Aus meinen Notizen (Infos sind ca. 1,5 Jahre alt... es könnte sich also was geändert haben):
New edition has the goal to make it as accessible as possible to new players; core roll-out will be broken up into 3 books:
1) core rule book (ca 250pages),
2) GM book (ca 250 pages),
3) Custom & Law book (125 pages) (castle, sieges, baronial stuff)
Different cultural backgrounds will not be in the core book; but new edition of BoKaL manuscript exists Other material in the pipeline:
Expanded options for characters like
- book on Saints,
- book on magicians,
- book on courtly knights / ladies,
- book on 'secondary' characters
- Revised battle system: Complete redesign from the ground up, retained core designs, more focus on your knights on the field and their surroundings, less battlefield tactics, battle system is built around 'encounters'
Other subsystems included in the core books of 6th edition:
- Official raiding rules (in GM book)
- Hunting, Feasts, Chases, Romance will be included in the GM book to some degree
- Full Siege system and tourney system included in the GM book. Siege system is again focused on the individual knights
Great Pendragon Campaign:
3 volumes of GPC, 2 periods covered in each;
will start from Boy King period
Grail Quest massively expanded
Each volume can stand on its own with introductory squire quests
More detailed scenarios and multi-year story arcs in the GPC
A follow up to the 'new' 3 part GPC will be a revised book(s) on the Uther Period and Anarchy Bits and pieces:
New passions (station passion, chivalry passion)
Manorial system: No big changes to BoE system
Default assumption in 6e: Start out as a household knight set to inherit the manor; so manorial stuff will be introduced later in the campaign
New magic system: type of magicians with a distince feel: enchancter / enchantress: druid sorcerer / sorceress: 'resentful clerk'
Used 4e magic system as a starting point
Saints book has a miracles system
Adventure books: A lot of scenarios in the new regional books; at the moment no dedicated adventure book planned
Regional books: Yes these will be redone, but even bigger than they were. done in a 'mini GPC' style that allow a campaign in that region
Manuscript for Book of Cornwall is drafted / complete (?)