Autor Thema: [Mythras] The Isle of Death  (Gelesen 534 mal)

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Prinz Slasar

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[Mythras] The Isle of Death
« am: 25.02.2020 | 15:12 »
Newt Newport gibt uns ein Sneak Peek auf sein kommendes MYTHRAS-Fan-Produkt.

"I've had a Mythras Gateway license for some time now and this is the year I dust it off and use it.
A sneak peek of what I'm up to is  featured in the Grogzilla fanzine I've already funded as part of Kickstarter's ZineQuest 2, and this article on my Sorcerer Under the Mountain goes into detail."

Six for Mythras

"The Isle of Death is going to be our first Mythras book.  It's is a combination of a short setting, that is easily adapted/dropped into existing game worlds, and a longer adventure set on the Isle of the title.  It will be about 1/3 setting info, including cults and cultures, and 2/3 adventure.  If you are familiar with what I put out for OpenQuest as adventure books (Life and Death/Crucible of the Dragons/The Savage North) it will be a similar format."

« Letzte Änderung: 26.02.2020 | 01:01 von Prinz Slasar »