Das Tanelorn spielt > [Ironsworn] Der Eisenschwur

[DEs] Your World Truth Workbook Abstimmungs Thread

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Nächster Punkt


Leadership is as varied as the people. Some communities are governed by the head of a powerful family. Or, they have a council of elders who make decisions and settle disputes. In others, the priests hold sway. For some, it is duels in the circle that decide.

Quest Starter: You have vivid reoccurring dreams of an Ironlands city. It has strong stone walls, bustling markets, and a keep
on a high hill. And so many people! Nowhere in the Ironlands does such a city exist. In your dreams, you are the ruler of this
city. Somehow, no matter how long it takes, you must make this vision a reality.

Each of our communities has its own leader, called an overseer. Every seventh spring, the people affirm their current overseer or choose a new one. Some overseers wear the iron circlet reluctantly, while others thirst for power and gain it through schemes or threats.

Quest Starter: An overseer has fallen ill. She is sure to die without help, and the illness is unknown to the village healer. Poison, or perhaps even foul magic, is suspected. The families in the community are now at each other’s throats as they position their preferred candidates to take up the iron circlet. Will you discover the truth of the overseer’s illness and restore her to health?

Numerous clan-chiefs rule over petty domains. Most are intent on becoming the one true king.
Their quabbles will be our undoing.

Quest Starter: You secretly possess one-half of the True Crown, an Old World relic. Centuries ago, this crown was broken in two when an assassin’s axe split the head of the supreme ruler. You are descended from that lineage. Who gave you this relic?
Will you find the other half of the broken crown and attempt to unite the clans under your rule? Or, do you see another use for it?

Ich finde die Wahre Krone klingt ganz interessant.

Ausgewählten punkt hervorgehoben.

Hallo zusammen!
Ich springe mal in medias res.

Ja, ein verlorener König, der das Land vereinen könnte, gefällt mir. Da fängt der Spaß natürlich erst an.

Kann ich mit leben.
Wird dann natürlich spannend wie wir das zu 3. lösen. Denn es kann nur einen wahren König geben. :muharhar:

Wer fragt jetzt im Ironsworn Discord nach den offiziellen PvP Sonderegeln???

Nächster Punkt:


Here in the Ironlands, supplies are too precious, and the lands are too sparsely populated, to support organized fighting forces. When a community is threatened, the people stand together to protect their own.

Quest Starter: A settlement is unable, or unwilling, to defend itself against an imminent threat. Why? What peril do they face? What will you do to protect them?

The wardens are our soldiers, guards, and militia. They serve their communities by standing sentry, patrolling surrounding lands, and organizing defenses in times of crisis. Most have strong ties to their Community. Others, called free wardens, are wandering mercenaries who hire on to serve a community or protect caravans.

Quest Starter: You come upon a dying warden. She tells you of an important mission, and charges you with its completion.
“Swear to me,” she says, reaching out with a bloodied hand to give you an object crucial to the quest. What is it?

Our warbands are rallied to strike at our enemies or defend our holdings. Though not nearly as impressive as the armies that once marched across the Old World, these forces are as well-trained and equipped as their communities can manage. The banners of the warbands are adorned with depictions of their Old World history and Ironland victories.

Quest Starter: A warband was wiped out in a battle against an overwhelming enemy. What is your connection to this band? Who defeated them? Will you carry their banner on a quest for vengeance, or do you vow to see it brought home to a place of honor?

Eine Kampfeinheit wäre ein guter Aufhänger für eine Zusammenführung der Charaktere.  :think:

Ausgewählten punkt hervorgehoben.

Mir gefällt Punkt 2 am besten.


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