Autor Thema: RRR - Rise Roar Revolt  (Gelesen 1871 mal)

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Offline AndreJarosch

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RRR - Rise Roar Revolt
« am: 3.04.2022 | 10:02 »
RRR - Rise Roar Revolt

Is a Tollywood/Bollywood action movie set in the 1920s.

After seeing (and loving) the Bahubali movie(s) i was eager to see the new movie from the same author/director duo.

It is a film set in 1920s india. Two rebels against the british ocupators.
The heroes are larger than life.
It is a bromance, but also includes two little romances.
There is a lot of over the top action, and very well made CGI effects.
There is some singing and dancing, but never inappropriate, it all is fitting to the film.
There is drama, betrayel, HEROISM, and more.
The film has no fantasy elements what so ever (except the larger than live heroes deeds, heroic poses, etc.).

After watching just the trailer i thought at first, that apart from watching this movie i could use some of the ideas in the film for a Call of Cthulhu game. It is set in the 1920s in india after all! Add some cthuloid elements and motivations, and the british could be Cthulhu worshippers, trying to enslave the indian population to feed their god! Or the indians worship an ancient Great Old One, and the british investigators have to stop the savages!

I was WRONG!

This movie is not one i see as adapting ideas from for Cthulhu, but more for RuneQuest Glorantha!

My advice:
Go and watch this movie. It is excellent!

I saw this movie yesterday night at the cinma in Telugo with english subtitles. The british actors speak english (and are also subtitled in english), the indian actors speak Telugu (and are subtitled in english), on rare coccasions some indian actors speak a few sentences in english (which also also subtitled in english).

Attached the trailer in Telugu, but you can add english subtitles on Youtube.

Why this recomendation/review in english?
Because if you are not able to read THIS, you will not be able to read the subtitles!


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Re: RRR - Rise Roar Revolt
« Antwort #1 am: 3.04.2022 | 11:13 »
Why this recomendation/review in english?
Because if you are not able to read THIS, you will not be able to read the subtitles!

Clever.  :d

Offline AndreJarosch

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Re: RRR - Rise Roar Revolt
« Antwort #2 am: 3.04.2022 | 19:20 »
Könnte ein MODERATOR dieses Posting bitte löschen?

Ich hatte es versehentlich hier hin gepostet und nicht unter "Sehen".