Autor Thema: In this RPG...  (Gelesen 11990 mal)

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In this RPG...
« am: 8.07.2006 | 13:07 »

Ich muss noch mal diese Seite hinweisen. - Wie ich finde, eine ganz wunderbare Zeitsenke.

The PCs are crafty prime numbers in a fabulous candy factory who, with low prices and great selection, fight the National Rifle Association for hostages until an earthquake destroys everything.

Offline Haukrinn

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #1 am: 8.07.2006 | 13:17 »
Cooool!  ;D

The PCs are Hindu peasants living in a trailer who, with metal folding chairs, fight henchmen, minions and mooks for smokes every now and then.

oder noch besser

The PCs are tap-dancing nuns exploring a deserted spacecraft who, with small, fluffy animals, fight religious zealots for mates in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. – 220 A.D.).
What were you doing at a volcano? - Action geology!

Most people work long, hard hours at jobs they hate that enable them to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.

Offline Dash Bannon

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #2 am: 8.07.2006 | 13:26 »
The PCs are obsessive-compulsive performance artists with enormous breasts who, with ballistic missiles, fight a hive mind for booze as the band plays on.

das war ein Zufall....
Es gibt drei Arten etwas zu tun. Die richtige Art, die falsche Art und die Dash Bannon Art.

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #3 am: 8.07.2006 | 13:28 »
The PCs are perfectly cromulent mummies in the Yukon who, with large wrenches, fight ninjas for whiskey and wenches and learn how to love again.

Klingt reizvoll  ;D
DORP - Wir kochen mit Äther!

Ulisses Spiele Universalredakteur

Offline Vale waan Takis

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #4 am: 8.07.2006 | 13:29 »
Sehr geil  ~;D


The PCs are modern-day battlemech pilots in love who, with ray guns, fight back tears for redemption because honor demands it.

oder der

The PCs are fun-loving princesses breaking into the Louvre who, with stem cells, fight Stalin for Queen and country in the last century.

Und das kann ich mir fast vorstellen

The PCs are hip, ironic insects in a rock band who, with Swiss army knives, fight nonbelievers for whiskey and wenches on the wildest camping trip ever!

So genug geqouted  :)


  • Gast
Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #5 am: 8.07.2006 | 13:44 »
Wäre das nichtmal was für die GFF-Challenge?
Oder eine pseudo-Challenge? A la: zeigt uns mal, was für Müll ihr innerhalb von 48 Stunden zu einem RPG verarbeiten könnt!  ~;D

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #6 am: 8.07.2006 | 13:56 »
The PCs are rampaging n00bies on unicycles who, with no respect for authority, fight the RIAA for hourly wages (plus tips) before anyone else thinks of doing it.
With great power comes greater Invisibility.

Offline Skele-Surtur

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #7 am: 8.07.2006 | 17:15 »
Sick.  :-\
Doomstone ist die Einheit in der schlechte Rollenspiele gemessen werden.

Korrigiert meine Rechtschreibfehler!

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #8 am: 8.07.2006 | 17:29 »
The PCs are huge, hulking detectives in church who, with metal folding chairs, fight a brain in a tank for Freedom because it's what all the cool kids are doing.

Offline Vale waan Takis

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #9 am: 9.07.2006 | 13:48 »
Wäre das nichtmal was für die GFF-Challenge?
Oder eine pseudo-Challenge? A la: zeigt uns mal, was für Müll ihr innerhalb von 48 Stunden zu einem RPG verarbeiten könnt!  ~;D

Das würde allerdings jeden ernsthaften Beitrag von vbornherein ausschließen. Nur weil es diesmal überdurchschnittlich vil Ulk bei der Challenge gab sollte man hier nicht verallgemeinern  ;)

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #10 am: 12.07.2006 | 13:14 »
Ich könnte schwören, das ich in einer dieser Sessions schon war...

The PCs are mismatched scuba divers aboard a hideously-beweaponed starcruiser who, with a lot of trial and error, fight the Terrible Zodin for sexual gratification because today is a good day to die.

The PCs are unintentionally hilarious heroes in the ghetto who, with a vast arsenal of weapons, fight robots bent on destroying humanity for Jesus in a chilling vision of the future.

The PCs are one-note go-go dancers on a rocket to the moon who, with a knockout ad campaign, fight robots for beads and trinkets until their true foe reveals himself.

"Mommy, the scary script knows my game..."
You scratch my paint, I scratch yours.

Offline Bad Horse

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #11 am: 12.07.2006 | 13:22 »
Ist ja zu geil...

In this RPG... the PCs are glow-in-the-dark undertakers in over their heads who, with karate, fight a monolithic corporation that may or may not be based on Microsoft for the government and learn how to love again.

Klingt nach einer coolen Fernsehserie...


The PCs are futuristic elves (the kind that make shoes, though) operating powered exoskeletons who, with guns (and more guns), fight the mole people for the last time at dawn.

Irgendwie kann ich mir die sogar vorstellen...  :D
Zitat von: William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming
The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

Korrekter Imperativ bei starken Verben: Lies! Nimm! Gib! Tritt! Stirb!

