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Broken Compass (2LM)

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Das ist so.


--- Zitat von: HEXer am 17.01.2025 | 12:59 ---Das ist so.

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Hey Hexer, erstmal welcome back! :)

Ja, aber wer sagt das? :D

Und, findet hier keiner dass man das nicht eben so rauslesen müsste an der Stelle?

(Außerdem, Sashaels Regelinterpretation kann ja auch so nicht stimmen, da dort ganz klar steht, dass man schon liegende Pasche nicht neuwürfeln darf.)

Hier noch das vollständige Zitat:

--- Zitat ---Risk
If you rolled at least one Success of any kind but you’re not happy with the result, you can choose to press on and take a Risk.

When you do this, you take all dice that weren’t part of a Success and re-roll them. Bear in mind you can’t choose which dice to keep and which to roll: you have to keep all dice you rolled in some kind of combination and re-roll the rest. If you get at least one additional Success, all the better, you improve your situation.

For example, if you roll for a task with 4 dice and get ⚀- ⚂- ⚂- ⚅, you might want to risk it. To do so, you keep the two ⚂ on the side and re-roll the other two dice. If at this point you roll another pair or at least one additional ⚂, you’re in luck. If, instead, you’ve taken a Risk and rolled no additional Successes, you have to forfeit one of the Successes you had previously rolled. Grasp all...

For example, if you rolled five dice, got ⚁- ⚂- ⚃- ⚃- ⚄, took a Risk and gained no additional Successes, it means you wanted too much. You lose the two-of-a-kind you had previously rolled.

There are cases in which you can take a Risk... But risk nothing at all. When you get the chance, you better take it, since you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

When you’re rolling a task related to one of your Expertises, you can rely on a Re-roll. A Re-roll replaces the normal Risk mechanic and allows you to re-roll dice without the risk of losing any Success.

For example, if you’re a Medic and roll for a task in First Aid, you can use your Expertise “Medicine” to gain a Re-roll. This way, even if you don’t roll any additional Successes, you don’t have to forfeit any Success previously rolled, as you would with a normal Risk.

In case you’re wondering, yes, this means you may use a Re-roll even if you obtained no Successes with your first roll.
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--- Zitat von: HEXer am 17.01.2025 | 13:11 ---Hier noch das vollständige Zitat:

--- Ende Zitat ---

Super, danke dir... Hatte hier nur den Quickstarter als PDF.
Muss mir angewöhnen, mal ins normale Regelbuch aus Papier zu schauen mit Panzerbrille... :D

Wie seht ihr (Comstar und Hexer) Sashael's Umschreibung von meinem Punkt 2? Würdet ihr das auch so unterschreiben dass man entweder Luck verliert oder "doofe Sachen passieren", aber nicht beides?

Ich fürchte dann habe ich bisher auch was falsch gemacht, wenn man auch ohne einen Erfolg zu haben, mittels Expertise neu würfeln kann.


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