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So wenn man mal auf das Update von heute nacht schaut:

--- Zitat ---Nameless
Auspice: Rahu (Full Moon)
Tribe: None (Ghost Wolf)

Using a variety of aliases, the werewolf known as Nameless walks the lonely path of a tribeless Ghost Wolf. Unable or unwilling to bend knee to one of the great tribal totems, Nameless lives a dangerous life as a gun (or claw) for hire. He is neither compassionate nor gentle, and the cold stare of his eyes and the scars on his flesh speak of the hardships of a pack creature going it alone. Some claim that he follows a very personal code of honor, others that he teeters on the edge of the uncontrolled savagery that is becoming a Zi'ir, a so-called Broken Soul. Both stories probably contain an element of truth, and Nameless continues to navigate the contradictions of being an honorable killer and a lone wolf.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Ghost Wolf ist wohl wirklich sowas wie in Ronin.

So nächstes Update:

--- Zitat ---MONDAY 12/20

Get Into Shape — This week we give all you Werewolf fans a holiday present: shapeshifting.

The Basics

The defining facet of a werewolf is the ability to change forms. But unlike their pop-culture echoes, true werewolves can do more than become Lon Chaney-like wolfmen or natural wolves. Just as their spiritual Mother has five forms, so too do werewolves.

To change shape, an Uratha draws on the supernatural power that infuses his body, making his form protean like quicksilver, forcing muscle and sinew into the desired shape. The player rolls Stamina + Survival + Primal Urge, and a success allows the werewolf to change to any shape as an instant action. Instead of rolling the dice, the player can choose to spend one point of Essence (a werewolf’s spiritual “fuel”) for the character to change shape as a reflexive action.

Under a werewolf’s auspice moon, changing shape is always a reflexive action and requires neither a die roll nor an Essence expenditure. Similarly, any werewolf can return to his human form as a reflexive action without die rolls or Essence cost.

All non-human forms provide modifiers to Attributes, Advantages and other character traits. These modifiers are always based on the character’s traits in human form. If a werewolf is knocked unconscious or killed, he immediately reverts to human form.

Hishu — The Human

In this form, the werewolf is indistinguishable from a normal human to casual observation, and even supernatural attempts to detect him for what he is suffer a –2 modifier. Legends about fingers being the same length or eyebrows growing together are false. (Some werewolves display such features, but no more often than normal humans do.) Werewolves are usually lean and healthy-looking in Hishu form. A werewolf in Hishu form may attempt to bite someone just as a human might, but he must first achieve a hold on his target through a grapple.

Traits: No modifiers

--- Ende Zitat ---

Die Idee mit der Mondphase und dem einfachern wechseln find ich gut. Auch das ein Werwolf in Hishu schwer als solcher zu erkennen ist gefällt mir.

So nächstes update.

--- Zitat ---Urhan — The Wolf

This form usually appears to be a normal red or gray wolf, though werewolves born to bloodlines from areas where there are no indigenous wolves might have Urhan forms that resemble other wild canids. Some African-American werewolves, for instance, have Urhan forms that resemble Cape Hunting Dogs. Nevertheless, the Urhan form is that of a wild beast and can only be mistaken for a domestic dog by people who don't know the difference between a feral-looking dog and a wolf. Supernatural attempts to detect an Urhan-form werewolf's true nature incur a –2 penalty. While not equipped to wreak the kind of carnage that other forms can, packs of wolves can bring down prey much larger than themselves, so the potential of the Urhan form in combat shouldn't be overlooked. Urhan-form werewolves inflict lethal damage with a bite. The attack can be made without first having to grapple an opponent. The real advantage to this form lies in its speed and perception, as wolves are superb trackers and can sprint quite effectively when necessary.

Werewolves in Urhan form can communicate with normal wolves, although they must learn to let instinct take over in order to do so effectively. They may also use "wolf-speak" to communicate basic concepts with one another.

Traits: Dexterity +2, Stamina +1, Size –1, Initiative +2, Speed +5, +4 to perception rolls, track by scent

--- Ende Zitat ---

So es verändern sich nicht nur die Attribute sondern auch Size, Speed und Initative. Überraschend ist das ja an sich nicht. Ich hoffe das der Charakterbogen zweiseitig ist wo man die Werte für jede Form reinschreiben kann ...
Und ich fühle mich hier ziemlich alleine wollte ich mal anmerken.  :,,(

 :-* Wir sind ja bei dir.

+4 auf Riechen find ich heftig.

Dann ist ja gut.   ;D

Naja ist halt nen Wolf, das kann man so stehen lassen.
Heftig finde ich die +2 auf Initative.


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