Aus verschiedenen Beiträgen auf dumpshock.comRace BP cost: Human 0 (+1 edge), dwarf 25, ork 20, elf 30, troll 40.
Attributes: Physical, mental, Magic, Resonance - 10 per point except the max point which is 25 BP.
Knowledge skills: 1/2 active price.
Positive Qualities are 5-20 points. Negative are 5 - 30.
Resources are 5000 per BP max 50 BP, but looks like a lot of stuff is reduced in price.
Spells 3 BP per spell, 5 karma during play.
[Oh ha ... das wird meinen Magier und seinen Fetisch für 1er Sprüche aber gar nicht freuen.]
Contacts: 1 BP per rating point.
t costs 10 points per attribute point, with the first point free and the final 6th point costing 25.
Maximum points allocated to attributes is capped at 50% of total points.
Edge is bought like other attributes.
Cyberlimb cost went down but still 1 point of essence. [Anmerkung: ARG! NEIN!]
Commlinks: 9 different models that have different Response and Signal ratings and costs. Evidently, any electronic device can have IC. They all leave trails (Please note this info is from quickly skimming 3 different sections.)
Btw, the first piece of fiction uses fuck, fuck, fuck and asshole instead of frag or other expletives like hoophead. So much for garnering that younger audience if parents skim that part, or the topless chick on page 44 wearing a couple band-aids across her nipples.
No jump at 6, but max at 6 without an exceptional quality, then 7. Start with only one skill6 with the rest 4 or lower, or two at 5 with the rest 4 or lower. No starting with a 5 and a 6. Maximum group rating at chargen is 4.
250,000 nuyen max
It costs more to play them with a totem. A mage can do almost exactly the same thing, fire spirits look a bit more useful than beast spirits. The variety and numerical difference of spirits is gone. Have not looked to see about the shamanic mask, if it only applies if the shaman has a totem.
Magic in general got screwed compared to any other skill type set. They combined other peoples needed skills while making the magicians need more skills to do the same. Making magicians a bigger karma sink.
Compared to adepts, who seem to benefit from all the rule changes.
All full magicians can conjure earth, air, water, and spirits of man. That's 4. Hermetic can conjure fire spirits while shamen can conjure spirits of beasts.
It costs to be magically active, then it costs some more to have a totem.
Magicians have the first Magic point for free.
Magician (15 BPs) gives you Magic 1. Raising it to 5 takes another 40 points. Ten spells are an additional 30. That's 85 points for what looks to be a good magician at game start.
How does armor work? Does it really just convert lethal damage into stun?
Armor value combines with Body to resist damage. If the modified power, DV, of an attack causing physical damage does not exceed the AP modified armor rating (sounds streamlined huh? HA ha ha) then the attack will cause stun instead. Armor rating is reduced by the attacks AP, armor penetration, value.
Weapon pictures! Ares Predator IV AP -1, Damage is 5P, avail 4R, cost 350.
Slivergun still exists.
Lined Coat is 6/4 Ballistic/Impact, avail 2, 700.
What are the metahuman stat modifers now?
Metatype abilities look unchanged (vision, etc.)
Human: +1Edge
Ork: +3B, +2S, -1C, _1L
Dwarf: +1B, -1R, +2S, +1W, -1Initiative
Elf: +1A, +2C
Troll: +4B, -1A, +4S, -2C, -1I, -1L, -1Initiative
Can you give a few examples of what the new ranged combat modifiers look like? (like for cover, or dim light, and so on)
They look similar to current modifiers except they modify the dice pool not the TN, espec9ally the visibilty mods based on light, smoke.
Partial cover -2, good cover -4, blind fire -6, smartlink +2, normal vision in partial light is -2.
How does the new Dodge work?
Buy as skill. Linked to Reaction. Can use Full Dodge. Says Reaction + Dodge for ranged. Reaction + Dodge + Dodge for melee or Reaction + melee combat skill + Dodge in melee. Also a Full Parry, and a Gynastics Dodge.
Do technomancers need an electronic device of some sort to access the matrix, or do they just use their minds?
Technomancers can access and manipulate the Matrix through their own sheer force of will.
For a whole 5 BP and foregoing any type of magical ability.
Initiation costs 10 + (grade*3) karma.
what does initiation give you?
Increased Magic (add grade to Attribute), metaplanar access one metamagic.
