Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > World of Darkness

Demon: the Fallen

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*langekeinesounfruchtbarediskussiongesehenhat*, aber Mummy und KotE zählen nicht zu diesen 5. Genauso wie Kindred of the Ebon Kingdom das nicht tun wird.

Selganor [n/a]:
Um mal wieder ein Update zu geben: Greg Stolze hat auf folgende Infos ueber DtF bekanntgegeben:

1) Splats. Yes, there are splats. (You knew there'd be splats, right?)
Splats based partially on the Seven Deadly Sins and partly on the Seven Days of Creation. Your splat has nothing to do with your politics. You can be a fallen Guardian Angel who believes that the Humans Are Our Future, or you can be one whose carefully considered philosophy boils down to "Wreck Everything".

2) Bracing for backlash. Well, honestly, I think that fanatic hate-filled "Christians" (if you can really give that title to someone who's hate-filled) are going to find Islam a much more fruitful target for their misguided rants these days. I've tried to deal with the themes of religion in a thoughtful, respectful and insightful way without resorting to glib cop-outs and easy answers. The game goes to dark places, but I think it implicitly asks why they're dark.

3) Luridness. Well duh. If you do a book about demons escaping from Hell and walking the Earth, it SHOULD be lurid. A dry, intellectual, understated game about the clash of Evil and Good is a game with a very narrow demographic indeed.

4) Theme. Here's a quote from the development document.

"Though there are numerous themes that may be evoked by the different factions among the fallen, there are two overarching concepts that drive Demon: self-determination and devotion to a cause, even one that seems doomed from the start."

Selganor [n/a]:
Die erste Fansite (fuer ein System das noch nicht einmal draussen ist ;) ) ist inzwischen umgezogen und unter in ganz neuem Aussehen...
(Zwar noch ohne allzugrossen Inhalt, aber das kommt wohl mit dem System)

ich habe an Demon: the Fallen mitgearbeitet.
was ich bisher gelesen habe bringt eine menge frischen wind in world of darkness.
laßt euch überraschen...

marko ;)

Selganor [n/a]:
Inzwischen ist auch ein sehr interessantes Interview mit dem Developer auf der Website zu finden...


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