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Selganor [n/a]:
Don't Make Me Angry — Death Rage, or Kuruth, is the werewolf at his most savage — ignoring mortal danger, desiring nothing but to feel his prey tear apart under his fangs and claws. Death Rage gets its name not only from the likelihood that the werewolf will kill those around her, but also because it is a loss of self akin to death and because it courts the possibility of dying like a rabid beast instead of as a warrior or hunter. Each Death Rage could be a werewolf's last.

A werewolf loses control of his anger and enters Kuruth when he's provoked beyond the bounds of self-control. This provocation is clearest in life-and-death situations in combat (suffering aggravated damage, for example). The true horror of Kuruth, however, is that it can surface apart from life-or-death situations. For example, a werewolf can be driven into Death Rage by discovering that her boyfriend has been cheating on her, only to come to her senses covered in his blood and torn flesh. The lower a werewolf's Harmony, the less egregious the provocation necessary to tip them over the edge. Those with high Harmony might only be sent into Kuruth by the murder of a loved one, while those who have degenerated could be set off by simple humiliation. Regardless of the stimulus, the player rolls Resolve + Composure for the werewolf to resist giving in.

Upon entering Death Rage, a werewolf automatically assumes Gauru form and remains in that form for as long as the rage lasts. While in the grip of Kuruth, a werewolf attempts to destroy any potential target he can see, friend or foe. This berserk state lasts until the end of the scene or the character suffers a wound in one of his last three Health boxes (when he would normally suffer a wound penalty). At this point, the instinct for self-preservation takes over and is overwhelmed by the instinct to survive at all costs, an instinct that takes the form of pure fear. He runs as quickly as possible away from the source of the trouble, attacking those who get in the way.

Whether he's fighting or fleeing, a character in Death Rage is still subject to all the mechanical benefits of Gauru form. In addition, any attempts to mentally or socially coerce or influence the subject through Gifts, vampire Disciplines, mage spells or other means suffer a –3 penalty. It is exceptionally difficult to direct or halt the overwhelming fury of Kuruth.

Next Week: Nasties — We covered the Pure Tribes last week, but there are other threats facing the Forsaken. Tune in next week to learn more.

Selganor [n/a]:
It's All a Matter of Balance — Werewolves aren't human. Although they're raised with human mores, they find certain ethical credos somewhat counterintuitive. For example, even before her First Change, a werewolf might not consider stealing to be especially criminal. After all, if the owner of the given property wasn't strong or smart enough to protect it, why shouldn't the werewolf take it? On the flip side werewolves often form very close bonds to friends and family, protecting them as a wolf does her packmates, even if the feelings are not mutual.

When the First Change comes, a werewolf suddenly begins to see the world through different eyes. It can seem like pure liberation to some and utter damnation to others. In one case, the werewolf ceases to care about human morays and laws and exults in his bestial nature. In the other, the werewolf feels overcome by those same bloody urges and fears just what moral lines she might cross. In reality, the path toward peace of mind lies in neither extreme, but in balancing wolf and human, spirit and flesh, instinct and reason. It is a tricky line to walk, but all the Forsaken do. This is the path of Harmony.

This credo stresses the need to abide by the laws that the werewolves have set down, to keep Rage in check until it's needed, to honor Luna and the totems (both pack and tribal) and to always protect the pack. It is neither a path of peace nor of unabashed savagery.

Mechanically, Harmony functions much like Morality for human characters (and Humanity for vampires), but the nature of the hierarchy of sins is quite different. The gravest sins include hunting humans or wolves for food, betraying the pack, and murdering another werewolf. Less serious concerns include remaining in one form for prolonged periods, disrespecting a powerful spirit (even an enemy can be respected), or failing to obtain one's own food. Human concerns such as property damage and theft do not appear — and even killing a human must be utterly unjustified to cause a serious moral problem to a werewolf.

So. Die ersten Leute haben scheinbar Preview-Exemplare bekommen und ein bischen was fallen lassen.

--- Zitat ---- Renown is raised through roleplaying, but costs experience (primary renown for your Auspice and Tribe costs new dots x 6, all other costs new dots x 8). You cannot learn gifts of a rank higher than your highest primary renown.

- Lodges are essentially factions within each tribe. They're very similar to Covenants in structure, actually. They are elite social groups, and they have stat-based prerequisites to joining as well. For example, the Lodge of Harbingers (a Bone Shadow lodge) requires its members to have: Cunning or Wisdom •, Athletics ••, and Stealth ••. There's a long description of who the Lodge is open to, and how to get in, and as for benefits? Harbingers may learn Stealth Gifts as though they were tribal Gifts. Also, the player may add three modifier dice to any Persuasion rolls made to deal favorably and peaceably with other Forsaken.

There are multiple lodges listed under each tribe, but only five that get a short writeup in the book... Of those, we get:

The Lodge of Garm - Blood Talons only.
The Lodge of Harbingers - Bone Shadows "only" though members of other tribes can join with special intervention from both Death Wolf and White Hare.
The Lodge of Seasons - Hunters in Darkness generally, though members of other tribes are admitted rarely.
The Lodge of Lightning - Iron Masters. There is debate over whether they will allow other tribes... The current decision is that if a werewolf would be willing to forsake his tribe and join the Iron Masters, the lodge would accept him without question.
The Lodge of Crows - Storm Lords ONLY, and very picky about that, as well.

You cannot start with lodge membership, unless you are specifically playing in a veteran game.
--- Ende Zitat ---

Das Verwechslungsproblem WTF - "What the fuck" vs. WTF - "Werwolf: the Forsaken" haben die Entwickler mit einem, na, sagen wir mal, 90% geek pure Kunstgriff gelöst: Das T-Shirt.


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