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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #500 am: 1.04.2013 | 16:40 »

Nach Vorankündigungen via G+ und FB ist es nun soweit und Das Schwarze All veröffentlichte am 1. April 2013 Verschollen auf Alak Alpha.

Verschollen auf Alak Alpha ist ein DaSA-Abenteuer. Es ist primär mit den Regeln für Savage Worlds spielbar, Add-ons für andere Systeme folgen.

Das Schwarze All (DaSA) ist ein in liebevoller Fanarbeit erstelltes Science-Fiction-Setting, das bekannte Elemente aufgreift und neu arrangiert. Es stellt den Spaß am Spiel in den Vordergrund, möchte humorvolle Unterhaltung und viele kleine Eastereggs bieten.

DaSA bedeutet einen Immersionisten oder einen Blasteraxt schwingenden Diggar zu spielen, mit ÜLGA durch den Weltraum zu düsen und spannende Abenteuer zu erleben.

Der Sol-Kult hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Sklavenhandel überall im Universum zu bekämpfen. Dank seiner starken Präsenz auf den Mittelwelten ist der Sklavenhandel dort faktisch abgeschafft. Jetzt hat sich das Augenmerk des Ersten Solisten auf die Welten am Rande des Goldenen Nebels gerichtet, die ihren Reichtum alleine den Sklaven verdanken. Ungekrönter König aller Sklavenplaneten ist Alak Alpha, dessen Macht bis auf die Mittelwelten reicht. Auch für die Imperatorin ein unhaltbarer Zustand.

Da die Solisten offiziell zum Stillhalten verdammt sind, sollen die Stars in einer geheimen Operation einen der größten Sklavenhändlerringe infiltrieren, wichtige Informationen beschaffen und die Organisation dann von Innen heraus zerschlagen. Die Solisten gehen davon aus, dass niemand die Spur bis zum Imperium und ihrem Kult zurückverfolgen kann und den Sklavenhändlern eine empfindliche Niederlage bereitet wird, die vielleicht zu einer Rebellion und anschließend einem freien Handel nach Vorbild der Mittelwelten führt.

Download der BETA, Karte des Goldenen Nebels, Bodenplan der Kometenschweif und des Soundtracks
Bleibt savage!

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #501 am: 2.04.2013 | 17:51 »

[Hellfrost] Organization Guide
Model: TAG31400
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 54
Price: €6.92 (TAG), €7.01 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hellfrost is a deep and vibrant setting. Its many religious cults and temporal organizations allow characters to be part of something greater than themselves yet still retain their individuality, offering them a both a purpose beyond just slaying monsters and acquiring treasure, and giving them a network of allies and friends they can call upon in times of need. These are not faceless organizations that exist in name only, but active facets of the world engaged in politics, commerce, research, and war, often at a continent-wide level.

Inside you'll find information on the history and structure on 19 organizations designed for player characters to join. Designed for players as much as the GM, there tips on how to play a member, combat advice, and suggestions on how to spend advancements, new Professional Edges, and notes on how the general populace reacts to members of the organizations.

This supplement details the following organizations: Arcane Hand, Bludgeoners, Convocation of Elementalists, Deathdealers, Dragon Guard, Gray Legion, Hearth Knights, Hrosmark Huscarls, Huscarls of Hammerhand, The Iron Guild, Knights Hrafn, Lorekeepers, Order of Jotundauðr, Reliquary, Roadwardens, Sisterhood of Mercy, Thirteen Warriors, Watchers of the Black Gate, and Wood Wardens.

Although this product is written for the Hellfrost setting, all the Professional Edges relating directly to the organizations have been included, thus enabling the GM to add these groups to his own Savage Worlds fantasy campaign.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #502 am: 3.04.2013 | 23:24 »

[MTE] Savage Insider Issue #8: Technology at the Table
Model: MTESI008
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Brett Boyko, Will Herrmann, Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Hyrum Savage, Eric Simon, Phil Vecchione
Artists: Kelsey Morse-Brown, Inkrod, Kai, Rojas, Rub_a_Duckie, Kieran Yanner, Aleksandr Bryliaev, AnnPainter, LANBO
Page Count: 44
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Insider Issue #8: Technology at the Table is all about technology in-game and out-of-game. The pillar article Tabletop Tech Today discusses what tools Savages are using as Game Masters and players while Gone Digital presents all the methods used by Phil Vecchione to run games with explanations of those tools and alternate ones to choose.

