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[Evil Beagle Games] The Remote is Screaming
Author: Bill Keyes
Pages: 52
Prices: €7,28 (Watermarked PDF)

It is the early 21st Century and ghosts are real, vampires haunt the night, and werewolves prowl the wilderness. And someone has to report on them. That's where you come in.

The Remote is Screaming is complete roleplaying setting for Savage Worlds. Based on a concept by Lee Garvin, it allows you to build your own late-night cable TV reality show and then go hunting monsters. Will you survive long enough to earn big ratings and big money? Or will you become the star of yet another "found footage" movie?

The Remote is Screaming includes the following:

    A brief look at the world of reality TV

    Two optional PC races (werewolf and vampire), nine possible PC archetypes, new Skills, new Edges, and new Hindrances

    A series of tables allowing you to quickly generate scenarios.

    Advice on running your game as comedy, as pure action, as horror, any any combination thereof.

    A full-length adventure.

The Remote is Screaming was inspired by an idea from the late Lee Garvin. This product is dedicated to his memory.

Edited by Jennifer "Maven" Shinefeld and Lee Garvin. Layout by Biill "teh ebil bunneh" Keyes.
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[Atomic Ninja Studios] Super Agers
Author: Jerrod 'Savage Daddy' Gunning
Pages: 7
Prices: PWYW, Suggested Price $1.99 (Watermarked PDF)

In the Golden Age of Supers, the Just Us League were...well, not very good honestly. But now, these silver haired heroes take up the fight once more! Join them in SUPER AGERS, the latest adventure from the whippersnappers at Atomic Ninja Studios.

Rated Mature: Product not suitable for audiences under 65. Grandparental guidance is suggested.
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[Just Insert Imagination] Can a Guy Get a Light?
Author: Peter C. Spahn
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

In this Wiseguys One Sheet adventure, the wiseguys are tasked with burning down an old diner.
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Dungeon Delver's Toolkit
Author: David Anderson
Pages: 3
Price: $1.00 (PDF)

The Dungeon Delver’s Toolkit is a collection of simple Setting Rules that will help to lend an old school fantasy feel to your SWADE games.

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[Just Insert Imagination] The Messenger
Author: Dustin Smith
Pages: 2
Prices: $0.99 (Watermarked PDF)

ANYBODY SEEN VINNIE? Three days ago the underboss’ son, Vincent, went missing. The Crew has been told to keep an eye out for him.

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The Gobfather
Author: Richard Woolcock
Pages: 23
Prices: $2.72 (PDF)
The Gobfather is a six-page crossover mini-setting for Saga of the Goblin Horde and Wiseguys. It is designed to be used with both setting books, although you can also run it with just the Savage Worlds core rules. As a bonus extra, there is a separate 3-page conversion guide for playing The Gobfather using Tricube Tales.

In this humorous modern-day urban fantasy scenario, players take on the role of goblin capos from the Redfang family, leading their gangs into vicious confrontations with both the human authorities and rival criminals.

The second half of the book contains an 11-page adventure called “Baking Bad,” about a baker who turns to a life of crime because he needs the dough. Six pregenerated characters are included at the end of the book—and also in a separate “Goblin Crew” PDF, which can be printed and/or shared with your players.

Offline Vasant

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How To: Skill Specialization
Author: Donavon Bailey
Pages: 8
Prices: 0,89 € (PDF)
The Specializations Setting Rule in Savage Worlds tends to get a bad rap, but if it's applied properly and carefully, I think you can get a lot of mileage out of the rule. How To: Skill Specialization aims to place a spotlight on when to use the rule, the best ways to implement it, and how it interacts with Edges such as Jack-of-All-Trades or rules such as Familiarization.

The Kerberos Anomaly
Author: Radulf St. Germain
Pages: 11
Prices: 1,35 € (PDF)
Mayday, Mayday USS Bakunin is suffering heavy damage! Exiting hyperscape!

In this thrilling one shot the heroes are the crew of the USS Bakunin, an exploratory vessel from Earth, sent to investigate the Kerberos Anomaly. This strange comet, currently between systems and orbited by fragments of unknown materia,l might be a milestone in understanding the very nature of the universe.

