
Welcher Player Typ?

Casual Gamer
5 (4.7%)
Character Player
27 (25.5%)
Power Gamer
9 (8.5%)
5 (4.7%)
42 (39.6%)
11 (10.4%)
Weekend Warrior
7 (6.6%)

Stimmen insgesamt: 84

Autor Thema: [Quiz] Laws Player Types  (Gelesen 18411 mal)

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.

Offline AlexW

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #50 am: 24.11.2006 | 22:42 »
You scored as Character Player. The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn't. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he's played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting

Storyteller 80%
Character Player 80%
Casual Gamer    50%
Tactician    45%
Power Gamer    40%
Specialist    35%
Weekend Warrior    35%

Im Moment spiele ich gar nicht, aber Story und Charakter sind am wichtigsten... Weswegen ich auch Schreiben als gute Ersatzdroge betreibe.
« Letzte Änderung: 24.11.2006 | 22:44 von AlexW »

Offline Jens

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #51 am: 25.11.2006 | 07:04 »
Hm ich finde, man hätte den Buttkicker nicht in Weekend Warrior umbenennen sollen, so klang das damals besser.

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #52 am: 25.11.2006 | 09:55 »
Storyteller   80%
Char. Player   60%
Tactician   40%
Casual Gamer   35%
Power Gamer   25%
Specialist   25%
Weekend Warrior15%
Kommt schon ganz gut hin, auch wenn der Unterschied zwischen Storyteller und Character Player ein bisschen kleiner hätte ausfallen können.
Zumindest soweit ich das nach 2 Jahren ohne regelmäßiges Rollenspiel beurteilen kann ::)

nach dem Test bin ich also ein Weekend Storyteller. ;)
Oder ein Story Warrior ;)

Offline Jahleesu

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #53 am: 25.11.2006 | 10:34 »
Character Player 85%
Storyteller 70%
Casual Gamer 60%
Tactician 50%
Weekend Warrior 45%
Power Gamer 30%
Specialist 30%
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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #54 am: 25.11.2006 | 12:18 »
You scored as Storyteller.     

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.

Storyteller 95%

Character Player 85%

Weekend Warrior 55%

Casual Gamer 40%

Tactician 35%

Specialist 25%

Power Gamer 10%

Als ich den Test vor ein paar Jahren gemacht habe, sahen die Gewichtungen anders aus, aber Storyteller bin ich geblieben.

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #55 am: 30.11.2006 | 19:57 »
Storyteller (90%)

Das letzte mal, als ich den Test gemacht habe (war ein anderer, aber auf der gleichen Seite), war ich Storyteller knapp vor Character Player (da brauchte es einen Tie Breaker), der aber jetzt zusammen mit Weekend Warrior bei 65% liegt.

Powergamer (35%) und Tactican (15%) nunmehr weit abgeschlagen, war damals höher. Könnte die D&D Abstinenz sein, die sich da bemerkbar macht.  ;D

Offline Raphael

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #56 am: 27.12.2006 | 15:04 »
You scored as Storyteller.     

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.

Storyteller  60%

Character Player  55%
Casual Gamer   50%
Weekend Warrior   50%
Specialist   40%
Tactician   35%
Power Gamer  25%

Hm, scheint ja echt häufig Storyteller zu geben bei uns hier ...  ;)
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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #57 am: 5.01.2007 | 11:22 »
Noch ein Storyteller - nach tie break mit Character Player.

Character Player75%
Power Gamer50%
Casual Gamer30%
Weekend Warrior15%

Wenn ich den Casual Gamer + Weekend Warrior unter ferner liefen abhake,. trifft das die Sache gut: Am liebsten Geschichten erschaffen mit interessanten Charakteren im Zentrum. Ist das nicht drin, schalte ich - je nach Vorlieben der Mitspieler - auf reine Charakterdarstellung oder den Gewinnen/Taktikmodus um. Und ich habe eine eindeutige Vorliebe für Vollblutzauberer.

Schön, wenn man sich wiederfindet.  ;D

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #58 am: 25.01.2007 | 11:34 »
Hallo zusammen,

Power Gamer 70%
Specialist 50%
Character Player 45%
Weekend Warrior 35%
Tactician 35%
Storyteller 30%
Casual Gamer 30%

Gruß Jochen
Paranoia Discord Runde sucht neue Mitspieler:

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #59 am: 25.01.2007 | 11:44 »

You scored as Storyteller. The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution.

Storyteller: 90%
Character Player 90%
Tactician 60%
Weekend Warrior 35%
Casual Gamer 30%
Power Gamer 15%
Specialist 5%



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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #60 am: 25.01.2007 | 11:49 »
Storyteller 85%   
Power Gamer 60%
Tactician 55%
Character Player 50%
Weekend Warrior 45%
Casual Gamer 20%
Specialist 15%

Hmm sehr seltsames Ergebnis. Für einen Storyteller hätte ich mich nicht gehalten, eher Weekend Warrior oder Character Player. Das Powergamer an zweiter Stelle kommt beunruhigt mich dann doch ein wenig.

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #61 am: 25.01.2007 | 12:39 »
You scored as Character Player.     

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player

Casual Gamer



Weekend Warrior


Power Gamer

ingesamt ein komischer Test ~;P
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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #62 am: 25.01.2007 | 19:35 »
You scored as Storyteller.     

