Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Pathfinder/3.x/D20
Buy the Numbers
Selganor [n/a]:
Fuer alle Leute die immer noch der Meinung sind d20 sollte klassen- und levelfrei sein gibt es jetzt Buy the Numbers
Hier mal der Klappentext:
--- Zitat ---Tired of multi-classing, just to get one ability from a certain class? Perhaps you wanted to be a Rogue with a few spells, but the ?singing? Bard was not appealing. Maybe you wanted to be a nature warrior, but did not desire all the spells from the Ranger class? Have you ever wanted a mage who could rage?
Have you ever thought it was silly to adventure for weeks and weeks without ever showing improvement, but then you hit a ?magic? number of xp and ?BAM?: all of your abilities increase? Has your character ever traveled into a new land and you asked the GM if you could try and learn the local language? But the GM had to respond ?sorry, you can?t learn anything new until you get 4,500 more experience points?.
Now, you no longer have to purchase libraries full of supplements, just to find a pseudo-class that suits your needs. Now you can gain skills, abilities, spells, as you go!
Get ready to change the way you think of character advancement. Get ready to have unprecedented freedom of choice! Get ready for: ?Buy the Numbers!?
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Sollte sich jemand dieses Buch holen kann er ja mal einen Kommentar dazu abgeben ;)
--- Zitat von: Selganor am 1.07.2004 | 08:30 --- Get ready to have unprecedented freedom of choice!
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Das soll wohl ironisch gemeint sein...
soll das sowas wie eine anleitung zu einem universellen baukasten sein?
Monkey McPants:
Also ein point-buy für d20 is meines Wissens nichts neues. BESM hat sowas, M&M hab ich gehört auch. Verdammt, sogar ich hab sowas ähnliches schon gebaut, und ich Spiel nichtmal d20. ;D
Fredi der Elch:
Hm. Ich bin fast versucht, es mir aus reiner Neugierde zu kaufen. Für 6$... *grübel*
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