Technology at the Table is a multi-genre issue that leans toward different types of technology including clockwork, steam, cybernetics, and modern action gear. Technology runs the gambit of possibilities and we touch base on many aspects with varied uses throughout your games.

Technology at the Table includes:

* Two fleshed out cyberpunk Great Adventures
* Two fleshed out Character Galleries.
* A detailed look at two different character tools for use with Savage Worlds.
* Two General Interest pieces about using technology for gaming.
... and more!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #503 am: 6.04.2013 | 02:44 »

[Jade Tower Studios] Sticks & Stones - Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds
Authors:  Rob “Lug” Lusk, David “Moog” Ross, William “Gug” Littlefield, Greg “Taah!” Whalen, & The Mysterious “Tel-Ur”
Pages: 188
Price: €11.68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

[Jade Tower Studios] Sticks & Stones - Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds *PLAYER'S GUIDE*
Authors:  Rob “Lug” Lusk, David “Moog” Ross, William “Gug” Littlefield, Greg “Taah!” Whalen, & The Mysterious “Tel-Ur”
Pages: 76
Price: €3.89 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds

Sticks & Stones is a romp through a prehistory that time forgot. Players choose from among a variety of races struggling for survival and dominance at the dawn of humanity. To stay alive, you’ll have to use everything you’ve got: shamanic powers, mighty beasts, brutal weapons, cunning inventions, shiny rocks, diplomatic grunts, threatening stares, and more!

Just remember—no talking (except known words) while you are in character!

The core book contains the complete Sticks & Stones Role-Playing Setting. You will also need a copy of the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition rules to play this game.

* More than 150 full-color illustrations
* Full-color player’s and Cave Master’s maps of the Land of Lur (the Cave Master’s map is fully linked to descriptions of locations)
* A fully linked Table of Contents and Index
* Comprehensive Bookmarks
* Rules for language (and the lack thereof)
* New Skills, Hindrances, Edges, and Powers
* Character creation rules for Archaic Homo sapiens (Ahs), Homo Floresiensis (Florz), Cave N.E.R.D.s, Neanderthals, and Dino sapiens
* 9 ready-to-play Archetype characters
* Shamanic Magic rules
* Weird Prehistoric Science rules
* Detailed descriptions of important plant and animal life on Lur
* Descriptions of a variety of locations of interest
* Religion in Lur (and the secrets of the Spirits)
* Detailed descriptions of the inhabitants and settlements of the Land of Lur
* Rules for travel in the Land of Lur
* Prehistoric-ish Armor, Hand Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Ammunition, Currency, Miscellaneous Gear
* Weird Prehistoric Science Vehicles, Vehicle Add-Ons, Weapons, and other Gadgets
* A host of magical Relics
* 9 linked plot-point adventures
* 17 one-shot adventures
* A Bestiary with more than 30 creatures
* A comprehensive Index
* Templates for a new weapon (the Bum Breaker)
* A Character Sheet

The Sticks & Stones Player’s Guide contains the first 69 pages of the Sticks & Stones Prehistoric-ish Role-Playing Setting for Savage Worlds, plus a summary of useful information, a fully linked index, templates, and a character sheet (for a total of 76 pages).

