Autor Thema: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)  (Gelesen 450425 mal)

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #525 am: 17.05.2013 | 05:54 »

[Gold Piece Publications] Savage Worlds A5 Character Sheet
Artist: P. Regan
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Savage Worlds character sheet contained in this PDF is currently (ends Sunday 9th June 2013) being crowdfunded on Kickstarter. The aim of the project is to have high-quality, lithographic printed pads of the sheets produced. The project has already met its funding goal, which has triggered the release of the PDF. The sheet is A5-sized, and is presented here as a single A5 sheet and also 2up on an A4 sheet.

To find out more about the Kickstarter simply google "Savage Worlds Character Sheet Kickstarter" and you should find it with ease. There is also a link to the campaign on the top of my blog: http: //

If you have downloaded this PDF after the Kickstarter campaign has ended, then pads of sheets may still be purchased by visiting:
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #526 am: 20.05.2013 | 02:02 »

[Four-in-Hand Games] Steamscapes: North America
Author: Eric Simon
Artist: Sarah Benkin
Pages: 89
Price: €12.07 PDF, €16.10 Print, €20.12 PDF & Print (Studio 2 Publishing)

North America in 1871 is a land of adventure, opportunity, and conflict. Inventors from the American Consolidated Union supply automatons and steam-powered machinery to the oil fields of Texas and the mines of the Rocky Mountain Republic. Wells Fargo airships and steam carts compete with the Southern Pacific's monopoly on transcontinental rail travel. Native saboteurs raid across the borders from their home in the Plains Tribal Federation to destroy the technology that threatens their land.

Steamscapes: North America is the first setting book for Steamscapes. It includes extensive alternative historical backgrounds for the four most prominent nations of North America and offers six new professions with associated skills and edge trees, as well as the automaton racial template. It provides several introductory scenarios and a variety of character templates so GMs and players can jump right in and start playing.

The print edition (full size, b&w) will be available at the end of August 2013, with advance copies hopefully available at Gen Con. The digital edition (color PDF) is available now!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #527 am: 20.05.2013 | 19:48 »

[StoryWeaver] InfestAsia: A Savage Worlds mission set in the jungles of Evil
Authors: Joshua Edwards, Joseph Sweeney
Pages: 33 + Extras
Price: €5.84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Vietnam 1968: As the Tet Offensive pushes forward and casualties mount, dark secrets are at play. Amongst the bloodshed, an ancient evil struggles to be reborn deep in the jungle. They say that in war, one can lose their mind to the hatred and violence... but there are worse things. Far, far worse.

InfestAsia is a Savage Worlds adventure of grim horror set in the chaos of the Vietnam War. Played as a follow-on from the highly acclaimed Blood of the Innocent, as a ready-to-go adventure for an existing modern military campaign, or as a single-shot game, InfestAsia drags your heroes kicking and screaming through the most dangerous and horrifying of war stories. Be warned... InfestAsia is not for the weak of heart.

Features: 33 pages of mayhem and terror, including...
  • Detailed setting and descriptions
  • Printable area maps
  • Player characters to die for!
  • Dozens of fully developed extras & NPCs
  • Customizable character sheets
  • New monsters to battle

Plus bonus 30+ pages of printable extras gives you everything you need to start playing right away!
  • Printable battlemaps suitable for ANY mini's game.
  • Character tokens, featuring US troops, Vietcong and evil mountain tribes
  • Military area map.

Compatible with Tour of Darkness
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #528 am: 22.05.2013 | 00:20 »

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Savage Insider Deluxe Issue #1: Modularity
Authors: Vickey A. Beaver, Gilbert Gallo, Michael Hansen, Aaron T. Huss, Chris Lites, Curtis Lyon, A.J. Preece, Jeremy Stromberg, The Warden
Pages: 115
Price: €9.31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Insider Premium contained a wealth of Savage Worlds content spanning the genres with much of it useful across multiple settings. During the course of publishing the five issues, a lot of content was extracted and released as standalone products for specific settings, such as Mercenary Breed and Faith & Demons: The Rising. This resulted in a lot of duplicated content.

To remedy this, Mystical Throne Entertainment has decided to compile all non-extracted content from Savage Insider Premium Issues #1 - 5 into a single offering. Thus, we bring to you the first Savage Insider Deluxe issue, filled with the remaining compiled content from Savage Insider Premium Issues #1 - 5 in a single release. The content herein is primarily setting agnostic and can be utilized across multiple settings or within your own homebrew.

