Das Tanelorn spielt > [Ironsworn] Der Eisenschwur

[DEs] Your World Truth Workbook Abstimmungs Thread

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Monster brauch das Land :ctlu: 3 find ich gut.

Letzter Punkt:


Nothing but stories to frighten children.

Quest Starter: The murders began last season. Local gossip suggests they are the work of a vengeful horror, but there may be more mundane forces at work. What is your connection to these killings? What will you do to stop them?

We are wary of dark forests and deep waterways, for monsters lurk in those places. In the depths of the long-night, when all is wreathed in darkness, only fools venture beyond their homes.

Quest Starter: You bear the scars of an attack by a horror. What was it? Are those scars physical, emotional, or both? How do you seek to make yourself whole again?

The dead do not rest in the Ironlands. At night we light torches, scatter salt, and post sentries at the gate. It is not enough. They are coming.
Quest Starter: A group of Ironlanders establish a settlement in a territory cursed by a malevolent horror. What evil plagues this land? Why are the Ironlanders so intent on settling here? Will you aid them, or attempt to force them to give up this foolish undertaking?

Ausgewählten Punkt hervorgehoben

Da wir schon Monster überall haben, sollten die Horrors etwas zurückhaltender sein: Option 2

Seh ich ähnlich.


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