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Necromancer macht keine Abenteuer mehr...
« am: 12.01.2005 | 13:32 »
..dafuer besteht jetzt die Chance dass es auch "gute" Kenzer-Abenteuer gibt ;D (scnr)

Necromancer Games, Inc.

Necromancer Games and Kenzer & Company are Expanding!

January 11, 2005 (LAS VEGAS, NV): Necromancer Games, Inc. has partnered with Kenzer & Company to bring more Necromancer Games products to the game table. As of June, 2005 Kenzer & Company will begin publishing d20 system adventures and sourcebooks for Necromancer Games. These will be available through Kenzer & Company's standard distribution channels.

"Our backlog of great books has simply become too big to release through our regular channels," said Clark Peterson, President of Necromancer Games Inc. "Kenzer was a logical choice for us, after all, who else besides the Hackmasters themselves would understand 1st Edition feel as well as us?" said Bill Webb, co-founder of Necromancer Games.

The partnership with Kenzer & Company has no effect on Necromancer Games' remaining part of Sword & Sorcery Studios. "We are deeply committed to our partners at Sword & Sorcery Studios. This venture between Kenzer and Necromancer Games is really just an expansion of our adventure line and a logical pairing of two of the leaders in the industry," Peterson commented.

Brian Jelke of Kenzer & Company commented, "We've always been impressed with Necromancer's high quality products. They fit right in with our own commitment to quality on our lines like HackMaster®, Kingdoms of Kalamar®, Knights of the Dinner Table and more. This partnership will produce books of which both companies can be proud."

Beginning in June with A Family Affair, and a series of adventures including the Coils of Set, The Six Spheres of Zailhhessh, The Diamond Fortress and other titles, Necromancer Games and Kenzer & Company plan to bring a series of adventures, both large and small, to the Revised Third Edition Game - including material from award winning writers such as Casey Christofferson and Lance Hawvermale.

Under the Sword & Sorcery banner, Necromancer Games continues to be hard at work bringing a number of products from the classic company Judges Guild to d20, including the Wilderlands of High Fantasy Boxed Set - complete with cover art by Frank Frazetta - to be released at Gencon 2005 as well as that most famous of all dungeons, Tegel Manor. "We are also finalizing The Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps for the new revised version of the Third Edition rules, which of course will be released through Sword & Sorcery in April 2005."

Look for a more detailed list of upcoming products at the GAMA trade show!

Questions from retailers, distributors or fans can be directed to Clark Peterson at See WWW.KENZERCO.COM for current product release information.

Quelle: ENWorld
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: Necromancer macht keine Abenteuer mehr...
« Antwort #1 am: 12.01.2005 | 22:47 »
Heißt das, daß die Necromancer Games Abenteuer jetzt unter dem Kenzer - Label veröffentlicht werden? Soll nur recht sein.
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