BTW, which stats make sense for the characters? My proposal was Ruhm (Glory), Quest (Accomplished tasks for the Empire, e.g. rediscovering a Lost World), Kampf (Fight), Wissen (Lore) und Rang (Rank). Tech could also be a comparable stat, with a clear advantage for the guildmembers, though ;-)
Sounds OK to me!
Occult stat would be nice, but as most characters would have a plain 0 in this stat, it wouldn't be any good

The idea behind the game concept is, if I get it right, that the player who knows the most about the Questing Knights will most likely win the game. So each stat will have to measured on a different scale, or the game will be too easy - if, for example, 10 were the highest possible level for each stat, you wouldn't require any knowledge to decide which stat on the card is the best

Tech could be measured in Tech Levels (3-8, for normal characters),
Rank like the Benefice from the rulebook. For the other stats, we'll have to make up the scales independently from the RPG. We could measure
Glory on a scale from 1 to 99 (percentage of the Known Worlders who have heard of the character).
Lore could be measured in Latin numbers, on a weird scale from 13 to 37. For Fight, I suggest a large scale from 49 to 499 - Munchkinism hey, ho, hey, ho...
Any idea how to measure