Wer dann auch nich die Battle Box Arcana Evolved hat der hat dann zwei Saetze Karten (einmal Actions einmal Conditions)

Daher habe ich im Normalfall auch nur eine "vollstaendige" Battlebox

Die Version fuer Iron Heroes ist aber noch viel praktischer (aber nur wer IH hat):
- Karten fuer saemtliche Tokenpools (1/Pool) mit Beschreibung wann man wie viel Tokens kriegt und Platz fuer die Tokenanzeige
- ein normalgrosser METALL d20
- Die offiziellen Errata als Booklet
- zu IH passende Counter fuer PC, NPC und Villain Classes
Und wer jetzt noch nicht von der Battle Box ueberzeugt ist sollte sich mal die den Abschnitt aus
My Picks of Gen Con 2004 (von Monte Cook) durchlesen:
1. The BattleBox by Fiery Dragon Productions
My number one favorite thing at Gen Con this year is the BattleBox, a collection of cool accessories for your game table all in a fancy tin case. This product has spell effect overlays (very nice-looking ones too), counters for offbeat stuff like spiritual weapons and conjured mounts and things like that, some nifty tools to help keep track of distance in a chase situation, and a whole pad of handy forms for tracking NPC stats in an abbreviated but useful fashion. The coolest things, though -- worth the 20-dollar price tag all by themselves -- are the reference cards that come with the game. These handy, surprisingly small cards each contain all the rules for one important type of action in the d20 System, like grapple, disarm, bull rush, and so on. It's all summarized and easy to use. If you're like me and can't remember each step for each process, you won't ever have to flip through the rulebook again. These rock. Oh, and there's a d20 in there too. The tin is crammed with stuff, and like I said, it's only 20 bucks. Everyone should have one of these.