* More than 80 full-color illustrations
* A full-color player’s map of the Land of Lur
* Rules for language (and the lack thereof)
* New Skills, Hindrances, Edges, and Powers
* Character creation rules for Archaic Homo sapiens (Ahs), Homo Floresiensis (Florz), Cave N.E.R.D.s, Neanderthals, and Dino sapiens
* 9 ready-to-play Archetype characters
* Shamanic Magic rules
* Weird Prehistoric Science rules
* An overview of the flora and fauna, locations of interest, religion, and the inhabitants of the Land of Lur
* Rules for travel in the Land of Lur
* Prehistoric-ish Armor, Hand Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Ammunition, Currency, Miscellaneous Gear
* Weird Prehistoric Science Vehicles, Vehicle Add-Ons, Weapons, and other Gadgets
* A comprehensive Index
* Templates for a new weapon (the Bum Breaker)
* A Character Sheet

For more information, please visit
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #504 am: 12.04.2013 | 18:56 »

[TAG] Ace Tale 14 - Prison Base Moon 52

We have a brand new Ace Tale for Daring Tales of the Space Lanes which has been penned by Competition Winner Peter Lustig. The heroes are hired to secure an ancient aliens’ weapon cache on a remote moon. However, upon arrival, they notice that a non-friendly race has just started to build a prison colony right on top of the cache. How will our heroes deal with this unexpected obstacle?

Download Ace Tale 14 - Prison Base Moon 52

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #505 am: 16.04.2013 | 00:31 »

[Adamant Entertainment] MARS - Adventures [BUNDLE]
Price: €32,83 €15,29 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Dieses Bundle beinhaltet die folgenden Abenteuer...

  • Blood Legacy of Mars
  • City-States of Mars: Korium
  • Face of Mars
  • Rebels of Mars (Savage Worlds)
  • Sell-Swords of Mars
  • Sky-Tyrant of Mars
  • Soul-Thieves of Mars
  • The Sons of Tara - a MARS One-Sheet
  • Warriors of Mars

Total value: €32,83
Special bundle price: €15,29
Savings of: €17,54 (53%)

[Adamant Entertainment] THRILLING TALES - Adventures [BUNDLE]
Price: €22,93 €11,47 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Dieses Bundle beinhaltet die folgenden Abenteuer...

  • Thrilling Tales 2e: Curse of the Jade Monkey
  • Thrilling Tales 2e: Lights, Camera, MURDER!
  • Thrilling Tales 2e: Pulp Villains - The Red Menace
  • Thrilling Tales 2e: The Malay Coins
  • Thrilling Tales 2e: The Radio Marauders
  • Thrilling Tales 2e: The Valley of Mystery

Total value: €22,93
Special bundle price: €11,47
Savings of: €11,46 (50%)
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #506 am: 16.04.2013 | 20:21 »

[GRAmel] The Crying Mother
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 50
Price: €3.81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It should have been an easy job: a rich merchant, his fatty purse, a dagger in the night and spending the ill gained loot in one of the worst taverns of Jalizar.
But life in the City of Thieves isn’t easy.
Even a simple theft can have nightmarish consequences, if among the stolen loot there is an ancient gift from a mother sto her beloved son.
Rooftops chases, terrible nightmares and swordfights await you in this new adventure set in Jalizar, the most dangerous city of the Dread Sea Dominions!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #507 am: 17.04.2013 | 00:10 »

[Super Genius Games] Strike Force 7 Airdrop: 5 Pieces of Retaliatory Gear
Author: R. Hyrum Savage
Pages: 3
Price: €1,14 €0,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Strike Force 7 is America’s highly trained anti-terrorist force. Its purpose: To defend the world from the forces of Skorpion: a highly trained, well-equipped, and mysterious terrorist organization bent on world conquest! Take on the role of the rugged marine, former special ops member, top of his field computer expert, or even the mysterious ninja who now works for Uncle Sam. Skorpion isn't going to stop any time soon and neither will Strike Force 7.

Strike Force 7 Airdrop is a line of very short, cheap PDFs giving the bare bones of a set of related options. It does for rules what One Sheets do for adventures. It might be new Edges, Hindrances, Equipment, or any other short set of related rules we can cram into about a page. Short and simple, these PDFs are for COs and players who know how to integrate new ideas into their campaigns without any hand-holding, and just need fresh ideas and the rules to support them. No in-character fiction setting the game world. No charts and tables. No sidebars of explanations and optional rules. Just one sentence of explanation for the High Concept of the PDF, then the airdrop.

