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Oh und noch ein Star Wars Battlefront Trailer. Diesmal auf Hoth. Sieht schon eeecht schick aus.

Hallo allerseits. Ist hier eigentlich die Seite bekannt ? Falls nein, es lohnt sich !

Raufgehen, gewünschtes Spiel eingeben und mit Chance findet man es irgendwo für einen Bruchteil des normalen Preises. Ich selbst habe mir gerade Galactic Civilisation III für den halben Preis geholt.

Darius der Duellant:
Bezogen auf CalCiv III:
Lohnt es sich?
Habe den zweier gesuchtet, bin mir aber unsicher ob der Nachfolger den Umstieg wert ist.


--- Zitat von: Darius der Duellant am  4.07.2015 | 20:31 ---Top!
Bezogen auf CalCiv III:
Lohnt es sich?
Habe den zweier gesuchtet, bin mir aber unsicher ob der Nachfolger den Umstieg wert ist.

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Hier geht's weiter.

Yeah ein Spiel zu RWBY kommt

--- Zitat ---GREENLIT in 2 days!!
On behalf of everyone here at Rooster Teeth - THANK YOU so much for your support!! You guys ROCK!!

The response to RWBY: Grimm Eclipse has been simply amazing! We rocketed to #1 within the first hour of submitting to Greenlight and held the #1 spot until finally getting approved. We’re not ready to share all our numbers just yet, but we can say that 99% of our total vote count were YES. And most of our stats were 23x above the average.

WOW! Just wow. We are so %$#@&! excited right now! <dancing around the room>

So what’s next you ask?? Well, now that we are Greenlit - we need to continue developing the game and get it ready for you to PLAY! The foundation of the gameplay is already solid, but it’s not done yet. We are still in active development and continuing to design systems, features, enemies, levels, story, etc. There’s still a LOT more content to finalize before it’s officially ready for your beautiful, calloused, gamer hands.

We really appreciate your positive feedback and ideas in the comments section! All of your kind words have inspired us to make a great game even greater! So keep those comments, questions and discussions coming and we’ll try to keep up with answers. But keep in mind - we can’t share all the nitty-gritty details just yet... There’s still plenty to figure out as we continue to design and develop the game. We’ll share important details once they’re ready, but please be patient with us as we continue this journey together.

Again - thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us get on Steam! We love each and every one of you and can’t wait to share RWBY: Grimm Eclipse with you!

High fives from Austin, TX.

Rooster Teeth Games
--- Ende Zitat ---


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