As the Bakunin arrives near the anomaly the heroes are roughly awakened from their cryosleep when the ship’s hyperdrive explodes. With critical components lost, they are forced to scavenge materials from the many other ships wrecked by the anomaly. However, they are not the only sentinents stranded here and will have to compete with a group of reckless aliens who also want to fix their ship and escape.

This is what you will get:

A sandbox adventure with random wrecks and fun random salvage
Several starship maps to use for the wrecks. Also a map of the Bakunin (shown above) and of the alien ship that bothers her.
A generic wreck battlemap
Pregenerated characters for instant play.
Generic Battlemap
Your planet needs you! Volunteer now for the greatest adventure in the history of mankind!

Instant Encounters
Author: Jakub Osiejewski
Pages: 5
Prices: PWYW / $1,50 (PDF)
A very simple method of using cards to generate encounters in dungeon crawls, wilderness treks and the like. Just draw a card for each of the four kinds of dungeons described. It's easy to adjust to any genre and any party.

Thanks to Play it Forward initiative, this title will be PWYW until May 17th!

Offline ManuFS

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Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 71
Prices: $6.99 (PDF)

Sprawlrunners is a 71-pages setting-agnostic Savage Worlds toolkit to help you run cyberpunk (with optional magic) in your games! It pays hommage to the classic cyberpunk games of old, bringing their (partially mythically enhanced) flavor to the Fast! Furious! Fun! of the Savage Worlds system.

Sprawlrunners includes:
-Rules and ideas for playable species and how to integrate them in a – potentially magical – cyberpunk world (4 in addition to humans included)
-Edges and Hindrances to enhance a cyberpunk feeling (connecting many systems in Sprawlrunners to tie them into character Advances)
-Two different sets of rules for Hacking in cyberspace (the lightning-quick Fast Lane or the more detailed Slow Burn)
-Jockeys – characters who control vehicles and drones remotely or directly via implants (plus their toys, drones and vehicles!)
-A full system for integrating gear and implants into character Advances instead of keeping track of currency
-Rules to integrate cyberware into character Advances instead of adding another subsystem to the game
-Generic gear typical for cyberpunk settings (including customizable weapons!)
-Optional rules for magic in a cyberpunk world (special gear and three Arcane Backgrounds, one of which is brand new!)

Sprawlrunners expands on existing Savage Worlds systems and is a toolkit containing rules and mechanics. It does not provide setting material!
« Letzte Änderung: 15.12.2020 | 18:42 von ManuFS »
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Sprawlrunners Countdown Deck
Author: Richard Woolcock
Publisher: Veiled Fury Entertainment
Cards: 57
Prices: $9.95 (Print-and-Play PDF + Card(s)), $2.95 (Print-and-Play PDF)

This deck of playing cards is designed to be used with the Sprawlrunners toolkit, and offers the following features:

1. Four jokers instead of the usual two, each with a suit.
2. Prominent “countdown numbers” at the top of each card. These are used for initiative: After dealing the cards, count down from highest to lowest to determine turn order.
3. A special “sprawl symbol” at the bottom of each card. The symbols are improvisational prompts; the “cyber eye” could represent cybernetics, a clue or observation, a retinal scan, or perhaps something more symbolic such as intelligence, light, vigilance, judgement, or authority. Likewise a “fistful of cash” might represent a payment, bribery, theft, etc.

The unique sprawl symbols can be used as inspiration for interludes and downtime activities, for adding flavor to the missions, to flesh out complications during a chase or other encounter, and so on.

Physical Deck + Digital: $9.95
Digital only: $2.95

Digital Content

    The deck in Print-and-play PDF format in both A4 and US Letter format
    Individual image files for the cards to be used with a VTT of your choice

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Sprawlrunners - FoundryVTT Module
Author:  Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Publisher: Veiled Fury Entertainment
Price: $4.99 until 26.03.2021, $6.99 after

PLEASE NOTE: Due to technical limitations of the DriveThruRPG Community Content platform you will not receive a license key for this Foundry module. Instructions on how to install are included as a PDF file, as this module needs to be installed manually. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Release Sale! $4.99 from launch through Friday! $6.99 after sale ends!

Bringing Sprawlrunners to a FoundryVTT table near you!

This download contains the full Sprawlrunners book as a premium module download. This includes the official Sprawlrunners Countdown Deck for use in the module!

If you're looking for the regular PDF and official card deck of Sprawlrunners, you can find them here!