High Concept: Five new pieces of equipment to help members of Strike Force 7 retaliate against agents of Skorpion. Or vice-versa.

The 5 new pieces of equipment are:

  • Khepri Bombs: These small metallic insects resemble the scarab beetles sacred to the ancient Egyptians and are a new tool now being used by Skorpion infiltration agents.
  • Masks of Nephthys: The result of decades of secretive research by Skorpion R&D, the Mask of Nephthys is a nanite gel that allows the user to assume the appearance of another person.
  • Metal Vapor Torch Gloves: These gloves generate a small blade of flame in the palm of each hand that can slice through a half-inch steel bar in less than a second.
  • Phoenix Attack Cycle: This Skorpion motorcycle is not only equipped with four H&K MP7 submachine guns, but upon command the cycle can also split into six rocket propelled missiles!
  • XM40 "Zeus" Enhanced Sniper Rifle: Developed exclusively for Strike Force 7, the XM40 sniper rifle is the most powerful, versatile, and effective sniper rifle ever developed. It's unique targeting system allows the sniper to guide the round fired around corners or others forms of cover.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #508 am: 17.04.2013 | 01:02 »

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Croatia
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 11
Price: €1,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The actual kingdom of Croatia does not date back nearly as far as its neighboring nations, but its people had been around for centuries already. The Croats migrated to the area before forming the Duchy of Croatia within the Byzantine land formerly known as the Theme of Dalmatia. Although this migration period is debated, it is believed the Croats arrived sometime in the early 7th century.

Welcome to the fourth FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING NATION GUIDE, a series of mini-sourcebooks detailing the different nations during the Dark Ages. Each Nation Guide depicts historical information alongside that of mythology, folklore, speculation, and fiction for the purpose of providing additional content for your adventures and campaigns. This fourth Nation Guide details the nation of Croatia located in modern day Croatia, Serbia and Yugoslavia.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Croatia includes:

  • A brief look at Christianity in Croatia.
  • A Gazetteer listing major Croatian cities.
  • Alternate history adventure hooks.
  • A 450-year timeline of historical events.
  • 4 new creatures from Croatian folklore.
... and more!

FAITH & DEMONS: THE RISING is a Dark Ages, historical fantasy mythology plot point setting for Savage Worlds where united lords have brought the world’s warriors together to prevent the armies of chaos from enslaving their people.

Faith & Demons Nation Guide: Croatia is not a stand-alone game and requires the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Although designed to be used in conjunction with the Faith & Demons: The Rising core setting guide, the source material can be with used any Savage Worlds product.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #509 am: 17.04.2013 | 22:46 »

[Reality Blurs] Agents of Oblivion: Free Downloads (One with a Ticking Clock)

Greetings Agents!

Thanks to Trigger's work and patience, we’re happy to present the definitive Oblivion character sheet (Luddite and Form Fillable).

You'll also find (for a limited time) the Director’s Screen available for free.

All this stuff is located in the Free Downloads section.

That is all.

Until next time, I bid you, dear reader, adieu!
Sean Preston
Reality Blurs
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #510 am: 22.04.2013 | 00:56 »

[TAG] NEW TAG WEBSITE - Old Forum is Closing on 27th April

TAG Website Re-design!

We've been working on a brand new TAG website and we've some big changes coming soon. The old website will not be available over the weekend of the 27th/28th April as we make the new site available.

So what changes are there? The new site will have a single login making it easier to access all areas of the site. Once you log in you will be able to buy our great range of games but also join our community on the Triple Ace Games forum. There will be no seperate store as the products will be found on the seperate brand pages. The old forum will be locked but it will be accessible to view.

Unfortunately any previous store/forum logins and order history is not compatible with the new site. This means you will need to create a new account to access the new site. We will be keeping the old store history for sometime in case of queries however this will only be accessible by TAG Staff. Make sure you download any recent orders immediately as you will not be able to access the old store after the 26th April.

