Autor Thema: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten  (Gelesen 37625 mal)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #75 am: 26.08.2004 | 19:18 »
Nice pics guys :)

Does it matter what cohorts I draw to the Hawkwood? I would like to draw an Obun (since if any house should have an Ubun then it is the Hawkwoods), a Reeve, a Muster and an Eskatonic (I can't do a Brother Battle Cohort. The Brother Battle in me make me to wanna throw such Brothers from the Order;)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #76 am: 26.08.2004 | 20:44 »
Nice pics guys :)

Thanks  ;D

Does it matter what cohorts I draw to the Hawkwood?

We should make certain that at least one member of each faction is included the game, so it wouldn't be good if everyone did the same character types for their cohorts.

I would like to draw an Obun (since if any house should have an Ubun then it is the Hawkwoods), a Reeve, a Muster and an Eskatonic

Sounds fine to me  :).

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #77 am: 27.08.2004 | 13:39 »
What`s about the Muster? I can`t find any Muster membership in a cohort. A Muster could be fit in the al-Malik Group.
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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #78 am: 27.08.2004 | 15:14 »
There's a Muster in the Decados Group...
But since we now have an engineer with the Hazat, we could also put a Muster into the al-Malik set.

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #79 am: 27.08.2004 | 15:19 »
What`s about the Muster? I can`t find any Muster membership in a cohort. A Muster could be fit in the al-Malik Group.

Quoting Kris's last post:

I would like to draw an Obun (...), a Reeve, a Muster and an Eskatonic

I think that problem's solved  ;).

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #80 am: 27.08.2004 | 15:36 »
Hmmm... I wonder if we should split our drawing styles to different sets. I think i'd be more consistent to draw each set in one style. Remember that one goal of "quartett" is to collect a full set of cards, that gives you more points at the end of the game. Didn't we plan to change the card layout slightly according to the set (e.g. the decados set could have a greenish layout frame)? This together with a consistent drawing style would make each set very unique and recognizable for the player.

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #81 am: 27.08.2004 | 15:42 »
I think i'd be more consistent to draw each set in one style.

I agree.

I hope I didn't cause a misunderstanding by quoting Kris's post: Kris said he wanted to draw a Muster character for the Hawkwood entourage. So there won't be any inconsistency.


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #82 am: 27.08.2004 | 18:24 »
Man, I have drawn so little these last few months that my hand get tired when I sketch :/ I made some simple inked pics that hopefully will look good when they are colored. You find the 5 pics here -->

If you have any comments about something you feel should be changed, please comment :)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #83 am: 27.08.2004 | 19:50 »
Hi everybody,

I saw your project and and as big FS-fan I thought that it is a great idea. I wondered if you needed/liked some more help. I would really like to show you some of my drawings so that you guys can decide wether or not you think my drwaing skills are appropriate for what you have in mind. Unfortunately I don´t have a website so I have no place to upload my pics to. Is there any way to put pictures directly in a message (sorry if this is a stupid question)?

If you want to do this project without any additional illustrators I totally understand that. I´m just asking. But if not I would be glad to join in.

Oh, and by the way: awesome pictures everybody. Youre doing a great job, that´s for sure.
« Letzte Änderung: 27.08.2004 | 22:02 von Kaiser Maximilian »


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #84 am: 27.08.2004 | 22:09 »
Whoa! I like your style! You put a lot of details in your pics, which is nice. Thumbs up. WAY up!  :d

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #85 am: 28.08.2004 | 13:58 »
If you have any comments about something you feel should be changed, please comment :)

Excellent work, Kris  :)

I don't think you need to change anything!

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #86 am: 28.08.2004 | 14:04 »
Is there any way to put pictures directly in a message (sorry if this is a stupid question)?

Nah, you cannot upload pictures to the forum. You can only link to the URL of a picture to embed it into your messages.

You can email your pictures to me if you like (I'll upload them to a folder of the FS DE website so the others can see them). Please send JPG pictures of no more than 50k each - I'm a modem user  ;)!
« Letzte Änderung: 29.08.2004 | 01:22 von Azzurayelos »

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #87 am: 29.08.2004 | 01:25 »
I spoke with a fellow gamer last night and found out his brother works as a printer. Perhaps I can get a good priniting offer  :).

