Das Tanelorn spielt > [Ironsworn] Der Eisenschwur

[DEs] Your World Truth Workbook Abstimmungs Thread

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Die ersten beiden Punkte von MYSTICISM können wir zu einem verschmelzen und einen eigenen Queststarter basteln.

Nächster Punkt:


A few Ironlanders still make signs or mumble prayers out of habit or tradition, but most believe the gods long ago abandoned us.

Quest Starter: A charismatic Ironlander, encouraging her followers to renounce the vestiges of Old World religions, proposes a new path for this new world. What doctrine does she teach? What does she seek to achieve? Are you sworn to aid or stop her?

The people honor old gods and new. In this harsh land, a prayer is a simple but powerful comfort.

Quest Starter: An Ironlander is determined to make a pilgrimage into dangerous lands. What holy place do they seek? Why do you swear to aid them on this journey? Who seeks to stop them and why?

Our gods are many. They make themselves known through manifestations and miracles. Some say they even secretly walk among us. The priests convey the will of the gods and hold sway over many communities.

Quest Starter: You bear the mark of a god. What is it? The priests declare this as a sign you are chosen to fulfill a destiny. Do you accept this fate, and swear to see it through, or are you determined to see it undone? What force opposes you?

Ausgewählte punkte hervorgehoben.

Der letzte Punkt. Der Queststarter interessiert mich.

Mir gefällt Punkt 2 besser.
Hat eher eine düstere Stimmung die mir irgendwie mehr zusagt, kann aber auch damit leben wenn das Götterwirken auch mal konkret wird.
Mir persönlich ist das aber zu Klischee  ~;D

Religion bringen wir unter einen Hut.

Nächster Punkt:

Hier sollten wir uns auf einen Punkt einigen.


The firstborn have passed into legend. Some say the remnants of the old tribes still dwell in deep forests or high mountains. Most believe they were never anything more than myth.

Quest Starter: Someone obsessed with the firstborn wants to find evidence of their existence. This will require an expedition into the far reaches of the Ironlands. What is your role in this mission?

The firstborn live in isolation and are fiercely protective of their own lands.
Quest Starter: The elf, outcast from his kind, lives with Ironlanders. Over time, he became a part of the community. Now, he is dying. He yearns to return to his people before he passes. Does he seek absolution or justice? Why do you swear to help him? What force opposes his return?

The firstborn hold sway in the Ironlands. The elves of the deep forests and the giants of the hills tolerate us and even trade with us—for now. Ironlanders fear the day they decide we are no longer welcome here.

Quest Starter: Humans and giants are on the brink of war. What has happened? Who do you side with? Can anything be done to defuse the situation?

Ausgewählten punkt hervorgehoben.

1 oder 3 könnte ich mir gut vorstellen. Zum bisher eher mystischen Setting passt 1 besser.


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