We know there are some big changes and understand that there is some inconvenience in creating a new site account. It will be worth the pain! The new site is a huge leap forward for TAG and helps us to bring you a better experience. We do expect a few tweaks will need to be made so please feel free to let us know of any problems you discover and we will fix them as we move forward. Thanks for your patience as we make these changes!
Robin Elliott

Production Director
Triple Ace Games

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #511 am: 26.04.2013 | 07:35 »

[GRAmel] TimeZero

This year, we are going to publish another RPG - TimeZero.

Time Emergency! Operations teams Alpha, Beta and Gamma to the briefing room! Prepare to intervene on the timeline!

Welcome to TimeZero, the new exciting time travel setting from GRAmel!

In this game you play skilled agents of Timewatch, the time police, and your task is to protect history from unwanted changes.

Mad scientists, time anomalies, paradoxes, parallel universes and a mysterious criminal organization await you in the mists of time.

So, complete your Hypnotraining to acquire the right skills for the mission, grab your ultra-tech devices, and jump into the Time Gate.

Human history needs saving!

TimeZero is the new, exciting time travel setting from Gramel. In this setting you will play as a trained Operative, a member of Timewatch, the secret organization that fights time crimes along the continuum.
Time thieves, chronoterrorists and many other incredible dangers await you across the millennia of human history!

You need this book and a copy of the Savage Worlds core rules to play this game. It is divided into two parts: the Player’s Guide, where you’ll find background details and rules for quickly creating time-cop agents, and the Game Master’s Guide, containing advice on running a time travel game, how to design your time-travelling adventures and a selection of time travelling opponents.
In the next few months Gramel will publish several TimeZero adventures, where you can prove your skills, saving the continuum.
Now synchronize your watches, because time waits for no man!

Here is the cover of that rpg, made by Bartłomiej Fedyczak.

Piotr "Ramel" Korys
Savage Worlds Line Editor
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #512 am: 29.04.2013 | 21:22 »


The new website is up and running again. Now it's only one central account for both the forum and the store. Please remember to register again, because the old accounts couldn't be converted. The old forum and store data is saved for security purposes.

And we have some great news! The printers has dispatched Hellfrost: Land of Fire and it is now on its way to our warehouse. We’ll be then despatching the Kickstarter goodies that we promised. Watch this space!

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #513 am: 30.04.2013 | 22:52 »


Hi folks,

After almost 5 years in business we've given the website a major revamp. The forums and store and now integrated into one login, so you can maneuver around without having to flick between store and forums.

However, it does mean that you'll need to log in as if a new user -- the old and new sites are incompatible. All your previous webstore orders have been saved, so don't panic if you lose a PDF -- we can still help you out.

Creative Director Triple Ace Games

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #514 am: 1.05.2013 | 01:38 »

[Pinnacle] Hell on Earth Form-Fillable Character Sheet Available

The character sheet for Hell on Earth: Reloaded is now available as a free download!

If you’re lucky enough to still have a workin’ hand with the right number of fingers, you can just print it off and fill it in yourself. Jot down the numbers and you can really be someone in the post-apocalyptic wastes of Hell on Earth!

If you’re lucky enough to still have workin’ tech, you can fill the character sheet in electronically, save it, and print it all you like!

However you do it, you have the option of the full-color character sheet from Hell on Earth: Reloaded or a printer-friendly black-and-white version. The layers are already there—all you have to do is pick the one you want.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #515 am: 1.05.2013 | 23:38 »

[TAG] Hellfrost Adventure Compendium Collectors Edition – The Northern Continent *LIMITED PREORDER*
Model: TAG10107
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 580
Price: €110.00/$140.00 (TAG)

Hellfrost is epic in scale and to do justice to the number of adventures available for just the northern continent it takes and epic sized book!

Hellfrost is celebrating its fourth birthday this year and it is also Triple Ace Games fifth birthday.

So to celebrate we are issuing a very special collection of all 21 adventures ever released for the northern continent of Hellfrost!

This epic 580 page tome details every adventure from Novice level to Heroic level and also includes Saga of the Frost Giants mini campaign!

