Autor Thema: [Mythras] Perceforest: A High Chivalry Campaign for Mythras  (Gelesen 945 mal)

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In wenigen Tagen kann dieses neue Mythras-Supplement hier gekauft werden.

Der Autor Mark Shirley schreibt:

Perceforest is a setting for Mythras. It is based on a massive epic of the same name which was written in the fourteenth century, describing a Britain before the coming of the Romans yet one with all the hallmarks of high chivalry. This source material has been adapted to create a new fantasy setting with all the adventure of the original work but without its anachronisms and cultural hang-ups.

Perceforest is a world of high chivalry and high fantasy. It is a world of sorcerer-knights and talking animals, a place of wonders and dark menace. The Isle of Bretaigne is mostly wilderness at its core, with cities forming points of safety and civilisation. The wild lands between the cities are not simply uncivilised — this is the home of The Forest, an idiot force of rampant, chaotic growth that seeks to reconquer the land stolen by humans for crops and livestock.

Society in Perceforest revolves around the seven chivalric virtues of Glory, Justice, Love, Majesty, Mercy, Wisdom, and Franchise. These virtues govern the laws of the Twin Kingdoms of Loegria and Albanie. The Seven Gods each champion one of the virtues and help humankind oppose the blind malice of The Forest.

There are three available cultures: Simplefolk, Gentlefolk, and Talking Animal. Each character chooses two careers (one primary, one secondary), allowing the playing of Varlet Knights, Divine Huntsmen, Minstrel Yeomen, Damsel Enchanters, Pursuivant Squires to name but a few. It is assumed that at least one of the player characters is a knight and in control of a small demesne or vill.

Each of the five major campaign themes (High Chivalry, Wonder, The Forest, Colonialism, and Sacred Kingship) is explored with a detailed adventure outline and numerous adventure seeds."

Zusätzlich enthält das Supplement neue Mythras-Regeln:

   " Jousting: these were first printed in Lyonesse and are an extension of the standard Mythras combat system. Also Hunting, which are expanded Task Rounds.
    The Vill: a knight's demesne is his home base, but also a vanguard against The Forest. These rules provide a detailed mechanism for designing and running a vill. Will you be able to bring in enough harvest to feed your peasants? Can you wrest new arable land from the surrounding wilderness? Or will you succumb to The Forest's incursions and become overrun with its monsters.
    Reputations: paramount importance to a chivalric setting are one's Gallant and Knavish reputations — or you can choose the anonymity of being Nameless.
    Paths: similar to a cult or brotherhood but instead these are a personal journey dedicated to one of the chivalric virtues.
    Enchanters: Sorcery is commonplace in Perceforest, and enchanters are capable of remarkable feats of magic. Sorcerers get a boost through the new shaping component of Wonders, which adds flexibility to a magician's repertoire. Magic stems ultimately from The Forest, and those pursuing this career risk its taint. Magical items are gifts from the gods, and grant their wielders remarkable powers at a cost."
(Mark Shirley)

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Re: [Mythras] Perceforest: A High Chivalry Campaign for Mythras
« Antwort #1 am: 28.11.2020 | 18:56 »
Mark Shirley, der Autor von Perceforest, stellt auf seiner Webpage Bonusmaterial bereit:

- vorgefertigte Charaktere
- drei weitere Szenarioideen
- einen Kampagnenumriss
- Heraldik

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Neues Material auf Marks Webpage :

-- Regeln für Minor Characters (Minions)
-- farbige Versionen der Karten