Rules Compendium
The Sprawlrunners rules are organized into the same chapters as the printed book. If you know the title of the article you are looking for, use the search at the top of the Compendiums sidebar so you don't have to dig through multiple folders. The rules have deep entity linking, which means that by clicking on the neon blue, underlined text in each article you will be shown more detailed information about the topic you chose. Some of these are subheadings inside a longer entry, so you may need to scroll down and read through the article to find what you're looking for.

Item Compendiums
The Item compendiums contain all of the Skills, Hindrances, Edges, gear, and powers in the Sprawlrunners rules, complete with fully entity-linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. Note: Because of how Foundry is set up “under the hood”, some things are found in the Item Compendiums that are not traditionally thought of as items in Savage Worlds such as Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Skills. Basically, under Foundryʼs logic, if it can be dropped onto or manually added to your character sheet, itʼs categorized as an item.

Powers, Edges, Hindrances, Skills & Equipment
Contains all of the powers, Edges, Hindrances, Skills, and gear in the Sprawlrunners core rules, complete with fully entity linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. # Item Compendiums The Item compendiums contain all of the Skills, Hindrances, Edges, gear, and powers in the Sprawlrunners rules, complete with fully entity-linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. Note: Because of how Foundry is set up “under the hood”, some things are found in the Item Compendiums that are not traditionally thought of as items in Savage Worlds such as Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Skills.
Basically, under Foundryʼs logic, if it can be dropped onto or manually added to your character sheet, itʼs categorized as an item.

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Offline Radulf St. Germain

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    • Studio St. Germain

When a horde of cannibalistic madmen attacks during your friend's elevation to nobility, it quickly becomes apparent that Wogal's one-way prison prison portal is flawed and the inmates have found a way back to the city state! Together with an egomaniac buffon, the heros travel to the cursed Valley of the Crimson Forest to find the route of escape and close it forever.

Face cannibalistic madmen! Battle ancient horrors! Hexcrawl through a set of beautiful maps and discover the abandoned ruins of an ancient prehuman culture!

"Triumph of the Crimson Cannibals" is a weird fantasy adventure for four novice characters. It is suitable for an evening of play and does not require a lot of preparation. It does, however, offer plenty of maps that alone would normally cost you around 5$. It will give you old-school fun but also an interesting story and some lose ends that the GM can use to make the place her own.

Offline ManuFS

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Modern Traps and Obstacles
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 2
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

A common problem in modern games is a group of players deciding to break into a facility when there was absolutely no reason for the GM to prepare a facility in the first place. Luckily, Savage Worlds provides a great mechanic to improvise such a break-in at short notice, the Dramatic Task.
Modern Traps and Obstacles provides an easy-to-use addition to the Dramatic Task system, supporting the GM with a simple way to generate traps, obstacles, and opposition, and thus making the narrative more sophisticated and fun! It also includes fast optional rules for a Legwork Phase, allowing the heroes to prepare for the break-in if time permits.
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Sprawlrunners - Fantasy Grounds Module
Author: Manuel Sambs, Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by:  Kevin Doswell
Publisher: SmiteWorks LLC
Price: $6.99

Sprawlrunners is now available for Fantasy Grounds!
Thanks to the tireless work of the awesome people over at SmiteWorks, you can now run the sprawl on Fantasy Grounds (Unity and Classic)! The module is available on the FG Store and on Steam!
Please note, inquiries about problems and bugs need to be directed at the email address listed on the FG Store product page!
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Technomancers, A Sprawlrunners Supplement
Author: Adam Loyd
Pages: 10
Prices: $1.99 (PDF)

Lurking in the darkest recesses of cyberspace, an elite cadre of hackers exist. evolved to be children of the Web. Dubbed Technomancers, these Elites can hack cyberspace with just their mind, eschewing clunky cyberdecks and changing the face of the Web forever.

Included in this document are:

    Complete rules for technomancy, both Fast Lane and Slow Burn.
    A fully fleshed out Arcane Background, Technosorcery, as an optional rule, for those wanting a more mystical hacker.
    Sprites, unique digital beings that technosorcerers summon from the Deep Web and use to hack cyberspace.
    New Edges for technomancy

For use with Sprawlrunners for Savage Worlds.
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Offline Radulf St. Germain

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    • Studio St. Germain
Are you a busy person unable to run a full plot point campaign because it would take your group literally years to finish it?

