Autor Thema: The Misty Marshes - Ein AAA Abenteuer  (Gelesen 435 mal)

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Offline Mouncy

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  • Beiträge: 880
  • Username: Mouncy
The Misty Marshes - Ein AAA Abenteuer
« am: 23.12.2022 | 14:12 »
Ein echtes triple A Abenteuer - "AI Assistet Adventure" - nur echt mit 52 Zähnen.  ~;D Keiner der nachfolgenden Texte wurde von mir selbst verfasst, sonder ausschließlich über Chat-GPT Open AI. Nur ein Experiment weil mir langweilig war und am letzten Tag im Homeoffice kann man sich sowas schon mal gönnen, finde ich. Werde ich das jemals leiten? Hell no! Aber hat trotzdem spaß gemacht mit der AI herumzutüfteln. Ein paar Textstellen habe ich eingekürzt weil zu vile laber schwall, außerdem die Stats etwas verkürzt aus Platzgründen. Der Rest ist alles ehrlich erpromptet ohne Schummeln.
Frohe Feiertage euch allen und einen guten Rutsch!

The Misty Marsh
Description: The Misty Marsh is a vast, murky swamp that stretches for miles in every direction. It is a humid, humid place, filled with mists that hang low to the ground, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. The air is heavy with the scent of decay, and the ground is soft and spongy beneath your feet. The swamp is home to a wide variety of dangerous creatures, including giant snakes, crocodiles, and giant spiders. The trees that grow here are twisted and gnarled, and the ground is dotted with pools of murky water. The Misty Marsh is a treacherous place to travel, and those who venture here without proper precautions often do not return.
Layout: The Misty Marsh is a large, open area, with a few small islands scattered throughout. There are several different paths that wind through the swamp, each one leading to a different destination. Some paths are more treacherous than others, and it is up to the players to decide which route they want to take. Along the way, they may encounter various hazards, such as quicksand, sinkholes, and predatory creatures. There are also a few ruins scattered throughout the swamp, which may contain treasure or other valuable items.

Hex List:
Quicksand: This hex is filled with patches of quicksand that can swallow up unwary travelers.
Sinkhole: This hex is dotted with sinkholes that can swallow up anyone who falls into them.
Murky Pool: This hex is filled with stagnant, murky water that is home to all sorts of dangerous creatures.
Giant Spider Lair: This hex is home to a nest of giant spiders, who are always on the lookout for their next meal.
Crocodile Den: This hex is home to a group of crocodiles, who are always hungry and looking for prey.
Giant Snake Pit: This hex is home to a group of giant snakes, who are always on the lookout for their next meal.
City of the Lost: This hex contains the ruins of the City of the Lost, once known as Lúthien. It was a place of magic and wonder, a bustling hub of trade and commerce, but was destroyed by a catastrophic event, such as a massive earthquake or a devastating plague.
Swampland: This hex is a dense, tangled mass of swampy vegetation, making it difficult to navigate.
Marsh: This hex is a wide expanse of wetland, filled with mists and treacherous footing.
Bog: This hex is a soft, spongy area of wetland, filled with pools of water and quicksand.
New Haven: This hex contains a small village or town inhabited by humanoids such as humans, elves, or dwarves, and is named New Haven.
The Overland Trail: This hex is a well-traveled road leading from New Haven to other nearby towns and cities, and is named the Overland Trail.
Bandit Camp: This hex is home to a group of bandits who prey on travelers along the Overland Trail.
Swampland: This hex is a dense, tangled mass of swampy vegetation, making it difficult to navigate.
The Temple of the Moon Goddess: This hex contains the remains of an ancient temple dedicated to a moon goddess, and is named the Temple of the Moon Goddess.
Mysterious Swamp: This hex is a mysterious, unexplored area of the swamp that is rumored to contain hidden dangers and treasures.

