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English Question about Agone

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--- Zitat ---threre, waldsterben

--- Ende Zitat ---

Sorry but i don't understand...

I just read in a newspaper article about this topic (waldsterben means the dying of woods, by diseases for example), that this panic and paranoia about this would be very specific for germans, and that a word for this doesn't exist in other languages so the german word is also used in France. I just wanted to know if that's right, but you don't know this word, so it's probably not.

Vale waan Takis:

--- Zitat von: eed_de am 11.12.2004 | 11:18 ---1. Les Acrobates Assissins

Really, I didn`t understand much, why are the Acrobates Assisns in League with plants ? Or did I get that totally wrong ?

--- Ende Zitat ---
Indeed the Acrobat Assasins are  one of my favourite Organisations at Harmundia.
The idea of a secret service closely linked to nature is great. But only in the Modehan Marches this idea is believable.
As I understood it Modehan is generally closly linked to nature. The Sylds, the Druid and of course the Guild of Arcobat assasins.
Nature grants a big repertoire of weapons and gimmicks why shouldn't it be used by agents of a realm like Modehan?
In my opinion there is a symbiotic relationship between the acrobat-assasins and products of nature (like plants and animals).
The Sylds are the border defense, the Guards of Modehan. The assasins are the special forces, with the very special arsena modehan can deliver  ;)

However this organization is criticized enough, not for its background, but rather because they are too powerful :)
In fact, acrobat-assassins aren't more linked with nature than the other lutins. They love nature and live with it.
These weapons and gimmicks are made to be used by AA because they require a special train, as well as particular care.
It's a phylosophy too. In fact, AA (so the lutins) use vegetal weapons whereas other races use "metal" weapons. Normally, the lutins are peaceful, but the War of the Seasons ("La Guerre des Décans") shows them it was necessary to fight to survive.

Vale waan Takis:
Ähm, sorry. What are Lutins?  ::)


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