Here is a breakdown of the books contents:

Lair Of The Vermin Lord
The Dark Seed
Pirates Of The Crystalflow
The Eostre Festival

Lost City Of Paraxus
Descent Into Madness
The Ice Fiend
Fey Tower & Deadly Glade

Sins Of The Father
The Blood Of Godhammer
The Blood Tide
Tales Of Darkness

Against The Elements
Web Of Deceit
Death In The Mire
Clash Of Steel

Christmas 2010 Special
The Mouth of the Frothing Bear

Saga of the Forst Giants – Mini Campaign
Shadow Of Darkness
The Siege Of Watchgap Fort
The Heart Of Winter
The Frost Giant’s Hold

Each book will be numbered 1 of 30 and signed by Wiggy and Rob of Triple Ace Games. This is a real collectors item and will only be availble for a short while.

IMPORTANT: This is a pre-order, limited to a total of 30 copies of this book. We will post the book to you when it is available. The pre-order will remain open till 31st May or until we reach the upper limit of the quantity we are making available at this time. Books may then take up to 21 days to arrive.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #516 am: 2.05.2013 | 23:44 »

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide (Savage Worlds)
Author: Christopher J. N. Banks
Pages: 57
Price: €3,75 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Three Kingdoms period of ancient China was born from the decentralization of the Chinese government and the rise of regional warlords. With the fall of the Han Dynasty, these warlords ruled their over their provinces and battled for control of the land. After only three remained, the three kingdoms of Wei, Wu and Shu were formed, but the battles did not end. These new three kingdoms continued their quest for control of the lands until only one remained, ushering in the next dynasty.

Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide is a detailed look at the kingdoms and warriors of the Three Kingdoms period in ancient China. This period was a chaotic time between the beginnings of the fall of the Han Dynasty to the rise of the Jin Dynasty, roughly from 184 to 280 CE, commonly known as the Three Kingdoms period. Step into the fray as the Kingdoms of Wei, Wu and Shu vie for control of the lands.

Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide includes:

  • Historical equipment utilized during the Three Kingdoms period
  • A look at the three kingdoms
  • A listing of Chinese commanders and generals
  • A comprehensive timeline of battles during the Three Kingdoms period
  • New Character Options for making Chinese warriors
  • A Savage Tale
  • … and more!

Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide is your source for building warriors like those of history, or building the foundations of a historical or alternate history game set during the Three Kingdoms period.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #517 am: 6.05.2013 | 20:24 »

[Reality Blurs] Ravaged Earth: Revised Second Edition
Authors: Eric Avedissian, Dave Olson, Sean Preston
Pages: 312
Price: €26,73 €15,28 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

About the Setting

In 1898, the Martians tried to take over, but we got lucky and they left, died off, or whatever. Now, over thirty years later, they’re back. Persistent buggers, ain’t they?

We’re not totally unprepared. Aetherium, what we commonly call the Martian metal, has altered some folks and given them the power to fight back. While most of them live on the fringes, we need each and every one of them if we’re going to keep them from taking over. Aren’t we?

And if that’s not enough, this upstart named Hitler is mobilizing his forces, and he looks to be a rough customer. His rhetoric is certainly more than mere sabre rattling. No doubt, he and his Nazis are mixed up in this mayhem somehow or other…

Grounded in (Pulp) Logic

The traditional tropes, tricks, and genre conventions of pulp are given an intrinsic logic tied to the events of the invasion. These heroes are very much a part of the world, and are a direct result of Martian interference. Furthermore, the ripple effect cascades out beyond the initial alien contact and throughout the past thirty years since the first Red War, when their scout ships nearly decimated the earth. This background provides a milieu with enough flexibility wherein you can play as light as you like, or explore the seamy back alleys in a hard-boiled fashion.

If You’re the hero

You’re guaranteed to make a fantastic guy or gal right outta the gate. This is high-powered pulp, and we aim to deliver on that promise. You can make any kind of hero you can think of, be it a masked vigilante, a mighty magician, or a scientist with his robot companion. The emphasis is on versatility, and eliminating rank requirements goes a long way to accomplish this goal. You might think it’s crazy, and it is (crazy fun)!

