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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #25 am: 12.05.2006 | 16:49 »
Sorry wenn ich das so plump mache, aber meine Rezi zum WoD-Schirm:

Hätte das gerne hier ausgeführt, aber eine Freundin wartet auf ihre Mitfahrgelegenheit...

When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting.
When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished.
I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave.
- Death, in Neil Gaiman: Dream Country


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« Letzte Änderung: 17.05.2006 | 02:42 von Ecowarmachine »

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #27 am: 17.05.2006 | 08:30 »
Erinnert irgendwie an das Kinoplakat von Peter Jacksons "Frighteners".


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #28 am: 17.05.2006 | 09:57 »
Jup mich auch aber sehr nett.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #29 am: 19.05.2006 | 08:34 »
Ok WW haut mal wieder das Lexicon des Spiels raus:

Azoth: Azoth is the amount of purified Pyros the Promethean has within him. It is what animates him and gives him the potential (the promise) of becoming mortal, or truly alive. Azoth is often associated with the alchemical principle of coagulation.

Pyros das Gegenstück zu Blood Potency/Genosis/Primal Urge?

Promethean: A being animated by Azoth as a result of a unique alchemical process. The Promethean's body always comes from a dismembered and reassembled corpse (or corpses).


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #30 am: 22.05.2006 | 06:38 »
und nochmal was von WW:

Pyros: The Divine Fire. Prometheans generate fluid Pyros from their Azoth (their store of purified Pyros). Pyros is expended to power Transmutations.

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #31 am: 22.05.2006 | 14:29 »
Also vermutlich eher umgekehrt. Azoth als Power Trait und Pyros als Resource.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #32 am: 22.05.2006 | 14:33 »
Auch möglich.
Ich bin ehrlich gesagt doch gespannt auf dieses Spiel, auch wenn mich das Thema immer noch nicht reizt.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #33 am: 23.05.2006 | 10:13 »
Und wieder zwei neue Begriffe:

Transmutation: A Promethean or Pandoran power.

Alchemicus: A class of Transmutations. The alteration or transformation of material substances, from mystically identifying them to molding their shape and function like clay.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #34 am: 24.05.2006 | 06:32 »
Corporeum: A class of Transmutations. Control or transformation of the body’s physical functions, from the regeneration of wounded flesh to hardening the skin against damage.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #35 am: 24.05.2006 | 19:23 »
Deception: A class of Transmutations. Supernatural means of confusing or evading opponents, from changing one’s skin color to altering one’s facial features.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #36 am: 25.05.2006 | 23:04 »
Disquietism: A class of Transmutations. The manipulation of the character’s own Disquieting aura, from driving animals into a rabid fury to quelling Disquiet entirely for a short while.

Wir können wohl immerhin schließen, dass die übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten Transmutations heißen werden.
Ist nur noch die frage wie sie aufgebaut sind?
Ich persönlich habe die Vermutung, dass sie wie Vampir-Diziplinen aufgebaut sind und nicht wie die Giftlists in Werewolf.
« Letzte Änderung: 25.05.2006 | 23:16 von Chrischie »

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #37 am: 25.05.2006 | 23:10 »
Oder wie in Orpheus.

Man hat eine Transmutation und je nachdem wie sehr man diese einsetzt kann man bestimmte Effekte erzeugen.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #38 am: 25.05.2006 | 23:21 »
Als Orpheus rauskam, war die oWoD für mich schon lange gestorben, ergo habe ich es mir nicht gekauft und weiß somit auch nicht wie funktionieren.  ;)
Also wie wurde es bei Orpheus genau gehandhabt?

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #39 am: 25.05.2006 | 23:30 »
Orpheus ist klasse. Also vom Setting her, Regeln sind halt oWod.
Stop being yourself! You make me sick!


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #40 am: 27.05.2006 | 17:14 »
Electrification: A class of Transmutations. The control and generation of electrical current, from powering an electrical device with one’s own Pyros to throwing deadly bolts of lightning.

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #41 am: 27.05.2006 | 19:13 »
Hmm... klingt bisher alles als koennten die Prometheans auch durchaus als "Superhelden" durchgehen ;D
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Waldviech

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #42 am: 27.05.2006 | 23:40 »
...Und ausserdem als hätten sie mehr bei "Cashern" als bei Frankenstein geklaut....durchaus nicht uninteressant....
Barbaren ! Dekadente Stadtstaaten ! Finstere Hexenmeister ! Helden (oder sowas Ähnliches)!



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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #43 am: 28.05.2006 | 09:19 »
Was ist "Cashern"?

Offline Waldviech

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #44 am: 28.05.2006 | 12:05 »
Ein japanischer SF-Film basierend auf einem Manga aus den 70iger-Jahren. Für genaueres guckst du z.b. hier:
Die "Superkräfte"; der anscheinend angestrebte Zwist zwischen "Ich bin besser als der Homo-Sapiens" und "Ich will ein Mensch sein"; die alchemistisch-pseudowissenschaftliche Entstehungsweise der wie sich das bis jetzt anhört, klingt es wirklich ziemlich stark, als könnte man es auch in Richtung Casshern spielen.
Und das hört sich schon bedeutend cooler an als Boris Karloff mit Schrauben am Hals ;):P
Barbaren ! Dekadente Stadtstaaten ! Finstere Hexenmeister ! Helden (oder sowas Ähnliches)!


Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #45 am: 29.05.2006 | 22:27 »
Einen Spielbericht von einem Con kann man unter lesen
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #46 am: 30.05.2006 | 10:16 »
Weitere Infos:

Ein Interview mit dem Developer Bill Bridges als Podcast
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #47 am: 6.06.2006 | 09:37 »
Ok viele neue Dinge zu P:tC

Lineage: A type of Promethean, determined by the Lineage of the Promethean's creator (who is himself a Promethean). The popular conception of a Promethean being created by a mortal refers to a demiurge.

Frankenstein: A Promethean Lineage. Shambling creatures whose limbs and organs were culled from multiple bodies. They were given life by the element of fire in the form of lightning, and they suffer from an excess of choleric humour. Their Progenitor was Dr. Victor Frankenstein's famous monster.

A mortal demiurge once channeled Pyros into a dead body, sparking life. This animated creature became the Progenitor of a line of Prometheans, and each generation made more of its kind. Continuing in our week-daily previews of the next World of Darkness game, Promethean: The Created, we reveal the symbol for the Wretched, and a teasing hint at their origin and power.

Frankenstein — The Wretched

What makes a man? What are the components of a human being? Is a human being more than the sum of the parts that make the whole?

The children of Frankenstein embody these questions. Possessed of great strength and wild feeling, yet ill made and unfinished, their condition makes them personifications of the conundrum. They reflect the question literally, too, consisting of a mishmash of human parts sewn together and animated by harnessed lightning — wielding great power but still not fully men.

For all the Disquiet they cause, the other Promethean Lineages are still the intended results of the dark miracles that brought them into being. Not so the descendants of Frankenstein’s monster. Their Progenitor was a mistake, a nightmare mishmash of a dozen corpses.

Although a few of these patchwork people over the last two centuries have not necessarily been hideous, they all share the same curse: They are separated from humanity, and they know it. Members of the family Frankenstein are forced to confront this every day of their lives.

Shambling creatures whose limbs and organs were culled from multiple bodies. They were given life by the element of fire in the form of lightning, and they suffer from an excess of choleric humour. Their Progenitor was the famous Frankenstein's monster, and their Bestowment is Unholy Strength.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #48 am: 7.06.2006 | 07:50 »
disfigurements: Underneath the illusion of normality provided by the Azoth, a Promethean's true visage is terrible to look upon. He might be scarred and stitched or appear to be made of clay, depending on his Lineage. A Promethean's disfigurements become briefly visible to mortals when the Promethean spends Pyros points or uses electrical current to heal wounds.

Frankenstein - The Wretched

Disfigurement: When the Wretched use their powers, the joins between the different parts of their body become apparent. Different parts of the body might have different skin tones. The joins could be heavy white scars. They could still be sutured with anything from coarse, old-fashioned thread through to steel wire. Some areas of flesh might even be joined together by riveted straps of leather and metal.

As they use the Pyros or channel their powers, it becomes apparent that some Frankensteins have electrical terminals in odd places on their body, poking out from the join between areas of flesh. Perhaps they’re small rods of copper on the backs of the hands. Sometimes they are bolts on the back of the head, or small copper spikes briefly visible poking out of the scalp. Perhaps the Wretched has small metal contact plates flush with the skin on the base of the spine; maybe they’re on the neck or the chest. When a Frankenstein’s disfigurements become apparent, these terminals might spark, or arc electricity across the Promethean’s body.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #49 am: 8.06.2006 | 06:44 »
Frankenstein - The Wretched

Progenitor: Everybody knows the story of Viktor Frankenstein. Literature and the movies have made him and his monster post-Enlightenment legends. The different versions all agree on the point that Frankenstein's single-minded desire to create life led to him bringing to life a monster. In turn, the monster blighted Viktor's existence.

Viktor's science — a fusion of Paracelsian alchemy and Enlightenment science — shouldn't have worked. Whether a result of freak conditions, unfeasible science or an act of God, the monster opened its eyes, only to see his creator turn away in disgust. Frankenstein had intended his creation to be beautiful, a new Adam Kadmon, a complete, perfect man, born in innocence. What he made was an abortion.

Escaping his confines, Frankenstein's monster traveled abroad in the world. He was met with loneliness and rejection.

demiurge: A mortal who wields the Azoth to create a Promethean. The result of a demiurge's act of creation is a Progenitor, the prototype Promethean of a Lineage. Any Prometheans the Progenitor then creates inherit his Lineage. Demiurges are rare. There have been only a handful throughout history, and the last confirmed demiurge was Dr. Victor Frankenstein.

Progenitor: The first Promethean of a Lineage. Frankenstein’s monster was the Progenitor of the Frankenstein Lineage.