But are you still fed up with one sheets because you like the continuity of a campaign?

"Valley of the Crimson Forest" is a short plot point campaign runable in 6-8 4h hour sessions with optional material for several more. It sticks to the rules of the basic book so your players need not browse through 20+ edges or multiple new arcane backgrounds to get the most out of the setting.

In the defiant city State of Wogal, ruled by a senate of its most distinguished families, there is one punishment for those who defy the social order – banishment!

Exiles will be sent through a magical gate to the inescapable Valley of the Crimson Forest where they live and suffer under the most primitive circumstances. Donnchad, the builder of the exile gate, has done Wogal a great service and is to be rewarded with a seat on the senate. Yet, when exiles manage to return to the city state and kill nobles, it is up to the player characters to travel to the fabled valley and find the means by which the criminals escaped. In the valley, they will find dark secrets they did not want to know and will have to make moral decisions that influence the future of their home.

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Cyberpunk Hideouts
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 4
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Cyberpunk Hideouts

This product is intended to be used with Sprawlrunners, but using it with other products requires only minimal changes.

Sometimes sprawlrunners find a group of like-minded people whose skill-sets and (hopefully) personalities complement each other. When that happens and enough trust has been built, they may look for a place to accommodate team-wide storage of gear and vehicles, training facilities, workspaces, and social gatherings. No sprawlrunner worth their salt would ever give up their own private residence – however small it may be – but concentrating team assets in one place does have benefits.

A hideout is a place where the whole group invests time and resources to build it up and adapt it to the team’s needs. It provides focused facilities and other boons making the life and tasks of the runners easier. This product provides fast, furious, fun rules to build your group's very own hideout. Choose from 12 basic facilities and 17 upgrades to build a base of operations tailored to your needs!
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MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - A Sprawlrunner Supplement
Author: Adam Loyd, Mason Loyd
Pages: 17
Prices: $3.99 (PDF)


Greetings, runner. You have just downloaded quite a valuable paydata file! See, I've run the sprawls for quite some time. No, I'm not going to name how long, just know its been quite a while. Most people thing they already know all that exists in this world. I am living testament to just how wrong that is.

Found inside this datafile, you will find some of the Sprawl's greatest secrets.

Unique metasapients rarely found in the sprawls.

Bewildering magical traditions, and their different outlooks on mana and the world.

Specialized gear, for those needing a greater edge against the competition.

The world is a vast place, full of mysteries yet to be discovered. It is up to you what you do with the following data.

Remember, shoot straight, geek the mage, and never trust a dragon.

While this book may be used as its own product, it is designed for use for Sprawlrunners for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, by Veiled Fury Entertainment.
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Quick Grids
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 4
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

As game masters, our players often go off-track and leave us in the awkward situation of having to improvise some hostile terrain: a dungeon, facility, or cyberspace system. While Savage Worlds provides easy tools for these situations – Quick Encounters and Dramatic Tasks – a game master or group may wish for a bit more mechanical involvement and detail. Quick Grids fills this gap with a fast system to emulate a full run through a multi-stage area.


The Quick Grids supplement can be used to easily emulate a dungeon delve, breaking into a secure research facility, burning through a corporation’s cyberspace system, or infiltrating a hostile space station. It provides a fast rule framework while leaving ample room for individual hero decisions and roleplay.

Heroes or groups work their way through a grid of cards, discovering obstacles as they delve deeper into the chosen location. Depending on their goals they may have to succeed a specific number of rolls, cross the grid, or find a specific card.
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Furious Magic
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 5
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Magic in Savage Worlds depends on Power Points. The core book provides the alternative No Power Points Setting Rule, yet that still relies on the underlying structure of Power Point cost and makes upper Rank powers highly unreliable in use.
Furious Magic is built from the ground up to provide magic use with no reliance on or reference to Power Point cost. Basic spellcasting stays fast and reliable, while Power Modifiers bring difficulty and the potential of consequences for using more powerful magic. In Furious Magic, spellcasters can choose between easy casting of basic spells or risking higher chances of failure and Backlash for additional effects. In the same spirit, duration of powers works differently and becomes a conscious choice between short use of duration powers or the benefit of long-running powers at a price. This leads to an overall increase in power (pun intended) of arcane heroes and we highly recommend setting-specific limitations like restricted power and Power Modifier lists for each Arcane Background.
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Offline Radulf St. Germain

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    • Studio St. Germain

Are you a busy GM who wants to play a few adventures in an Old Mars setting? You already own those for some other game or edition of Savage Worlds and you need a simple and streamlined ruleset for it?

The Old Mars Toolkit gives you the rules you need to create a red or green Martian or a weird Earthling. There are some edges and hindrances that fit the setting as well as equipment and skyships.

Fire radium guns at Green Martians boarding from Sky Raiders! Battle the evil Mollusk attacking your decadent citys state.

All equipment and rules elements in this easy-to-digest booklet are designed for maximum compatibility with the SWADE core rulebook. Start playing within minutes.

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Furious Hacking
Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment
Pages: 4
Prices: $1.00 (PDF)

Furious Hacking aims to provide a fast-resolving mechanics framework to simulate the manipulation of cyberspace systems. To ensure a quick resolution, Furious Hacking assumes that any operator with a cyberspace deck and the Hacking skill is competent enough to break into secured systems. The operator’s actual capabilities will then dictate how effectively they can operate within those systems towards their goal, or goals.

Furious Hacking is fully setting-agnostic! It is compatible with Sprawlrunners and may be used instead of the Fast Lane Hacking option, but does not depend on anything specific to Sprawlrunners!

If you already own Sprawlrunners or Fast Lane Hacking: Furious Hacking does not work with penalties to increase difficulty. Instead it uses its own unique system to ramp up the difficulty over time. It also does not utilize the Dramatic Task as a basis.
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    • Studio St. Germain

Helden von Bifrost (Handbuch für Spielerinnen und Spieler)
Pay what you want

Abenteuer für Spieler von 8 bis 88. „All Age“ im besten Sinne, d.h. interessante und kreative Geschichten im Stil von actiongeladenen Kinderserien wie „Masters of the Universe“ oder „Clone Wars“.

Die Helden von Burg Bifrost dienen dem weisen Rat der sieben Magierinnen und Magier. Sie werden über die Regenbogenbrücke geschickt um die bösen Kreaturen des Erxhexers zu besiegen.
Der Erzhexer hat den Rat der Sieben verraten und lebt jetzt in Burg Weltenschlund, irgendwo auf den eisigen Ebenen jenseits der Realität. Er entsendet seine Diener um die Welten der freien Völker zu unterjochen.

Dies sind die Abenteuer der Heldinnen und Helden von Burg Bifrost! Befreie die erste der 9 Welten in diesem Abenteuerband!

Achtung: Dies ist ein Handbuch für Spielerinnen und Spieler. Die Welt von „Helden von Bifrost“ wird beschrieben und 5 Beispielcharaktere vorgestellt. Die eigentlichen Abenteuer in Form einer Plot Point Kampagne werde ich nach und nach hier publizieren, ebenfalls als „Pay What You Want“.

Offline Hereagain

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Hey Muties, it’s time to get down and roll. Mutants N’ Monster Trucks
is a fan-made expansion to the godly game, Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland.

Mutants N’ Monster Trucks adds an entirely new class, the “Mutant Freak”, Gwark the Demi-God
of all Mutants, and of course Monster Trucks and Monster Truck lore and locations. But that’s
not all! You’ve got some activities, muties! Trade some cards! Do a sick wordsearch! It’s the
works up in here! Now pull up your sleeves, put on your pants, slam some god damn
nitro-slime and get ready to powerslide into this ooze-filled, radiation-blasted
swamp of destruction.

Offline Hereagain

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  • Beiträge: 166
  • Username: Hereagain
Post Apocalyptic Giant ''GM STARTER PACK''
Author: Steve Gaudreau
Pages: Map Pack und Tokens
Prices: $24.95 (PDF)

This Gm starter kit got you all covered.

-Basecamps maps, with day and night versions and 3d views.

-Action maps and safepoints.

-2 Empty maps ready to be filled by you with our amazing art pack!

-7 Maps, 2 of them have Day and nigh versions, all of them have a 3d views and  sometimes more than 1.

-72 Vehicles tokens.

-53 Zombie tokens.

-26 Casual people and hero tokens.

- A gorgeous looking art pack with 60 items to fill your maps.

Everything is here to help you start any post apocalyptic game. Dystopian or modern settings also work perfectly!

You can't get more than this kit for this price, top quality arts guarenteed