If You’re the GM

We’ve got you covered. In addition to lots of tips and tricks accumulated over a lifetime of gaming and nearly a decade of playing Savage Worlds, you’ll be prepared for anything the players throw at you. Unfamiliar with pulp tropes? We’ve got you covered as well by taking you through various genre conventions and explaining how to incorporate them into your game. The plot point campaign and side treks should keep your heroes busy for a long time, but if you couple them with our critically acclaimed adventure generators, you’ll be having rollicking high adventure in no time.

What’s Revised?

As the oldest Savage Worlds licensee, we've learned a lot over the years and we've listened to our crack crew of editors and the feedback you provided us. Folks wanted more Martians in this book. The promise of the threat on the horizon wasn't enough. We've honed our focus in on that in a big, big way with the enclosed plot point campaign (which we’ll get to in a moment). The edges have been expanded. We've included our tried and tested simple power system that doesn't rely on power points, our extended trait check system, and more. The focus is on versatility, with you able to build the hero you want to play. There’s more, but we don’t want to give everything away.

The Plot Point Campaign

This is a massive twelve part campaign taking the heroes around the globe and even above it. In it, you will brave hidden temples and dank castles, confront Martian tripods and more, all in proper pulp fashion. Oh yeah, you’ll likely trade bullets with gangsters and blows with Nazis. It’s all in a day's work for a hero like you to save the world from the Martian Invasion!

Our Track Record

The expansive number of edges has been tuned and refined, as we've learned from our efforts over the years. Everything has been extensively played and tested. And can be found in such fine products as Iron Dynasty, Realms of Cthulhu, RunePunk, and our ENnie-nominated Agents of Oblivion. In fact, we’ve gone Power Point-free, using the system developed for Realms of Cthulhu and expanded in Agents of Oblivion.

What's Special About the Expanded Edition?

Pre-orders get 18 pages of content that won’t be in the general PDF release!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #518 am: 8.05.2013 | 01:17 »

[Hellfrost] Eine Karte von Rassilon, die am Ende nicht ausgewählt wurde

Beim Durchstöbern von Lord Draconovs Bibliothek stieß ich vor einiger Zeit auf eine unbekannte Karte von Rassilon, die Euch eventuell interessieren könnte.

Ich entdeckte diese Karte einst auf der nun inaktiven Seite von Justin Raven bei deviantART.

Gute Arbeit, Justin! :D

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #519 am: 9.05.2013 | 01:44 »

[Savage Mojo] Set Rising Primer
Author: Darren Pearce
Pages: 16
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The scheming god Set has built a dark mirror of the Egyptian empire. His minions raid the mortal realms, enslaving humans to construct impossible pyramids for an evil purpose. Worse, they’re invading alternate realities too. Someone has to hunt them down, and the techno-Egyptian god Ra is looking for a group of demigods who are up for the task.

Across the universe, the future is about to be Set.

In this book we cover the background to playing astonishing adventures in this setting, and look at the types of character who’ll thrive with its challenges.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #520 am: 9.05.2013 | 23:42 »
And now something slightly different...

[Engine Publishing] Odyssey: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Campaign Management

Written by award-winning authors Phil Vecchione and Walt Ciechanowski, the fourth book from Gnome Stew and Engine Publishing is coming in July: Odyssey: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Campaign Management.

Opening with a foreword by RPG industry legend Kenneth Hite, Odyssey is, to our knowledge, the first book of its kind. It offers up 200 pages of system-neutral advice on starting, managing, and ending campaigns for game masters of all stripes and experience levels.

Tell me more!

You may have guessed from the title that Odyssey has a lot in common with Never Unprepared apart from being a system-neutral GMing book. You don’t need one to enjoy the other, but Odyssey naturally complements Never Unprepared. If you like Never Unprepared, I suspect you’ll also enjoy Odyssey.

