Autor Thema: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten  (Gelesen 37604 mal)

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Offline carthinius

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #150 am: 5.10.2004 | 03:03 »
wow. very good work. maybe the look is too technical for in-game-use, but nevertheless: i like it!  :d
Meine | Guild of Gnomes, ein Hack von Lasers & Feelings (bisher nur auf englisch verfügbar) | Böser Mond, du stehst so stille, ein Szenario für Warhammer Fantasy RPG 3rd | DURF (Deutsche Ausgabe), ein knackiges, regelleichtes Dungeon-Fantasy-Rollenspiel

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #151 am: 5.10.2004 | 11:32 »
I'll try another one with a more traditional-parchment-whatever-look tonight, then the choice is up to you. ;-)
Does anyone else like to make a layout sketch? We'd have more options then...


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #152 am: 7.10.2004 | 22:30 »
I would, if I had more time...
where should the high resolution pics be sent in?
Any special e-mail account?

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #153 am: 8.10.2004 | 20:17 »
I cannot send 40 mb by email - a CD will have to do  ;).

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #154 am: 9.10.2004 | 10:53 »
There would be the possibility to use When you upload the file there, you'll receive an e-mail with a link, where you can find the file for the next days. It's a free service.

Or one of you sets up a FTP-Server and gives the others access.
« Letzte Änderung: 9.10.2004 | 10:58 von THEonlytrueSHADOW »
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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #155 am: 9.10.2004 | 20:39 »
Thanks for the info  :).

However, my problem is not only my email account, but also my 58k modem. I think sending a CD by mail would actually be much faster than uploading 40 mb to the internet  ;).

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #156 am: 11.10.2004 | 14:45 »
Well, seems we won't finish the project in time for the Spiel 2004 game fair.

Since that leaves us with no imminent deadline to meet, should we ask some more FS fan artists to join the project? Some more than 25 cards wouldn't be bad, really.


  • Gast
Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #157 am: 11.10.2004 | 15:50 »
Only to have mentioned it (and no, I ain't no artist and I daresay I hope You will never have to see my futile attempts):

How about some symbols of fame that are known throughout the FS-Universe - like a Jumpgate, Byzantium Secundus - like the Incarna in a Tarot - or like Jokers in a 'common' quartet? Even Alexius could be part of the game - at least as a cover illustration (for he claims to have no affiliation except towards the Empire itself).

Other "missing" things could be Minor Houses and Guilds - and the missing Aliens (Kurgans, Vuldrock, Etyri, Hironem and Oro'ym if memory serves correctly).

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #158 am: 15.10.2004 | 18:58 »
I've just let Photoshop create a quick Webgallery (so don't mind the bad HTML...) with previews for the cards
Do you think the background colors fit? I can still change them.

Offline carthinius

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #159 am: 20.10.2004 | 21:20 »
looks really nice!  ;D

the background colors are ok, but please don't use yellow for one of the other sets; i can't imagine that it will look good...

oh, yet another thing. i would prefer english to be used for the "inscriptions" - sounds cooler and more international - and some of our helpers are really bad in reading german, i think...  ::)
Meine | Guild of Gnomes, ein Hack von Lasers & Feelings (bisher nur auf englisch verfügbar) | Böser Mond, du stehst so stille, ein Szenario für Warhammer Fantasy RPG 3rd | DURF (Deutsche Ausgabe), ein knackiges, regelleichtes Dungeon-Fantasy-Rollenspiel

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #160 am: 21.10.2004 | 10:08 »
Don't worry, Carthinius, no yellow for the backgrounds ;-)

Hmm... you mention a point that I thought about, too. Since the German translations are a bit strange, I wonder why not leave everthing in English...

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #161 am: 21.10.2004 | 19:37 »
English would be fine with me! Most active FS-Players in Germany use the English books anyway.

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #162 am: 25.10.2004 | 23:11 »
The preview cards Kathy made for the Essen game fair were absolutely great  :d. I can't wait to see the finished set of cards!


  • Gast
Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #163 am: 25.10.2004 | 23:19 »
Yes, they are.
For those, who didn't have the luck to see them on the SPIEL, you can watch this foto of some of the cards (640 x 480).
The hand holding them belongs to Kathy ;-)

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #164 am: 25.10.2004 | 23:22 »
Cool... did you put some more of your fotos (especially of the HDi booth  ;)) online?


  • Gast
Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #165 am: 25.10.2004 | 23:26 »
Not yet.
I am currently writing on my parts the fair-report for our newsletter, which we want to finish till wednesday (so much cool stuff to tell...).
The other fotos will be online as soon as the report ist done, but if you can't wait that long I can send them to you ;-)

Offline carthinius

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #166 am: 25.10.2004 | 23:28 »
hey, great. someone should post it at the HDi forums to show the people out there what fandome can do for its favourite game!

The hand holding them belongs to Kathy ;-)

hmm... the jeans and the belly too, i suppose?  ::)  ;D
Meine | Guild of Gnomes, ein Hack von Lasers & Feelings (bisher nur auf englisch verfügbar) | Böser Mond, du stehst so stille, ein Szenario für Warhammer Fantasy RPG 3rd | DURF (Deutsche Ausgabe), ein knackiges, regelleichtes Dungeon-Fantasy-Rollenspiel

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #167 am: 25.10.2004 | 23:31 »
The other fotos will be online as soon as the report ist done, but if you can't wait that long I can send them to you ;-)

That'd be great :).


  • Gast
Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #168 am: 25.10.2004 | 23:32 »
hey, great. someone should post it at the HDi forums to show the people out there what fandome can do for its favourite game!
You are pleased to do so if you like.

The hand holding them belongs to Kathy ;-)
hmm... the jeans and the belly too, i suppose? ::) ;D
How can you know? ;-)

Offline carthinius

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #169 am: 25.10.2004 | 23:37 »
hey, great. someone should post it at the HDi forums to show the people out there what fandome can do for its favourite game!
You are pleased to do so if you like.

imho this should be done by someone who is involved in the QUESTING KNIGHTS PLAYING CARDS PROJECT!

The hand holding them belongs to Kathy ;-)
hmm... the jeans and the belly too, i suppose? ::) ;D
How can you know? ;-)

hmm, maybe i'm psychic...?  ::) (heresy, heresy!!! burn the heretic!)
Meine | Guild of Gnomes, ein Hack von Lasers & Feelings (bisher nur auf englisch verfügbar) | Böser Mond, du stehst so stille, ein Szenario für Warhammer Fantasy RPG 3rd | DURF (Deutsche Ausgabe), ein knackiges, regelleichtes Dungeon-Fantasy-Rollenspiel

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #170 am: 26.10.2004 | 08:26 »
hmm, maybe i'm psychic...?  ::) (heresy, heresy!!! burn the heretic!)
*g* Don't worry my friend, you're not guilty of the heresy of psi... for it's not my jeans and belly, but Megan's ;-)

Megan took some photos as well, we'll post them to the Grofafo gallery tonight.


  • Gast
Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #171 am: 26.10.2004 | 19:26 »
A little question:
Can you give me the realnames oft the artists and which set of cards who of them did?
I want to mention the realnames in my report not the nicks...

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #172 am: 26.10.2004 | 19:34 »
@Marcel: Here's as much as I know  ;):

Kathy Schad - Card Layout and Li Halan Artwork
Markus Schönlau - Idea and Hazat Artwork
Azentar (I don't know his real name) - Decados Artwork

Kris Widell - Hawkwood Artwork (unfinished)
Kaiser Maximilian (I don't know his real name) - al-Malik Artwork (unfinished)


  • Gast
Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #173 am: 26.10.2004 | 19:45 »
thanks so far. :-)
I hope I will get the last names as soon as possible.

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #174 am: 31.10.2004 | 10:49 »
Hi folks,

Wie sagt man so schön: nach der Messe ist vor der Messe ;-)

Markus and I talked about how to proceed with the project on Monday, so here's what came out:
We still lack 5 cards to complete the game, and we thought of a mixed deck describing a Minor House-Knight's entourage. We didn't yet decide which House that should be, that's open to discussion.
The entourage is also open to discussion (;-)), but here's our proposal:
- Minor House's Knight
- Hironem (another alien would be nice)
- a member of the Carnivaler's Guild
- Muster/Grimson
- Bodyguard/Householder

I suggest that we either find another artist to do the whole set (perhaps Dailor?) or each of us draws one of the characters.

I pretty much like the idea to publish the game in English, for this would enable us to spread it to the US and other countries, too.