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Character Player

Weekend Warrior

Power Gamer

Casual Gamer


Zitat von: Ahasverus am Heute um 09:42
Im Grunde spielen wir die meiste Zeit also eine Art Wargame und erzählen uns dazwischen Stundenlang Geschichten wie es zum nächsten Kampf kommt. *leichte ironie*

You cannot spell Slaughter without laughter.

Offline Spicy McHaggis

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #63 am: 25.01.2007 | 19:44 »
You scored as Storyteller.     

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Weekend Warrior

Character Player


Casual Gamer


Power Gamer
"Neugier ist die Mutter der Weisheit"

Offline Spicy McHaggis

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #64 am: 25.01.2007 | 19:44 »

You scored as Storyteller.     

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Weekend Warrior

Character Player


Casual Gamer


Power Gamer
« Letzte Änderung: 25.01.2007 | 20:00 von Spicy McHaggis »
"Neugier ist die Mutter der Weisheit"

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #65 am: 25.01.2007 | 20:19 »
You scored as Character Player.     

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player


Casual Gamer


Weekend Warrior


Power Gamer
If the internet has shown us anything... anything... it has shown us that there is no such thing as "too batshit crazy to operate a computer."

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #66 am: 25.01.2007 | 20:27 »
Character Player   95%

Storyteller   90%

Tactician   60%

Specialist   50%

Power Gamer   40%

Weekend Warrior   35%

Casual Gamer   25%
-X-"Der Kluegere gibt nach" fuehrt nur zur Herrschaft der Dummen -X-

Unterschätzt niemals die Macht des Glitzers!!!11

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #67 am: 26.01.2007 | 11:36 »
You scored as Character Player. The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player 85%
Weekend Warrior 70%
Storyteller 60%
Tactician 60%
Power Gamer 55%
Casual Gamer 45%
Specialist 35%

Irgendwie macht hier jeder den CharPlayer, oder? Und irgendwie stimme ich dem Test ueberhaupt nicht zu :D

Wo sind meine Regeln?
« Letzte Änderung: 26.01.2007 | 11:39 von Darklone »
Captain Jack Sparrow: "Wen interessiert das?!?"


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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #68 am: 26.01.2007 | 11:49 »
You scored as Character Player.     

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn't. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dicenever come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Tactician 65%
Character Player 65%
Weekend Warrior 60%
Storyteller 55%
Power Gamer 55%
Specialist 30%
Casual Gamer 25%

Paßt nicht so ganz auf mich. Ich mag Regeln.


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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #69 am: 27.01.2007 | 14:13 »
Darum hast du wohl auch den gleichen Prozentsatz Tactician. ;)

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #70 am: 31.01.2007 | 16:23 »
100% Storyteller, etwa 70% Specialist und Casual Player

Storyteller und Spezialist stimmen, aber Casual Player?!? Na ja...
Bewunderer von Athavar Friedenslied

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #71 am: 1.02.2007 | 21:34 »
Endlich (?) mal wieder ein Test :) Und weil ich gerade nichts Besseres zu tun habe(n will  ;)), mach ich natürlich mit:

You scored as Storyteller. 

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.
Character Player
Weekend Warrior
Power Gamer
Casual Gamer
Doch, das kann ich so stehen lassen. Wenn die Geschichte nicht spannend ist, dann wird's langweilig und es fehlt mir ein wesentlicher Antrieb, meinen Charakter weiter zu spielen. Aber! Ohne Leveln, neues Spielzeug und ein wenig Taktik (oder das, was ich dafür halte ~;D) wär's nur halb so lustig. Ist wie Gärtnerei: man freut sich, wenn es wächst und gedeiht (selbst wenn es zwischenzeitlich ramponiert wird oder bissig ist).
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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #72 am: 1.02.2007 | 22:31 »
Mit meinem Ergebnis bin ich sehr zufrieden.
Ich bin fast zu gleichen Teilen Character Player (80%) und Storyteller (75%); die anderen sind weit abgeschlagen.
So hätte ich mich selbst auch eingeschätzt.


  • Gast
Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #73 am: 2.02.2007 | 10:30 »
Storyteller   95%
Character Player   75%
Tactician   60%
Casual Gamer   60%
Weekend Warrior   25%
Power Gamer   15%
Specialist   10%

Hm, daß Powergamer über Specialist steht, hätte ich mal nicht gedacht. Ansonsten stimmt das eigentlich  >;D

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Re: [Quiz] Laws Player Types
« Antwort #74 am: 3.02.2007 | 22:03 »
Ganz netter Test. Mein Ergebnis:

You scored as Storyteller. 

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.
Storyteller              70% [85%]
Tactician                70% [45%]
Character Player      55% [90%]
Casual Gamer          25% [50%]
Weekend Warrior     20% [25%]
Power Gamer          15% [10%]
Specialist              15% [10%]

Edit: In eckigen Klammern steht das, was ich heute am 06.04.07 erreicht habe. Meine Runde hat sich nun einmal sehr verändert, und ich mich auch.
« Letzte Änderung: 6.04.2007 | 09:38 von Magister Alrik Galgenhöfer »
Und wenn ich mich im Zusammenhang
des Multiversums betrachte, wie oft bin ich?