Our previous three books have sold over 8,000 copies, and Phil Vecchione’s Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep is currently nominated for a 2013 Origins Award for Best Game-Related Publication. Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for any Roleplaying Game, released in 2011, won the 2012 gold ENnie Award for Best Aid/Accessory. Never Unprepared and our first book, 2010′s Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters, are among the top 65 out of more than 28,000 products on DriveThruRPG; Masks is in the top 250. Odyssey is a continuation of our commitment to provide GMs all over the world with quality system-neutral advice.

We anticipate opening preorders for Odyssey in early June and shipping out preorders in July. (There are a couple details to nail down before we pick a launch date.) The book is currently getting a final proofread, and I still need to write the back cover copy, but apart from that it’s done. As with past preorders, if you preorder Odyssey you’ll immediately receive the book in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI form.

I’ll be posting more previews throughout May, so stay tuned!

Show me more!

Illustrated by Avery Liell-Kok, designed by Darren Hardy, and art directed by John Arcadian, Odyssey’s front cover is shown above...
« Letzte Änderung: 10.05.2013 | 03:40 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #521 am: 10.05.2013 | 03:44 »

[Savage Mojo] Suzerain - Clockwork Dreams Primer
Authors: Jeff Houser, Michelle Klein Houser
Pages: 16
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Duke Of Crossed Gears, obsessed with the dreams of scientists and visionaries, is dead - but he left something behind. On his deathbed, the duke dreamed of a place, and such was the power of his spirit that these visions became manifest upon his dying breath.

Enter Mechadia, a Savage realm of Suzerain where idyllic sylvan glades merge with mechanical wonders. Eleven airship pirates hide away on floating islands; begoggled goblins run amok in steam-powered brass-and steel; brownie alchemists seek formulae for new ways to harness the pulse beyond the clouds. But the trolls have become restless as they toil to keep the great gears of the land turning smoothly. Fey lords and ladies vie for rulership over the fledgling realm, and lines are being drawn in the copper dust...


Insides the covers of this book you'll find background on the fascinating realm of Mechadia, where steampunk meets faery magic.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #522 am: 10.05.2013 | 22:20 »

[Agents of Oblivion] Pregenerated Agents Bundle

I went through my files and redid the pregenerated agents that I created using the "NEW" AoO Character Sheet, along with their Agent Dossier file and Hindrance/Edge Cards. All six agents are included in this bundle pack for any of you Directors that may be running Agents of Oblivion at a convention or starting play and wanted to use pregenerated characters. They are very diverse in their talents and should make for a very well rounded team. You can download them for free by clicking the picture below.

Michael Ysker

TheAgencyStar Founder/Administrator
Reality Blurs Writer - Agents of Oblivion Line
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #523 am: 11.05.2013 | 03:32 »

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: 2090 World Map
Artist: Alida Saxon
Pages: 1
Price: €3,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Want to know what the world looks like in 2090? Now's your chance to see! This full color world map presents the world as it exists in the Interface Zero 2.0 universe. It is 24"x36", making it a great size for a poster, should you wish to print it out hang it on your wall!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #524 am: 14.05.2013 | 21:57 »

[Pirate Press] Kickstarter - The Battle for Oz Begins!

Pirate Press has launched the Battle for Oz Kickstarter campaign!  Join in the fight to control one of the most famous pieces of fantasy real estate in literary history. This modernized version of Baum’s classic Land of Oz is a classic fantasy setting with a touch of modern horror designed to be played exclusively with Pinnacle’s Savage Worlds rule set.

Battle for Oz is the first in a series exploring the famous continent of Nonestica, home of L. Frank Baum’s Land of Oz, including a full history detailing the events of Baum’s stories from the year 1900 to today with maps, and full encounter tables. New playable races, new and familiar gear, new edges and hindrances, new arcane powers, and custom Setting Rules will immers you completely in this wondrous world.

Battle for Oz also includes a full plot point campaign involving a struggle for the great throne of Oz!  Players can choose to fight for or against the new Wizard that has enslaved a third of Oz.

So check out the Battle for Oz on Kickstarter! Don’t miss your chance to get in on the ground level of this project—help craft the finishing touches of Battle for Oz and even become part of it!
« Letzte Änderung: 15.05.2013 | 02:12 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon