Autor Thema: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten  (Gelesen 37628 mal)

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Offline Managarmr

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #100 am: 30.08.2004 | 21:29 »
Here's a recolored version of the Amalthean Field Medic. I had to promote him so he is entitled to wear white robes.

That one looks better!
Fantastic work, all of you!!  :d
« Letzte Änderung: 30.08.2004 | 21:31 von Managarmr »

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Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #101 am: 30.08.2004 | 23:07 »
Well, here's my sketch for the Li Halan knight....

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #102 am: 31.08.2004 | 20:17 »
Well, here's my sketch for the Li Halan knight....

Great picture! The pose is excellent  :).

The staff like thing in his right hand looks a bit strange, though.

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #103 am: 31.08.2004 | 20:43 »
The staff like thing in his right hand looks a bit strange, though.
Hmm, yup- should be a spear-like weapon, but the blade didn't fit on the paper ;-) Perhaps I'll change it to a drawn sword or something like that.

Here's the Avesti...


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #104 am: 1.09.2004 | 00:16 »
Very well done, sir Enkidi !

May this humble advice not be misunderstood as a critique ;)
If anathomy is an issue: The feet of the the Avesti priestess are very small. To look more natural, they should at least have the same size as the Avestine's hands.
« Letzte Änderung: 1.09.2004 | 00:19 von Azentar »

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #105 am: 1.09.2004 | 01:56 »
The Avestite rocks  :) - well done! The feet look all right to me...

I was unhappy with the colors of the Amalthean, so here is a new version, and another variant.

Offline Managarmr

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #106 am: 1.09.2004 | 08:14 »
The staff like thing in his right hand looks a bit strange, though.
Hmm, yup- should be a spear-like weapon, but the blade didn't fit on the paper ;-) Perhaps I'll change it to a drawn sword or something like that.

I like it. Proposal: redraw it only very slightly and you have a beautiful bow, fitting to the quiver!

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Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #107 am: 1.09.2004 | 10:04 »
May this humble advice not be misunderstood as a critique ;)
If anathomy is an issue: The feet of the the Avesti priestess are very small. To look more natural, they should at least have the same size as the Avestine's hands.
Ah, no problem ;-) Considering the sketch after a night's sleep I agree with that. ;-)

A bow- perfect solution ;-) THX, Managarmr.

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #108 am: 1.09.2004 | 13:01 »
A bow- perfect solution ;-) THX, Managarmr.

A bow is cool! A fourth sword would have been a *litte* much for one single Li Halan swordsman  ;).

This is my latest variant of the Amalthean pic, without the bag. I'm still not entirely happy with it, but I think there's not much left to change (except starting all over again and drawing a new pic). Too bad there are no "Dwarven Clerics" in the FS universe  ;).

Offline carthinius

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #109 am: 1.09.2004 | 13:09 »

Here's the Avesti...

woah! cool stuff!!!
btw: am i wrong, or is it a lightsaber on her belt?  ~;D
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Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #110 am: 1.09.2004 | 13:36 »
A bow is cool! A fourth sword would have been a *litte* much for one single Li Halan swordsman  ;).
Pah! One can never have enough swords... ;-)

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #111 am: 1.09.2004 | 15:59 »
btw: am i wrong, or is it a lightsaber on her belt?  ~;D

I'd rather guess it's a jumpkey  ;).

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #112 am: 1.09.2004 | 22:52 »
Pah! One can never have enough swords... ;-)

One vibrating rapier and a main gauche for dueling, one heavily decorated rapier for representative purposes, a heavier blade with a shocker application for mass combat, a cavalry saber, a dagger for multiple purposes...
« Letzte Änderung: 3.09.2004 | 10:51 von Azzurayelos »

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #113 am: 2.09.2004 | 23:25 »
Ahh! This man understands the way of the noble... *ggg*


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #114 am: 4.09.2004 | 19:27 »
Bleeeeh, busy life atm. I barely have time to sit down infront of the comp :/
I will try to get those pics done as soon as things calm down IRL.

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #115 am: 4.09.2004 | 22:26 »
Here's the sketch for the Orthodox priest...

Offline Muskel Maxe

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #116 am: 5.09.2004 | 12:52 »
Hi everybody,

thanks for the nice welcome. I am sorry for not answering any earlier, but I am a bit busy at the moment. But I got my new scanner and even some webspace to put my pictures on :D I redid the al-Malik noble and the Engineer, kept the Scraver and added an Ukar warrior:

al-Malik noble

Engineer technician

Scraver artifact hunter

Ukar warrior

I am not sure what the fith member of the entourage should be. In some of the older posts you guys proposed an Escatonic (which I think is very appropriate for an al-Malik). But as the Hawkwood cohort already includes one and the Hazat group has a scraver in it (which I obviously included in my group too) I should add another character. No more doubles. But which faction would fit in?

So what do you think of the pics? What can be improved (as far as the lineart is concerned)? Is the choice of characters appropriate? Do I need to change something?

And a general question: Are all important factions covered? Maybe its just me, but I lost track of which character excatly everybody is drawing. Is the following (incomplete) list correct?

