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Was ist eigentlich aus Star Wars D6 geworden

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Auch die 7W können gesplittet werden. Steht bei der Charaktererschaffung sowohl in Krieg der Sterne als auch in den Core Büchern.


--- Zitat ---Und @ XP,
--- Ende Zitat ---

Wir werden voraussichtlich 1x Monat spielen .
Also nicht zu häufig .
Mal schauen was der/die SL dazu sagt...

mit nicht zu häufigem Tanz

Ich hab mal das "Regelupdate" aus dem o.g. Buch rausgesucht.

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)MODIFIED D6 SYSTEM

As I was preparing my Star Wars adventure for Lucca, I ran into
a few snags that the designer in me couldn’t let slide. The original
D6 System was ahead of its time. But that time was thirty years
ago. To me, some of those original mechanics just aren’t up to my
modern design sensibilities. The damage mechanics, in particular,
bothered me as I reread them and worked up the details of my
convention scenario. What worked great thirty years ago seemed
clunky and slow to me now. To make the scenario run smoothly
and to keep die rolling to a minimum, I made some changes for
my anniversary edition of the game.


Star Wars D6 Rules Sheet



[This is the start of my modified rules. I wanted to eliminate the
back and forth of opposed rolls for combat to keep the action
moving and die rolls to a minimum.]

• The difficulty number for an attack action is the target’s
Defense (derived from the Dodge skill and any armor worn).

[I provided pre-generated characters for the players to choose from
and gave every character a Defense number. I derived the Defense
number from the average of a character’s Dodge skill and added
any bonuses for armor to determine a target value. For example, a
character with a Dodge score of 3D + 2 who was wearing a blast
vest received a Defense number of 13: 3.5 x 3, rounded down, for
the dice; +2 for the die bonus; and +1 for the blast vest. Now I knew
I needed to roll 13 or better to hit that character with an attack, and I
assigned similar values to all the NPCs in the adventure.]

• If the attack hits, roll damage. The result of the damage roll
determines what type of damage the target takes: Stun, Wound,
Incapacitated, or Mortally Wounded. When you take damage,
add a mark to the appropriate damage box on your sheet.

[I divided a character’s damage into the four categories
described in the original rules Damage Summary. Take a look
at the accompanying character sheet on page 144. You’ll notice
that the Mon Cal Soldier has a Stunned value of less than 10, a
Wounded value of 10–19, an Incapacitated value of 20–29, and
a Mortally Wounded value of 30+. In the original game, after
determining if an attack hit, your damage roll was compared
against the target’s Strength roll and the type of damage inflicted
depended on whether the result was less than, greater than, twice
as much, or three times as much as the opposed Strength roll.
Again, opposed rolls have their place, but in a combat scene
where I want the action and story to take center stage, my goal
was to keep die rolling to a minimum.]

• A character’s damage codes are derived from the Strength attribute.
[I used the average of a character’s Strength dice to set values.
In the case of the Mon Cal Soldier, a Strength of 3D resulted in
a base number of 10, doubled to 20, and tripled to 30. (3.5 x 3 =
10.5, rounded down to 10.)

The number of hits (indicated by marks in the appropriate box)
the character could withstand was also determined by the Strength
dice. In the case of the Mon Cal Soldier, 3.]

[ 3x Stunned = Unconcious / 3x Wounded = Incapacitated / 3x Incapacitated = Mortally Wounded / 3x Mortally Wounded = Dead ]


[Here are the way damage results play out. I think this is more
in keeping with the cinematic nature of Star Wars combat, and it
played fantastically well at the convention.]

• Stun. For every stun a character receives, actions are reduced
by 1 point. So, if you have 2 stuns, your skill checks are made at
–2. If your stuns equal your stun number, you fall unconscious.

• Wound. A wounded character’s actions are reduced by 1D. If
your wounds equal your wound number, you are incapacitated
and receive 1 incapacitated mark.

• Incapacitated. An incapacitated character’s actions are
reduced by 2D. If your incapacitated equals your incapacitated
number, your character is mortally wounded and receives 1
mortal mark.

• Mortally Wounded. If a character is mortally wounded,
actions are reduced by 3D and the character is dying. If
your mortal wounds equal your mortal wound number, your
character is dead.

• Healing (Healing must deal with the most serious condition first.)

• Stun. Stuns clear at the end of a combat scene. Remove
unconscious with an Easy Medicine check.

• Wound. After combat, Stamina check clears Wounds (6–10
= 1w, 11–15 = 2w, 16–20 = 3w). Medicine check and medpac
or medkit removes wounds (3–5 = 1w, 6–8 = 2w, 9–12 = 3w,
13–16 = 4w).

• Incapacitated. Incapacitated effects can only be healed using
Medicine and a medpac. (6–10 = 1 incap, 11–15 = 2 incap,
16–20 = 3 incap, 21–25 = 4 incap)

• Mortally Wounded. Mortal wounds can only be healed
using Medicine and a medpac. (11–15 = 1 m, 16–20 = 2 m,
21–25 = 3 m, 26–30 = 4 m)


If you happen to have a copy of the original D6 Star Wars RPG
lying around, or if you pick up a set of the commemorative books
that Fantasy Flight released for the thirtieth anniversary, give
these slight rules changes a try. For me, they made the game move
faster and added even more to the cinematic feel of the original
combat rules.
Ich glaube, dass es im Sinne des Autors ist, wenn diese Regeländerung ihren Weg an den Spieltisch finden sollte, aber ich kann das Buch auch jedem empfehlen, der sich für die Entstehungsgeschichte des Star Wars Rollenspiels und dessen Einfluss auf das EU interessiert. (Über Amazon hab ich das übrigens auch "versandkostenfrei" als Hardcopy bekommen.) Da sind die paar Euro echt gut ausgegeben.

Das Kampfsystem von WEGs Star Wars RPG war für mich immer der einzige echte Stolperstein und das hier vorgeschlagen System glättet es in meinen Augen deutlich mit (s)einem modernen Ansatz (der Text entstand 2017), zu dem bspw. das öfters von mir erwähnte Match-System unanabhängig von diesem Text auch gelangt ist. Die Parallele ist echt erstaunlich. - Oder vielleicht auch nicht, sondern einfach konsequent weitergedacht.  :think:

Danke, Klingt teils sehr ähnlich zu Mini6, die ja auch die Defensivwerte statisch schlicht als Mindestwurf ableiten.

Einzig 3x stunned = unconscious passt für mich nicht in die Gesamtlogik - so wie es da steht.
Würfel ich drei mal mickrige Schadenswerte geht der Mon Cal k.o.? Oder lese ich das falsch?


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