Autor Thema: World of Future Darkness Reborn  (Gelesen 1502 mal)

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World of Future Darkness Reborn
« am: 25.09.2006 | 13:24 »
Ich hab eine Einladung für eine Yahoo Gruppe bekommen:

I am the National Coordinator of World of Future Darkness Reborn, we are always looking for new Troupes throughout the US and Abroad to help expand our universe and add to the diversity that is WoFDR.

*Our Goal*

The Goal of the World of Future Darkness Reborn is to present a format in which all players within each member Chronicle can contribute to the futuristic setting world of "The World of Future Darkness" and in turn the "story" that everyone is a part of. We are interested in serious role players who wish to create a persona in which they can interaction with the other players of the Network, fairness and good will among Players and Storytellers is encouraged.

The World of Future Darkness Reborn, as an Organization, has re-started in Toledo, Ohio. Does this mean you have to live in Toledo to play within the game world? No, absolutely not. The WOFD is a organization of MET Troupes across the United States. The Setting is in the future of the World of Darkness, all Chapters within work within the confines of this new addition to White Wolf Game Studio's ever expanding /World of Darkness/. Each individual chronicle has it's own sovereignty, allowing individual CSTs (Chapter Storytellers) freedom to mold their own games to fit their own tastes, role-playing methods, and the tastes of their players..

It should be worth mentioning at this point, the World of Future Darkness is not, nor is it in any way affiliated with One World by Night, or the Camarilla. Though we do welcome players of those organizations in our chronicles, we also require that you create a new character upon joining the organization.

It is our goal to create a believable game world. New players to the game are given a wide variety of character options, as well as a choice of existing PCs and NPCs to serve as established Sires within the WoFD if the player is so inclined. Existing players are awarded the unique opportunity to play an Elder of their Clan within this dark and futuristic world. Indeed, in this sense, a flawless character genealogy is a goal we strive to obtain.

As a rule, the only character types available for play in the WoFD are the Clans of the Camarilla (Brujah, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere and Ventrue, as well as anarchs), Gangrel and Mortals. At the discretion of the CST, Garou and Giovanni may be made allowable, and mages at this time are currently in playtesting for adaptability within the game setting.

Just because a member cant play a Mage in the Masquerade Venue doesnt mean they will not be allowed to play a Mage. The /*World of Future Darkness Org*./ has multiple Venues that each Chapter can choose to host: Masquerade - Vampire, Apocalypse - Werewolf, Ascension - Mage, Oblivion - Wraith, Eternal Struggle - Mortal Hunter Venue, etc,...

One thing that will be available to humans above the other character types is Cybernetics; thats one of the benefits of living. Humans in the year 2020 AD are much more fearsome and deadly to the supernatural and to themselves than they have ever been at any other point in history.

We charge no membership fees. There are no yearly dues. The World of Future Darkness is a non-profit organization.

Brian Joseph Baker
National Coordinator,
World of Future Darkness Reborn

Kennst das Projekt jemand von euch? Seid ihr da Mitglied und wie sind eure Erfahrungen?
Und wie kommen die drauf, mich anzuschreiben?
Und ein Paladin ist nun mal ein Krieger und kein Therapeut.

Misantropie ist halt in der Gruppe lustiger  ;D

Offline גליטצער

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Re: World of Future Darkness Reborn
« Antwort #1 am: 5.11.2006 | 18:52 »
Ich kenn nur die alte "World of Future Darkness", das war ein White Wolf Magazine Artikel fuer ein Crossover V:tM und CP2020...

Nicht so mein Ding, ob das was damit zu tun hat kann ich aus dem Text nicht erkennen, auf der Webseite faseln sie aber irgendwas ueber Dark Future...

Bei Interesse kann ich Dir mehr zu dem Artikel sagen, die Seite seh' ich gerade zum ersten mal.
-X-"Der Kluegere gibt nach" fuehrt nur zur Herrschaft der Dummen -X-

Unterschätzt niemals die Macht des Glitzers!!!11

Offline Asdrubael

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Re: World of Future Darkness Reborn
« Antwort #2 am: 12.11.2006 | 18:15 »
hm. also die Vampire Erweiterung zum CP2020 hab ich auch. Das war echt ein Cross Over?

ja interessieren tät's mich schon ;)
Und ein Paladin ist nun mal ein Krieger und kein Therapeut.

Misantropie ist halt in der Gruppe lustiger  ;D

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: World of Future Darkness Reborn
« Antwort #3 am: 12.11.2006 | 19:11 »
Es gab fuer CP 2020 ein Vampir-Supplement (das hast du wohl) und in White Wolf Magazine 36-38 gab es eine dreiteilige Artikelreihe die Cyberware (und "Cyberpunk-Flair") in die WoD eingebracht hat.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."