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman)
Where do you get that it costs more to play a magician with a totem? That doesn't jibe with the final drafts I have (comp copies haven't arrived as yet).
The Mentor Spirit costs 5 BP. Totems appear to be called Mentor spirits now. Like Bear, Dog, Mountain, etc..
QUOTE (blakkie)
Nothing about reduction in cost with groups?
Nada, it does mention what used to be ordeals as standard fare for intiating - as in no discount for ordeal.
kay, next question. What is the general guideline for Karma awards at the end of the run?
They looked the same as third edition.
QUOTE (blakkie)
You still get effectively an attribute increase plus the metamagic?
No, you get to add grade to magic attribute, not that plus +1 to magic attribute.
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
can one play a magical adept directly out of the BBB?
Yes, they have a list of powers, including some from SotA64.
mproving an attribute is done one point at a time at a cost of 3*new rating.
Improving skill group is 5*new rating.
Improving an active skill is 2* new rating.
New active skill is 4 karma.
New active group is 10 karma.
New Quality is 2*BP.
Active Skills: 4 points per skill, 10 points for a skill group, 2 points for a specialization.
Found the info on Technomancers, page 232. They need no cyber or electronics at all. [um in die Matrix zu kommen ... was ich nicht besonders prickeldn finde. Zumindest eine Datenbuchse wäre sinnvoll gewesen.]
No Rating - unaware
Rating 0 - untrained
1 - beginner
2 - novice
3 - Professional - college athlete, firearms as beat cop, tech as college grad, social as Mr Johnson, vehicle as cabbie, knowledge as 2 year degree (Kind of conflicts with college grad)
4 - Veteran - minor league ball player, marine or airborne, tech as 4 year experience, social as diplomat, vehicle as NASCAR driver, bachelors degree (again I see this conflicting)
5 - Expert - pro athlete, SWAT team member, top scientist, VP, vehicle as Ancients go-ganger(

), master's degree
6 - Elite - Athletic superstar, superstar among elite forces, The Wright Brothers, President, Blue Angel stunt pilot, doctorate degree
7 - Legendary - Athletic legend Babe Ruth, Wild Bill Hickock, Edison, Fastjack, Reagan, Damien Knight, Red Baron, Einstein, Dr. Raven
Cybereyes can be purchased with variable capacities, 4-16, .2-.5 essence. Ears follow suit.
Yes, there are still datajacks, as well as much of the cyberware.
Bonelacing essence is .5, 1, 1.5 for original 3 types. Increases power still. Adds to B and armor like it did.
Availability ratings have changed and max at chargen is now 12. So cyberarm gyromounts are available at chargen. Cyber skulls are not.
Cyberlimbs now have Body rating too. Body, Strength and Agility come with rating 3, need torso too raise above 3. Do not see the old essence cost to increase them and the most expensive looks to be 250 nuyen per rating point. Probably limited by ECU (besides cap of 7).
[Was? Um einen Cyberarm mit Stärke 4 zu haben , brauche ich einen Cybertorso?]
Enhanced Articulation is .3 ess. and +1 die for any task with a linked physical attribute.
Bone Density acts like bone lacing, only less essence.
Mnemonic enhancer gives no karma reduction.
Pain Editor avail 18, no trauma damper listed.
Reflex recorders for skill groups. Athletics group has 4 skills, Biotech - 3, Close Combat - 3, Conjuring - 3, Cracking - 3, Electronics - 4, Firearms - 3, Influence - 4, Mechanic - 4, Outdoors - 3, Sorcery - 3, Stealth - 4, Tasking -3. If you raise a skill within a group seperately, you can no longer raise the group.
[Kommt mir da snur so vor, oder werden dann Mundane ein ganz enormes Problem haben, sich massiv zu vercybern, wenn die Essenzkosten ähnlich sind, aber Bioindex und Essenz zusammengelegt worden sind?]
What's a Skill Group? I see them listed on the sample archetypes at
Sorcery consists of Counterspelling, Ritual Spellcasting and Spellcasting.
Firearms is Automatics, Longarms, Pistols.
My understanding is that there will be no more aspect magician...
There will be magician that will spend a lot of BP in magical skills etc.
And some that will just specialise in one area of practice....
aspected magicians are still there, IIRC. You take a negative Quality to become one (in addition to taking the Magician positive Quality).
If negative modifiers reduce the dice pool to 0 or less, Edge dice can be rolled and explode on a 6. A threshold of 4 is the highest listed as "extreme" difficulty.
