Danke für die Info.
Aber so wirklich klar ist mir immer noch nicht wie ich die Belastung berechnen muss bzw ob es da genaue Werte dafür gibt 
Encumbrance Levels
Clothes, a belt with a small pouch, a single weapon or two light weapons, and light traveling gear (a small 5 kg backpack or bag).
Lightly Encumbered
Clothes, a belt with a scabbard and a single heavy weapon or two light weapons, a small quiver with a few arrows, and some traveling gear (a 10 kg backpack or bag).
Clothes, a belt with a pouch, a heavy weapon or two light weapons, a heavy backpack with 1 week worth of rations, a bedroll, and various traveling equipment.
Heavily Encumbered
Clothes, several melee or ranged weapons, a big and very heavy (25+ kg) backpack with lots 2 weeks of rations, a camping tent, and other encumbering traveling gear, special equipment like a rope and pulley, chains, heavy treasure (like a bag with a thousand coins).
Over Encumbered
The character is really overburdened, like dragging a sled with a big load (or pulling or carrying the body of a
wounded companion). Generally this is not how the character runs around while adventuring but more likely a
particular condition the character can endure only for a short period.