NPC List New Haven:
Balthazar the blacksmith: Balthazar is a gruff, no-nonsense gnome blacksmith who runs the town's only forge. He's known for his excellent craftsmanship, but he's also fiercely protective of his business and doesn't take kindly to haggling. Balthazar is willing to hire adventurers to retrieve a rare ore from a nearby mine, which he needs to make a special order of weapons.
Lady Isadora: Lady Isadora is the wealthy owner of the town's only inn, the Golden Tankard. She's a sharp-witted businesswoman who knows how to turn a profit, but she's also known for her kindness and generosity towards her guests. Lady Isadora is an elf. She is willing to hire adventurers to track down a group of thieves who have been stealing from her inn, and bring them to justice.
Captain Marcus: Captain Marcus is the leader of New Haven's guard, and is responsible for maintaining order in the town. He's a tough, no-nonsense man who takes his job seriously, but he's also fair and just. Captain Marcus is a human. He is willing to hire adventurers to investigate a series of attacks on travelers on the nearby trade road, and find out who is responsible.
Mayor Harold: Mayor Harold is the elected leader of New Haven, and is responsible for the town's day-to-day operations. He's a well-respected man who is always looking for ways to improve the town and its people. Mayor Harold is a gnome. He is willing to hire adventurers to retrieve a valuable artifact from a nearby ruin, which he believes will bring prosperity to the town.
Professor Alistair: Professor Alistair is a retired scholar who now lives in New Haven. He's always looking for new students to teach, and is known for his extensive knowledge of history, magic, and other subjects. Professor Alistair is a genasi. He is willing to hire adventurers to retrieve a rare book from a distant library, which he believes will contain important knowledge.
The Traveling Minstrels: The Traveling Minstrels are a band of bards who travel from town to town, performing their music and telling stories. They're a lively, energetic group who are always ready to entertain. The Traveling Minstrels are made up of a mix of races, including humans, elves, and dwarves. They are willing to hire adventurers to retrieve a rare musical instrument from a nearby ruin, which they believe will enhance their performances.

Rumours List:
Rumor: There is a powerful magic weapon hidden in the ruins of the ancient temple.
Status: False. While the temple does contain some valuable artifacts, there is no magic weapon hidden there.
Rumor: The Traveling Minstrels are searching for a magical instrument that can control the weather.
Status: True. The Traveling Minstrels are indeed searching for a rare musical instrument that they believe has the power to control the weather.
Rumor: There is a hidden treasure buried in the swamp, guarded by a group of fierce crocodiles.
Status: False. There is no treasure hidden in the swamp, and the crocodiles in the area are no more fierce than any other predators.
Rumor: The bandits on the trade road are led by a powerful sorceress who can turn invisible.
Status: False. The bandits on the trade road do not have any magical powers, and their leader is just a regular person.
Rumor: The thieves who have been stealing from Lady Isadora's inn are hiding out in the giant spider lair.
Status: True. The thieves are indeed hiding out in the giant spider lair, and Lady Isadora is willing to hire adventurers to track them down and bring them to justice.
Rumor: Professor Alistair is looking for a group of adventurers to help him retrieve a cursed book from a distant library.
Status: False. Professor Alistair is indeed looking for a rare book from a distant library, but it is not cursed and does not pose any danger to those who handle it.

The Temple of the Moon Goddess
This quest involves retrieving a valuable artifact from the ancient temple located in hex 15. The temple is a crumbling, overgrown structure that is rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of its former priests.
Outdoor Areas:
The Temple Courtyard: This is a large, open area surrounded by the temple's outer walls. It is overgrown with weeds and rubble, and is home to a number of small animals.
The Temple Gardens: These are a series of terraced gardens located on the temple's lower levels. They are overgrown and neglected, but still contain a number of beautiful plants and flowers.
The Temple Stairway: This is a grand, stone staircase leading up to the temple's main entrance. It is partially collapsed, but is still usable with caution.
The Temple Vestibule: This is a large, open room located just inside the main entrance of the temple. It is filled with rubble and debris, and is home to a number of small animals.
The Temple Sanctuary: This is the main worship area of the temple, located at the top of the grand staircase. It is a large, open space with a high ceiling, and is filled with rubble and debris.
The Temple Library: This is a small, cramped room located on the lower levels of the temple. It is filled with old, dusty books and scrolls, and is home to a number of small rodents.
The Temple Crypt: This is a small, underground room located beneath the temple. It is filled with ghosts
Ghost: Type: Undead Size: Medium Alignment: Any (typically evil)
Armor Class: 11 Hit Points: 45 (10d8) Speed: 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
Str: 7 (-2) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 10 (+0) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 16 (+3)
Saving Throws: Wisdom +3, Charisma +5
Damage Immunities: Acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities: Charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained
Possession: The ghost can try to possess a humanoid within 5 feet of it by using its action. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 13) or be possessed by the ghost; the ghost then disappears, and the target is incapacitated and loses control of its body. The ghost now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The ghost can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed and frightened. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.