Decados + Engineer, Kossac, Ascorbite and Psion
Hawkwood + Escatonic, Reeve, Charioteer and Obun
Hazat + Scraver, Almalthean, Charioteer and Dervish
LiHalan + Avestit, Orthodox, Vorox and ???
alMalik + Engineer, Scraver, Ukar and ???

That means there is no Muster and no Brother Battle!?

@Enkidi: I think your characters are awesome! Very expressive. I like the way you do the robes and clothing, too! How are you planning to color your pics? From your earlier post I gathered you do not want to use digital coloring?!
@ Azzurayelos: I like your Almalthean without the bag best. But you might want to recolor the shoulder pads or the breather mask. Personally, I thought the character to be more interesting with some more color. White is great but I think at the moment it is too much.
@Azentar: Your coloring is great. A bit pale and unhealthy looking (in a good way, if that makes any sense ;) ) I think it suits the decados theme perfectly.
@Diedne: Cool details (I like the book on the Escatonic´s belt best) and the colored priest makes me want to see the others in full color too. Exspecially the Obun. She is the most dynamic of your characters. But I think the nobles´ pistol looks a bit awkward. Maybe it is a bit short?

Ok, thats it for now. Thanks for listening, back to work. Looking forward to your answers, Max.
« Letzte Änderung: 5.09.2004 | 15:00 von Kaiser Maximilian »


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #117 am: 5.09.2004 | 13:23 »
I lost the orientation, too.

By the way: The Ascorbite (not entirely satisfying yet)

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #118 am: 5.09.2004 | 15:25 »
So what do you think of the pics? What can be improved (as far as the lineart is concerned)? Is the choice of characters appropriate? Do I need to change something?
Well done Max, but I'd suggest a little less detail, for too many lines may be a little confusing.

And a general question: Are all important factions covered? Maybe its just me, but I lost track of which character excatly everybody is drawing. Is the following (incomplete) list correct?

Decados + Engineer, Kossac, Ascorbite and Psion
Hawkwood + Escatonic, Reeve, Charioteer and Obun
Hazat + Scraver, Almalthean, Charioteer and Dervish
LiHalan + Avestit, Orthodox, Vorox and ???
alMalik + Engineer, Scraver, Ukar and ???

That means there is no Muster and no Brother Battle!?

Hmm, you're right. We lost track on which factions are covered ;-)
Okay, we planned to add a charioter to the Li halan entourage, but why not have a muster bodyguard instead. I think a Brother would be far to much cleric backup, even for the Li Halan... *g*
So do you think the Brother would fit to the al-Malik? Sounds a bit weird... but why not.

@Enkidi: I think your characters are awesome! Very expressive. I like the way you do the robes and clothing, too! How are you planning to color your pics? From your earlier post I gathered you do not want to use digital coloring?!

Thanks ;-) Yes, I don't use digital coloring for these pics- it's all done by hand ;-)

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #119 am: 5.09.2004 | 15:29 »
Great work Azentar. Very expressive  8)

Here's my color version of the Orthodox. 100% non-digital ;-)

Offline Muskel Maxe

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #120 am: 5.09.2004 | 18:19 »
Thanks Enkidi for your criticism. Confusion never is a good thing. I´ll see if I can redo them with less lines. And concerning the Brother Battle, I would not mind having one in the group. Your are right: at first glance it seems wierd, but then again my entourage is a bit weak in the muscle department so to speak. I´ll give it a shot.

But I wouldn´t mind rearranging the idividual cohorts. If for example someone does not think the Engineer fits the alMalik just say so and I think of something else.

@Diedne: Maybe we can switch my soon-to-be Brother Battle and your Escatonic (just the concepts not the actual drawings of course). Don´t the Hawkwoods have a very good relationship with the Order, with all the barbarian raids going on in their systems?

Oh and by the way: Enkidi, Azentar very good pictures you have there. Great coloring, digital or not ;)

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #121 am: 5.09.2004 | 18:22 »
The colored Avesti...

... and the Muster sketch.

I redid my knight a bit. I didn't manage to make a bow look good in his hand, so I changed the sketch to a version I had in mind earlier- with a staff weapon in his left hand.

Here's the colored version:
« Letzte Änderung: 8.09.2004 | 21:07 von Enkidi Li Halan »

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #122 am: 9.09.2004 | 20:11 »
@ Azzurayelos: I like your Almalthean without the bag best. But you might want to recolor the shoulder pads or the breather mask. Personally, I thought the character to be more interesting with some more color. White is great but I think at the moment it is too much.

Actually, I think I'll redraw the picture from scratch anway. The Dervish too. But thanks for the input  :).

Great work, everyone  :)! I'll praise your pictures in detail once I'm back from Greece.

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #123 am: 12.09.2004 | 17:05 »
The Muster...

Okay, and now I'll try to get this Vorox-thing done.... ;-)

Here it is:
Damn this weird anatomy... ;-)

Color version...
« Letzte Änderung: 14.09.2004 | 23:01 von Enkidi Li Halan »


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #124 am: 15.09.2004 | 07:53 »
Nice pics guys :) It is great to see that you people keep making wonderful FS pics. My RL will hopefully become less insane for me soon so I get a calm moment to make some drawings. I start to feel bad because I have not had time to draw my cards :/ If I seem to be idle for long, feel free to poke me in the eye on ICQ, here or in a email, and remind me that I should make some FS art.