Edge renews as GM sees fit, suggested every session.
Human Attribute Ratings
1 - weak
2 - underdeveloped
3 - typical
4 - improved
5 - superior
6 - maximum unmodified human
dd Edge up to all edge dice to a roll. All dice explode.
After a roll, may use edge dice to roll for added successes, only edge dice explode.
Spend a point of edge and re-roll all failures.
Just saw a footnote that the rule of 6 does not apply to the longshot test in previous post. They do not explode.
Spend a point and go first in an initiative pass. If multiple people spend edge they go according to initiative score.
Spend a point and gain 1 extra initiative pass for the combat turn.
Negate one glitch or critical glitch.
Invoke dead man's trigger rule (iirc involves acting after full condition monitor.)
Ares, Aztechnology, Evo Corp, Horizon, Mitsuhama, NeoNet, Renraku, Saeder-Krupp, Shiawase, Wuxing
[Die neuen/alten Megas]
Suppose an average Agility 3 and Pistols 3. Human, so above average Edge (4)
Smartlink (+2)
Specialization (+2)
Take Aim (+1)
That's 15 dice off the top of my head, plus Rule of Six. Make him a pro and it gets better. Add explosive or EX explosive ammo, of course.
Declare attack, apply situational modifiers, make opposed test, Compare armor, damage resistance test, apply damage.
Ranged combat summary:
attacker rolls Agility + combat skill +/- modifiers
defender rolls reaction +/- modifiers
(defender using full defense rolls Reaction + Dodge +/- modifiers)
DV modifiers: net hits, ammunition, autofire
Armor used: ballistic or impact
Condition monitor used Physical or Stun----
How are shot rounds for shotguns treated?
They have 3 different spreads, narrow, medium, and wide. They can shoot only 1, 2, or 3 targets within a meter of each other respectively. Damage code gets modified for each, defense roll gets different modifier for each, harder to dodge wider spread.
Can you give people stats for a standard piece cyberware? (say, the much beloved Wired Reflexes 2)
Wired 2, essence 3, capacity - n/a, availability 16R (not avialable under standard chargen rules of availability 12), 32,000 nuyen
[Ich glaube,, jetzt sind Cyber/Biouser wirklich gefickt. Hallo? Beides geht vom Essenbetrag runter. Oder irre ich mich da mit diesem Eindruck?]
Do the modificators for bad vision still differ for natural, cybernetic or external vision enhancers?
No, modifiers apply equally. (I was thinking between different types of vision.)
[Fehler von mir oben]
How does initiative work now ?
Initiative Attribute is Reaction + Intuition. Make an initiative roll, edge may be used. (Does this mean all dice explode?) Add hits to Initiative Attribute, this is initiative score. Act high to low, ties go at same time. If imperitive to break ties compare edge, initiative, reaction attributes in that order.
Some Defense modifiers.
Defender unaware of attack, no defense possible
Defender wounded - wound mods
Defender defended against previous attack, -1 modifier cumulative for each additional defense roll
Defender prone, -2 pool mod limited to melee and ranged combat within 5m.
Defender running, +2 moDefender in melee combat, -3 pool modifier vs ranged attacks
Attacker firing burst or shotgun, -2mod vs wide bursts, -5 vs long wide bursts, -9 vs full auto wide bursts, -2 vs shotgun on medium spread, -4 against wide spread.
What cyber grades are listed, and do they operate the same way as they did in SR3?
Alpha, -20% ess., cost*2
Beta, -30% ess., cost*4
Delta, -50% ess., cost*10
Can specializations exceed the skill cap of 6? As in Firearms Skill Group 6 (spec:Pistols +2) for 8 dice?
Specialization is a modifier to the dice pool, not an increase in skill, or that's the way it looks. Your example is wrong about the skill group, but is on target if applied to Pistols 6, specialization semi-automatics for 8 dice + Agility as base dice pool.
Flux looks like it is now signal. Technomancer signal is Resonance/2 (round up).
Signal 0 - 3m
Signal 1 - 40m
Signal 2 - 100m
Signal 3 - 400m
Signal 4 - 1km
Signal 9 - 400km
Who's President of the UCAS?
Angela Colloton
[Was? Die Merkel? Oh Gott!]
What happened to Cross ?
Lucien Cross died in a plane crash the very day of Crash 2.0. Damien Knight bought up Cross assets while Horizon group went after its Corp Court seat.