Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > World of Darkness

WtF Teaser - Diskussionen

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Selganor machmal bist du echt komisch.  ::)

--- Zitat ---Werwölf (das kilschee) an sich kann ich schon nicht mit der Moderne in Verbindung bringen.
Naja warten wir mal ab wie sie in W:tF umgesetzte werden.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Ich denke ich habe damit deutlich gemacht, das ich da keine Paralleln bis jetzt sehe oder?  ::)

Ók der letzte Tribe:

--- Zitat ---torm Lords (Iminir)

The Storm Lords are the alphas among alphas. They try to lead their cousins in the other tribes to do the work that Father Wolf’s death left undone. They know that they must be strong and unyielding in order to live up to their responsibilities, never holding themselves back out of fear, weakness or the worry that their cousins might not approve of their methods. All that matters is doing what’s required without fail and without complaint.

Totem: Winter Wolf, the second oldest spirit child of Father Wolf, minded and protected his brothers and sisters when Father Wolf was otherwise engaged. When Father wolf died he howled in grief but then took up the mantle of leadership as his Father had taught him. The Storm Lords demanded that he show that same responsibility to his half-flesh cousins, and by force of will and strength of sinew they compelled him to agree.

Tribal Ban: Allow No One to Witness or to Tend Your Weakness
Primary Renown: Honor
Tribal Gift Lists: Dominance, Evasion, Weather

--- Ende Zitat ---

Die Anführer. Was ich sehr gut finde ist, das kein Tribe die gleichen Giftlisten hat.

Selganor [n/a]:
Hier mal ein Bericht von jemandem der eine Runde auf dem Con gespielt hat:

--- Zitat ---Well just got back from playing a WtF adventure at GenCon SoCal and it kicked ass.

A couple things I learned (sorry if this has already been revealed but I'llj post it anyway)

- 5 tribes and 5 auspices (auspices are almostly exactly the same)

- No stepping sideways accept at specific locations called Locusts (aka caerns)

- Spiders are a bad thing

- Werewolves are concerned about protecting their territory and little else.

- Going to Garu (aka crinos) is awsome. You can't do anything but slash, kill destroy maim. It is limited. If you don't have anything to attack and remain in garu there is a good chance you will frenzy. This happened twice doing the adventure.

- Mixed packs are a possible

- Renown still exists but we didn't go into it.

- Primal Urge is now a merit.

- Umbra seemed similar to the old one, at least as far as the penumbra went.

- Werewolves heal one bruise each round but must spend 1 essence to heal lethal. There will be all 5 forms.

- Morality is now harmony and works with something similar to the old litany. So, if you break a werewolf law you make harmony checks.

Finally, the game kicked ass. 13 hours of werewolf goodness.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Diese Runde gibt's etwas ausfuehrlicher unter

Klingt ganz nett. Kaufen werde ich es mir, schauen wir mal on ich es auch spiele.  ;)

Das klärt doch schonmal auf.

Die Idee, dass die Wölfe nicht mehr überall seitwärts steppen können, ist mit Sicherheit sinnvoll. Und auch ansonsten klingt das ganze in Sachen Powerniveau im Vergleich zu Vampiren ausgeglichener.


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