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Elfen & Zwerge ohne klassische Bauern
Ich habe leider gerade nichts neues beizutragen, wollte aber mal loswerden, dass ich diesen Faden als beeindruckendes Feuerwerk der Kreativät erlebe :d.
Gerade über folgendes gestolpert, da musste ich sofort an diesen Thread denken:
Deadly centipede discovered in a cave that hasn't seen daylight in 5.5 million years:
A venomous centipede species, Cryptops speleorex, was discovered as the top predator in Romania's Movile Cave, a dark, toxic environment that has been sealed off from daylight for over 5.5 million years.
Movile Cave, located 65 feet below the surface, is filled with warm, moist air low in oxygen and rich in toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide and methane, which support chemosynthetic bacteria.
Despite these extreme conditions, the cave hosts a variety of life, including spiders, scorpions, and earthworms.
The newly found centipede, nicknamed the "king of the cave," is the largest of its predatory arthropods, measuring around 2 inches long and equipped with deadly venomous bites.
Living in complete darkness, C. speleorex has evolved unique features, including longer antennae and specialized saw teeth on its legs, to thrive in this harsh environment.
It preys on other cave-dwelling creatures, such as spiders and beetles, ruling over an ecosystem that includes 51 invertebrate species, 34 of which are found only in Movile Cave.
Researchers found that this centipede has genetically diverged from its surface-dwelling relatives over millions of years, adapting to the poisonous, lightless conditions of the cave to become an entirely new species.
(auf FB ohne Quellenangaben, aber vielleicht findet man ja was wenn man nach den genannten Namen sucht.)
Das Problem mit solchen Höhlenkreaturen ist, dass sie sich aufgrund des limitierten Nahrungsangebots meist extrem langsam vermehren.
Daher die Idee mit den Termiten, die brauchen kein Licht, aber man kann deren Nahrung von außen importieren.
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