Eine Ankuendigung von AEG:
New D20 supplement
The book is over 800 pages long
For comparison:
Ruins of Undermountain: 150 Encounters
Worlds Largest Dungeon: 1600 Encounters
Dragon Mountain: 12 tribes of Kobalds & one Dragon
Worlds Largest Dungeon: Every monster from the SRD!
Tomb of Horrors: One Lich and a fear trap
Worlds Largest Dungeon: Enough maps to fill your bedroom wall, and enough traps to kill every character you've ever played!
Menzoberrazan: A half-dozen drow families warring over who is "more chaotic"
Worlds Largest Dungeon: Drider slavers, an ageless angel-demon conflict, an undead civil war, dead titans, hordes of derro madmen, and a terrasque digger all under ONE roof!
Note: GamingReport has heard quite a bit about the new "WORLDS LARGEST DUNGEON" product. You'll be able to start a character from level 1 and take them all the way through epic (if you live that long). Each level is to have a major goal and they only get more complex the deeper you go. We'll post all the details we know a bit later.
Naja... ich bin mir nicht sicher was ich DAVON halten soll (besonders bei den "Regelspezialisten" AEG).
Ich wette mal dass auch Beholder und Mind Flayer auftauchen werden

Komisch nur dass bei keinem dieser Vergleiche Rappan Attuk herangezogen wurde (und Greyhawk Ruins war IIRC auch nicht soo klein
