Hi everybody,
thanks for the nice welcome. I am sorry for not answering any earlier, but I am a bit busy at the moment. But I got my new scanner and even some webspace to put my pictures on

I redid the al-Malik noble and the Engineer, kept the Scraver and added an Ukar warrior:
al-Malik noble
http://hometown.aol.de/esel321/homepage/hobby.htmlEngineer technician
http://hometown.aol.de/esel321/homepage/homepage.htmlScraver artifact hunter
http://hometown.aol.de/esel321/homepage/firma.htmlUkar warrior
http://hometown.aol.de/esel321/homepage/basteln.htmlI am not sure what the fith member of the entourage should be. In some of the older posts you guys proposed an Escatonic (which I think is very appropriate for an al-Malik). But as the Hawkwood cohort already includes one and the Hazat group has a scraver in it (which I obviously included in my group too) I should add another character. No more doubles. But which faction would fit in?
So what do you think of the pics? What can be improved (as far as the lineart is concerned)? Is the choice of characters appropriate? Do I need to change something?
And a general question: Are all important factions covered? Maybe its just me, but I lost track of which character excatly everybody is drawing. Is the following (incomplete) list correct?
Decados + Engineer, Kossac, Ascorbite and Psion
Hawkwood + Escatonic, Reeve, Charioteer and Obun
Hazat + Scraver, Almalthean, Charioteer and Dervish
LiHalan + Avestit, Orthodox, Vorox and ???
alMalik + Engineer, Scraver, Ukar and ???
That means there is no Muster and no Brother Battle!?
@Enkidi: I think your characters are awesome! Very expressive. I like the way you do the robes and clothing, too! How are you planning to color your pics? From your earlier post I gathered you do not want to use digital coloring?!
@ Azzurayelos: I like your Almalthean without the bag best. But you might want to recolor the shoulder pads or the breather mask. Personally, I thought the character to be more interesting with
some more color. White is great but I think at the moment it is too much.
@Azentar: Your coloring is great. A bit pale and unhealthy looking (in a good way, if that makes any sense

) I think it suits the decados theme perfectly.
@Diedne: Cool details (I like the book on the Escatonic´s belt best) and the colored priest makes me want to see the others in full color too. Exspecially the Obun. She is the most dynamic of your characters. But I think the nobles´ pistol looks a bit awkward. Maybe it is a bit short?
Ok, thats it for now. Thanks for listening, back to work. Looking forward to your answers, Max.