDF)

Legends of the Frost Wars ist eine Fantasywelt voller großmäuliger Helden, bizarrer Magie und epischer Ereignisse. Das Spiel handelt vom Kampf der Nordmänner aus dem ewigen Eis gegen die dekadenten Südländer. Oder, wenn man so will, vom Kampf der zivilisierten Männer und Frauen des Südens gegen die reaktionären Fanatiker des Nordens. Inmitten des Konflikts bewegen sich die enigmatischen Druiden, die ganz andere Ziele verfolgen und die bösartigen Nachtelfen, die eine Welt ohne Menschen wollen.

Das Spielerhandbuch beschreibt die Welt in einer einfach zugänglichen Weise mit vielen Bildern. Der Schwerpunkt des Dokuments liegt auf den magischen Traditionen der Welt und den Charakterarchetypen.

Das hier ist ein echtes Fanprodukt. Ich habe diese Welt für (und inspiriert durch) meine Spielerrunde erstellt und möchte es mit Euch teilen. Ich freue mich aber über ein paar Groschen, die Ihr mir über PWYW zukommen lassen könnt. Vielleicht kriege ich ja genügend Geld zusammen um das geniale Cover von Jack Holliday zu bezahlen.
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Das PDF des Grundregelwerks der Savage Worlds Abenteuer Edition ist aktuell um 25% reduziert und für 7,49€ zu bekommen!
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[Misfit Studios] Monster Brief: More Monster Mods
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 7
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

Get more mileage out of your Savage Worlds monsters with Monster Brief: More Monster Mods.

Monster mods allow Gamemasters to quickly modify an existing bestiary entry to present a specific type of variation with new and altered abilities. Each mod includes the sort of creatures it is and is not appropriate for, suggested game genres, and mandatory and optional abilities to provide even more customization. A sample modified creature is provided for each mod.

In this product you will find:

    The aquatic/amphibious mod turns the subject into a creature who lives in the water, either part- or full-time. Sample creature: aquatic ogre.
    The assassin cyborg mod uses material in the Science Fiction Companion to turn the subject into a half-organic, half-machine killer. Sample creature: cyborg assassin avion.
    The blind mod uses material in the Horror Companion to turn the subject into a creature that has evolved to life without sight. Sample creature: blind seducer demon.
    The cold elemental mod turns the subject into a creature of frost, ice, or snow. Sample creature: ice dog.
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[GRAmel] Clock and Dagger: The Whale
Author: Jakub Erpegis Osiejewski, Andy Slack
Pages: 8
Prices: $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

In this first official adventure for Clock and Dagger, the players will meet and hate some of the most well-known people of Urx!

In this one-shot adventure the rogues will be running a small illegal gambling house... and coping with a big spender nicknamed "The Whale". Who is she, why is she so rich and why does everyone want to kill her?

This adventure can be played by any guild of thieves, and should take you around 4-5 hours.

You can check main setting here:
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[Dog House Rules] TPSA VTT Shark Tokens
Author:  Karl Keesler, Christopher S. Warner
Pages: 3
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

FREE Quarantine Special!

Designed for use with Trailer Park Shark Attack!, this set of 10 shark tokens enhances your online virtual tabletop gaming experience. All 10 tokens are transparent .png files ready for use on the TPSA maps.
The trailer park is flooded with sharks! Can you survive? Pick a character at random. If you get chewed in half by a shark, pick another ‘Parker and keep playing.

TPSA! is a disaster shark adventure designed for use with Savage Worlds. Once you sink your teeth into it, you can play Trailer Park Shark Attack! again and again.
You can’t swim? You might wanna start sayin’ your prayers.
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[Just Insert Imagination] Night of a thousand Elvises
Author: Karl Keesler
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

A Wiseguys One Sheet for Seasoned characters by Karl Keesler

A missing Capo’s daughter...a hitman on the loose…all the while the city is trying to set the world’s record for the biggest Elvis Impersonator gathering in history. It’s now or never to get this hard-headed woman back to her father’s loving arms.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: The Mega Power List (SWADE Edition)
Author: Matheus Calza, Will Nunes, Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle, Thomas Shook
Pages: 25
Prices: €4,60 (PDF)

This PDF is a complete list compiling all of the core Savage Worlds powers and their modifiers, along with their Mega Power modifiers from the Adventure Edition of Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide.

Now you don’t have to flip back and forth between your core rule book and the Player’s Guide! This handy compilation is perfect for player and Game Master alike.

This product requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Revised Edition), and Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook (Revised Edition) to play. Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Rifts: Form Fillable Character Sheet (SWADE Edition)
Author: Sean Tait Bircher, Robin English-Bircher, Sean Roberson
Pages: 1
Prices: free (Watermarked PDF)

Its dangerous to go alone, take this!

Brave the wastelands with this form-fillable character sheet to guide you on your journey through Rifts® for Savage Worlds, now updated for the newest edition!

This product requires the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide (Second Edition), and Rifts®: Game Master’s Handbook (Second Edition) to play.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Character Folio
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley, Karl Keesler
Pages: 1
Prices: $2.99 (PDF)

This download gives you a Character Folio chock full of good stuff to print and use with our Savage Worlds Adventure Edition RPG!

The Character Folio includes a form-fillable portrait style character sheet, space for background, vehicles, friends and allies, casting modifiers for powers, and a list of Setting Rules so you can check off which apply to your current game.

It also includes print friendly layers and options to print Traits as blanks or dice you can color in to show your hero’s ability.

This product requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: A Tale of Two Killers
Author: Matthew Cutter
Pages: 29
Prices: $4.99 (PDF)

North of Virginia City, Nevada, the land turns dry and mean until a traveler reaches the flyspeck burg of Dante’s Ferry and the banks of Pyramid Lake. But these days sodbusters who walk that path don’t come back. They just get swallowed up by the shadows.
Send your Heroic posse into a town on the verge of oblivion, where they encounter vibrant personalities, stiff challenges, and weird terrors galore. Trouble is, they also find the world’s oldest “living” Harrowed…as well as the Deathly Drifter himself! Can they defeat the evils of Dante’s Ferry…and tell enough rousing tales to save its beleaguered folks?
A Tale of Two Killers requires the Savage Worlds core rules, the Deadlands Player’s Guide, and the Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook to play.
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[Fainting Goat Games] [Savage Worlds]Improbable Tales: Pirates Beyond Time!
Author: Chuck Rice, Michael Lafferty, Cameron Lyle
Pages: 12
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price €1,37 (PDF)

Pirates Beyond Time! will wrap the heroes up in everyone’s favorite shenanigans: TIME TRAVEL WEIRDNESS.

The heroes will contend with a time-line raiding steam-powered pirate known as Captain Aetherblade and his scurvy (and in some cases, mutated) crew.

This adventure will also introduce the players to a potentially global threat, as well as an interesting
new NPC, Tempus Bellator.

As of April 2020, this product (which will usually be priced at $1.50) is currently on sale for zero dollars (well, PWYW) and will be through the extent of the current coronavirus crisis.
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