Ein Pao ist eine nachbarschaftsgroße Arztdose, die explodiert, wenn man darauf tanzt. Und: Hast du einen Kraftsnack rückwärts geraucht?


  • Gast
Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #12 am: 12.07.2006 | 13:27 »
The PCs are sexy, single children (in name only) who, with plasma rifles, fight mutants for gems and jewels while America prays for their safety.

Offline Don Kamillo

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #13 am: 12.07.2006 | 13:36 »
The PCs are superstar nuns by day and high-class hookers by night who, with snappy one-liners, fight stubborn grass stains for a mysterious unseen boss after school.

Hooray, wir bekämpfen Flecken...  ;D
Awesomeness ist eine Krankheit, bei mir chronisch!
"I greet you as guests and so will not crush the life from you and devour your souls with peals of laugther. No, instead, I will make some tea." - Toll the hounds - page 282 )
Der Don zockt gerade: nWoD Crossover, D&D5e Homebrew mit Monsterrassen, D&D5e Wildemount, D&D5e Moonshaes, D&D 5e Hoard of the Dragon Queen & Conan 2D20

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #14 am: 12.07.2006 | 13:38 »
The PCs are meddling teenagers at a slumber party who, with a lack of common sense, fight the National Rifle Association for a paycheck over and over again.
Kopfgeldjäger? Diesen Abschaum brauchen wir hier nicht!

Offline Boba Fett

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #15 am: 12.07.2006 | 13:41 »
The PCs are undercover Playboy bunnies in the path of a tornado who, with a set of steak knives, fight others of their kind for their corporate sponsors after diplomacy fails.
Kopfgeldjäger? Diesen Abschaum brauchen wir hier nicht!

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #16 am: 12.07.2006 | 13:46 »
The PCs are omnipotent spies in a world where nothing is as it seems who, with sass and style, fight skinheads for humanity under false pretenses.
"Wir leben nach den Regeln, wir sterben nach den Regeln!"

"Wer nicht den Mut hat zu werfen, der wird beim Würfeln niemals eine Sechs erzielen."


  • Gast
Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #17 am: 12.07.2006 | 14:21 »
The PCs are hilarious sports fans chosen by lottery who, with ultra-violence, fight their android duplicates for the Championship Belt in a star-spanning saga.


The PCs are old-fashioned jerks running from the law who, with a wacky sidekick, fight traitors for a quick buck behind closed doors.

Sicherlich auch. ;D

The PCs are sexy celebrities in the deep jungle who, with not-so-clever disguises, fight the people responsible for "New Coke" for what is right in a time of legends.

Das ist schon fast klassisch. ;)

Offline Smendrik

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #18 am: 12.07.2006 | 20:32 »
The PCs are huge, hulking millionaires with prehensile tails who, with a little stealth and a little piano wire, fight the ACLU for control of the town on a dark and stormy night.

Das kann ich mir auch irgendwie vorstellen  ;D
Was nützt alle Magie der Welt, wenn man damit nicht mal ein Einhorn retten kann?

Sleep is like the unicorn - it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #19 am: 13.07.2006 | 21:37 »
Als würde das Prog die Schlagzeilen lesen....

The PCs are transforming Puritans lost in the desert who, with thermonuclear weapons, fight George W. Bush for a hobby...but this time, it's personal!

Offline Jens

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #20 am: 13.07.2006 | 23:24 »
Jo die Seite ist absolut cool, das Script oder die Datenquellen würd ich gern mal sehen... sehr genial :D

BTW Quote darf nicht fehlen: The PCs are goth historians in wheelchairs who, with vorpal blades, fight a giant head for a hobby in the Pleistocene Era. :D ~;D

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #21 am: 14.07.2006 | 22:35 »
In this RPG the PCs are noble penguins in Victorian England who, with samurai swords, fight a brain in a tank for the secret to The DaVinci Code until a compromise is reached.

Ich versuche mir das gerade Bildlich vorzustellen, also die Pinguine. :d
Das ist keine Signatur.

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #22 am: 16.07.2006 | 11:36 »
The PCs are immortal aborigines in a cardboard box who, with no mercy, fight a dark conspiracy for an encore, all in haiku.

Das könnte sogar interessant sein :D

MfG Edler Baldur

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #23 am: 17.07.2006 | 08:56 »
The PCs are hotshot artists in a rock band who, with just a pinch of salt, fight the Devil (only she's a chick) for valuable coupons once upon a time.

...das spottet einfach jeden Kommentars.
Doomstone ist die Einheit in der schlechte Rollenspiele gemessen werden.

Korrigiert meine Rechtschreibfehler!

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Re: In this RPG...
« Antwort #24 am: 25.09.2008 | 07:02 »
The PCs are messianic dolphins on a space station who, with two-handed swords, fight you-know-who for subway tokens so little Timmy can have the operation that will save his life.

Messianic Dolphins   ~;D
Humor und Humus – beide sind fruchtbar.
~ Hermann Lahm