By the way: here's the fourth member of the Hazat Knight's entourage:

The Knight's Dervish bodyguard.

Offline Muskel Maxe

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #88 am: 29.08.2004 | 11:15 »
@ Azzurayelos

thanks a lot for your help. I just emailed you my pictures.

My scanner is momentarily broken so I had to take pictures of my drawings. That´s why the quality is not too good. So far they are just inked lineart but I hope you like them anyways.

It seems nobody is too eager to do the al-Malik entourage so I started with an al-Malik noble, a Scraver artifact hunter and an Engineer technician.

As soon as Azzurayelos has uploaded and linked them (thanks again for that) please tell my what you think of my drawings. Again I would be happy to join your project.

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #89 am: 29.08.2004 | 12:23 »
I've uploaded Max's pictures:

The al-Malik Knight;

The Scraver;

The Engineer.

I like the comic style pictures; especially the al-Malik rocks!

@Max: Can you get access to a working scanner?

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #90 am: 29.08.2004 | 18:47 »
Yap, I´m going to by a new one this week.

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #91 am: 29.08.2004 | 19:07 »
Here's the Priest of the Hazat entourage:

An Amalthean Field Medic.

I'm not really happy with the colors yet.


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #92 am: 29.08.2004 | 20:06 »
Nice pics, guys  :d

Really much to do next week.
Had some time today & made the Decados knight. The colors look too light at the moment, but they can be manipulated for a darker result.

@ Deindre, Maximilian: A late "Welcome on board" from me, missed it earlier  []-

Edit: Uploaded a darker version
« Letzte Änderung: 29.08.2004 | 20:33 von Azentar »

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #93 am: 29.08.2004 | 20:23 »
Had some time today & made the Decados knight.

Cool... I wish I had a pistol like that  ;)!

The colors look good on my screen.

Online Vash the stampede

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #94 am: 30.08.2004 | 08:13 »
OK, here are some "bad" news. My friend had told me that the printing offer had been declined. So I had asked him for an another offer with 26 cards per set and 100 sets. Then it is possible to print the sets in his firm. We could raise the edtion when we sort the cards by ourselves. By the way the 100 set edition print costs circa 800 Euro without wrapping. 
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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #95 am: 30.08.2004 | 09:33 »
My, you're quick, everybody... Hope I'll have  the time to start my entourage tonight ;-)

@Maximilian: welcome to the show ;-)

@Azentar: Well done, brother from the Far North... ;-) But remember that we decided to use full body drawings...

@ Deidre: A very liquid and expressive style, you have. I like that a lot and I'm looking forward to the colored pieces.

Oh, that brings me to a point... I've noticed that all of you use the PC for coloring the artwork; remember that it's all RGB and that colors might change a little when the drawings are converted and printed on CMYK. Use your printer to cross-check the colors on your monitor and the print-out.

Offline Azzu

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #96 am: 30.08.2004 | 10:12 »
Oh, that brings me to a point... I've noticed that all of you use the PC for coloring the artwork; remember that it's all RGB and that colors might change a little when the drawings are converted and printed on CMYK. Use your printer to cross-check the colors on your monitor and the print-out.

Argh! Converting the pics to CMYK modus ruins some of the lighting effects  :(. Some more work to do...


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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #97 am: 30.08.2004 | 11:29 »
Well done, brother from the Far North... ;-) But remember that we decided to use full body drawings...

Full body drawings mean a new start... But since there was only one pic, it is not that dramatic.

If you color in Photoshop RGB:
Watch for your colors being CMYK-proof & there will be no problems later.   

Offline Enkidi Li Halan (N.A.)

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #98 am: 30.08.2004 | 14:45 »
BTW..... why on earth did I agree on drawing a Vorox...? *sigh*

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Re: [PROJEKT] Questing Knights Spielkarten
« Antwort #99 am: 30.08.2004 | 19:45 »
BTW..... why on earth did I agree on drawing a Vorox...? *sigh*

Li Halan Imperialism?  ;)

Here's a recolored version of the Amalthean Field Medic. I had to promote him so he is entitled to wear white robes.