Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Fading Suns
FS News
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For the first time in our history, and in cooperation with Holistic Design Inc, RedBrick will be attending an exhibition with our own booth. The Spiel'07 is the world's biggest consumer gaming fair and takes place from October 18 to 21, 2007, at Messe Essen, in Germany.
If you are attending, do visit our booth, where you can meet our staff (flying in from all over the world!) and chat about our books, projects, and games! You'll be able to purchase all of our products at the fair, and be able to see exclusive previews of Burning Desires (Earthdawn) and Arcane Tech (Fading Suns). We will also be showcasing games from the new ProIndie line.
Es gibt Neuigkeiten; naemlich Church Fiefs als PDF, print folgt:
Und die Print-Ausgabe ist erhaeltlich:
Es gibt drucktechnisch bedingt nur ein Softcover - sonst gibt's auch Hardcover, aber das laesst sich nur bei dickeren Buechern machen. :)
Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.):
Seit heute gibt es eine neue Shard zu FS, Kranken's Loom - ein Abenteuer im Hawkwood/Vuldrok-Raum.
--- Zitat ---Kraken's Loom
It is the dawn of the sixth millennium and the skies are darkening, for the suns themselves are fading. Humans reached the stars long ago, building a Republic of high technology and universal emancipation—and then squandered it, fought over it, and finally lost it.
A New Dark Age has descended upon humanity, for the greatest of civilizations has fallen and now even the stars are dying. Feudal lords rule the Known Worlds, vying for power with fanatic priests and scheming guilds.
Fading Suns is a science fiction game of heavy combat, vicious politics, weird occultism, alien secrets and artifacts, and unknown and un-mapped worlds. The Shards series is a collection of adventures and encounters, intended as an inexpensive resource for Fading Suns gamemasters.
This volume contains the adventure Kraken's Loom, designed for a group of 3 to 6 player characters. In this adventure, the characters search for a Hawkwood Count, a prominent diplomat whose ship was lost in the outer reaches of the Leminkainen system. The trail leads to Hargard, however, where they learn that there are many fates worse than death..
--- Ende Zitat ---
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Hi Leute,
gerade hat Holistic Design Arcane Tech freigegeben. In den naechsten paar Tagen wird dann erst das PDF erhaeltlich sein, danach folgen, mit der ueblichen Verzoegerung, Soft- und Hardcover-Ausgaben.
Hier gibt's schonmal eine Preview zu bewundern, das Cover wie immer von der grandiosen Kathy Schad:
Viel Vergnuegen damit!
Alex Wichert
Line Developer RedBrick
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