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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #50 am: 9.06.2006 | 07:05 »

Prometheans often pledge themselves to a regimen of alchemical study: the Magnum Opus, the Great Work, the purpose of which is to attain the New Dawn, also called the Aurora — the soul. The Promethean's base matter — his body and mind, associated with the metal lead — has already undergone the stages of putrefaction, dismemberment and resurrection, but he has not yet attained the Dawn. He wanders through Saturnine Night, beset by horrors… some of his own making. Until he is perfected, all his Works shall be imperfect.

For this reason, a particular course of the Great Work is called a Refinement, for it seeks to make complete an incomplete Creation.

Aurum: The Refinement of Gold (Mortality) — Prometheans who practice this Refinement seek to pass as human and to understand the human condition, and thus the soul. Some do so to become as their Lineage’s demiurge creator, others to transcend the pitiful lot of that creator.

Refinement: A Great Work. One of many known practices adopted by Prometheans as a means of mastering the Inner Fire, lest it master them instead.

Aurum: The Refinement of Gold, or Mortality. Practitioners are called Mimics or Adamists.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #51 am: 13.06.2006 | 08:27 »

Galatea - Muses

Beauty, as they keep telling you, is only skin deep. It's arguable as to whether that is always true, but as far as the descendants of the Galatea of myth are concerned, it holds some degree of truth. They're all beautiful. Every last one of them is an Adonis or an Aphrodite. Yet, this beauty isn't enough to keep away the Disquiet that plagues the Prometheans. It isn't enough to hide the constant crackle of the Azoth under their skin. The Azoth repels, just as their luminous beauty attracts. It's no wonder that the most common reaction to the Muses is confusion and ambivalence.

Like their Progenitor, the Galateids were made to be loved and to love, in every sense of the word. The need for human society drives many of them. Beauty, however, doesn't necessarily predicate social graces. Many Muses find that they are unable to communicate with the humans to whom they would be so close. They make attachments easily, but they can't express how they feel.

Muse: See Galatea.

Galatea: A Promethean Lineage. Beautiful creatures made from the most perfect body parts from one or more corpses, Galateids are enlivened by the Breath of Life and animated with an excess of sanguine humour. Their Progenitor was Galatea, the woman created by Pygmalion.


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #52 am: 1.07.2006 | 16:54 »
Auf der WW-Seite kann man nun eine PDF mit 16 Seiten herunterladen, welches ein Einblick in das neue Spiel liefert.

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #53 am: 5.07.2006 | 12:08 »
Ich bin mir da ja nicht sicher, aber wird es überhaupt auf deutsch erscheinen?
"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of being childish, and the desire to be very grown up."
--C.S. Lewis, 1947

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #54 am: 5.07.2006 | 12:12 »
In Deutschland erhältlich sein wird es zum gleichen Termin. Eine deutsche Version wird es nach den neuesten Einstampfungsbekundigungen von F&S mit 99,9%tiger Sicherheit wohl nicht geben.
What were you doing at a volcano? - Action geology!

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #55 am: 5.07.2006 | 12:22 »
Frag doch einfach mal beim Händler Deines Vertrauens nach, ob Du's vorbestellen kannst. Dann hast Du es mit etwas Glück gleich am Veröffentlichungstag oder ein, zwei Tage später.
What were you doing at a volcano? - Action geology!

Most people work long, hard hours at jobs they hate that enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #56 am: 5.07.2006 | 12:29 »
Dragonworld hat fuer gewoehnlch einen Verzug von 1-2 Tagen nach Erscheinen.

Ptolus (das dasselbe Release Date wie PtC hat) wird am 11.8. (also einen Tag spaeter) verschickt.
Dann noch 1-2 Tage (je nachdem wie schnell die Post ist) und du solltest es haben.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."


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Re: [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
« Antwort #57 am: 5.07.2006 | 14:53 »
Dragonworld versendet sehr schnell.
Mich hat auch das Promopdf nicht heiß gemacht, ich werde die Serie auslassen, es ist einfach nicht mein Ding und auch nciht das meiner Spieler.