The City of the Lost, once known as Lúthien, was a place of magic and wonder, a bustling hub of trade and commerce. It was a city of elven beauty and refinement, a place of light and hope. But disaster struck, and the city was consumed by darkness. A catastrophic event, such as a massive earthquake or a devastating plague, brought Lúthien crashing down, leaving it a shadow of its former self. The city is now overgrown with weeds and rubble, a place of ruins and abandoned buildings. It is a haunting reminder of what was lost, a testament to the fragility of even the most beautiful and prosperous of places.
The Broken Plaza: This is a large, open area surrounded by the city's outer walls. It was once a bustling hub of trade and commerce, but was destroyed by a catastrophic event, such as a massive earthquake or a devastating plague. It is now overgrown with weeds and rubble, and is a shadow of its former self.
The Crumbling Bridge: This is a grand, stone bridge that spans a deep chasm in the middle of the city. It was once a major transportation route, but is now partially collapsed, a reminder of the city's tragic fate. Adventurers should be cautious of the unstable structure as they cross.
The Ruined Marketplace: This is a large, open area that was once a bustling marketplace, but is now filled with rubble and debris. It is a reminder of the city's former prosperity, and a haunting reminder of what was lost. A group of goblins have taken up residence in one of the ruined stalls, and have set up traps to defend their lair.
The Abandoned Warehouse District: This is a series of large, open warehouses that were once used to store goods, but are now empty and abandoned. They are a testament to the city's former wealth and power, and a reminder of the devastation that brought it all crashing down. The warehouses are now home to a variety of wild swamp animals, such as snakes, lizards, and crocodiles. Adventurers may find a few scattered silver wares and coins amongst the abandoned crates and barrels.
Goblins Armor Class: 12 Hit Points: 7 (2d6) Speed: 30 ft.
Abilities: Str: 8 (-1) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 10 (+0) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 8 (-1) Cha: 8 (-1)
Skills: Stealth +6 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. Languages: Goblin
Nimble Escape: The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns. Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the goblin has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Names: Gizmik, Skragg, Zog, Norg, Grishnak, Gob, Grok, Stik

Tripwire: This trap consists of a thin wire strung across a doorway or corridor, at ankle height. DC to detect: 13 (Perception) DC to disable: 13 (Thieves' Tools) Trigger: A creature moving within 5 feet of the tripwire Effect: When triggered, the trap causes a loud noise and trips up the victim, causing them to fall prone.
Falling Log: This trap consists of a heavy log suspended above a doorway or corridor, held in place by a weak support beam. Damage: 1d10 bludgeoning damage DC to detect: 14 (Perception) DC to disable: 14 (Thieves' Tools) Trigger: A creature moving within 5 feet of the trap Effect: When triggered, the trap releases a heavy log suspended above a doorway or corridor, causing it to fall and crush anyone underneath.

The Mischievous Marauders
The goblins in the City of the Lost have always been a thorn in the side of the bandits from the Bandit Camp, who rely on the Overland Trail for their livelihood. The bandits have attempted to drive the goblins out of the ruins on numerous occasions, but the cunning and nimble creatures have always managed to evade capture or defeat.
Recently, the bandits have grown more aggressive in their efforts to rid the ruins of the goblins. They have started setting traps and ambushes for the goblins, and have even hired a group of mercenaries to assist them in their efforts.
The goblins, however, are not about to give up their home without a fight. They have begun setting their own traps and laying ambushes for the bandits and their allies, using their knowledge of the ruins to their advantage.
As the conflict between the goblins and the bandits escalates, it becomes clear that one side will not emerge victorious without significant losses. It remains to be seen whether the goblins will be able to defend their home, or if the bandits will finally succeed in driving them out.
Captain "Lucky" Lulu: A halfling rogue with a penchant for gambling and a lucky streak.
"Black-Hearted" Benji: A human rogue with a reputation for being ruthless and cruel.
"Pistol" Pete: A gnome ranger with a love for firearms and explosives.
"One-Eyed" Ollie: A half-elf bard with a missing eye and a talent for storytelling.
"Sneaky" Sue: A human rogue with a knack for stealth and deception.
Bandit Stats:
Armor Class: 12 (leather armor) Hit Points: 10 (2d8) Speed: 30 ft.
Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 10 (+0) Int: 8 (-1) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 8 (-1)
Skills: Stealth +4 Senses: Passive Perception 10
Surprise Attack: If the bandit surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage to the target.
Actions: Scimitar: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.