Savage Insider Deluxe Issue #1: Modularity contains a wealth of content covering fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. The modular design of Savage Worlds means you can add new mechanics, ignore existing ones, or modify ones to your liking without breaking the system. We embrace this concept in all of our Savage Insider releases and especially exploit that herein.

Savage Insider Deluxe Issue #1: Modularity includes:

Auspicious Archetypes:

Cataphract - A shock trooper archetype great for breaking shield walls
Engineer - When you need a smith or mechanic, look toward your engineer.
Hierophant - As cultic priests, hierophants are knowledged in the ways of the occult.

Expanded Mechanics:

Voidlancer - A new look at ship-to-ship space combat with an emphasis on cinematic.

Great Adventures:

Community Service - A dark fantasy delve into an abandoned underground temple for Ancient World.
Flight of the Fancy - A black powder fantasy adventure with a peek at Dragons of Avalon.
Seven Kings of Shambhala - A pulp action adventure into the depths of the Hollow Earth.
The Secret of Isla de Monos - A pirate adventure out to an island of secrets.

Racial Profiling:

Dhampir - Rule the night with this half-vampire race.
The Lokka - Deceive the masses using this shapeshifting race.


Lord Bane - Enter the domain of Lord Bane and all its chaos.
Underhome - Careful of this village and its secrets.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #529 am: 22.05.2013 | 11:43 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Savage Worlds Deluxe Screen Inserts
Pages: 17
Price: €3.07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Put the visual "oomph" in your Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen with the Savage Worlds Deluxe Screen Inserts!

This downloadable PDF has a dozen pieces of art (including an updated throwback of Smiling Jack) spanning the genres and handy references for the most frequently-used rules—you'll have everything you want at your fingertips in high style!

Artwork Preview (Does not Show Tables)

« Letzte Änderung: 2.06.2013 | 01:27 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #530 am: 22.05.2013 | 11:48 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Hell on Earth: Reloaded Screen Inserts
Pages: 18
Price: €3,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Bring a little life to your table in the otherwise barren Wasted West of Hell on Earth: Reloaded! These screen inserts are designed for use with the Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen with gorgeous, full-color artwork for Hell on Earth: Reloaded.

In addition to the art, there’s a full-color map of the Wasted West and all the charts and references you could shake a radioactive stick at (for those of you into shaking radioactive sticks, that is).

This is a downloadable PDF with four pages of rules references, a full-color map, and eleven different sheets of full-color art.

Artwork Preview--does not include charts and tables:

« Letzte Änderung: 2.06.2013 | 01:26 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #531 am: 23.05.2013 | 17:31 »

[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar: Legends Arise (Players Guide)
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artist:  Aaron Acevedo, James Denton, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon, Tomasz Tworek
Price: €3,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is the new, fully-revised Players Guide, complete with art and layout!

Sean Patrick Fannon’s vision of Epic High Fantasy comes to life for Savage Worlds in this all new iteration brought to you by Evil Beagle Games.

"The heart of any lasting and memorable roleplaying campaign is the setting. Is it vivid? Alluring? Full of mysteries, as well as straight-ahead challenges?

If the answer is “Yes” to all of these, you are in good hands.

SHAINTAR is deep in “good hands” territory.

Just paging through the Players Guide makes you want to play, and it’s genuinely hard to create a boring character using this book; everything works together to make your Hero interesting. And that’s even before you get to the four detailed Major Enemies lurking in Shaintar. Or the rules for alchemy, or the tantalizing glimpses we get of the Black Lantern and Grayson’s Grey Rangers . . .

A winner. Get this book." -- Ed Greenwood, creator of The Forgotten Realms®

Savage Worlds fans will find a lot to love about the Shaintar: Legends Arise Players Guide:
  • Eleven distinctive Races with many specialized Racial Edges for each.
  • Over 60 new Edges, including Professional, Combat, and Power Edges.
  • Expanded options for magic, including Applications for Sorcery, Extended Casting, and more.
  • New and expanded rules for Alchemists and Artificers, as well as personalized magic items.
  • Setting rules like All Out Move, the Deep Magic, and Lead from the Front.
  • Information about the many nations and factions that drive the stories of Shaintar.
  • A complete Timeline featuring thousands of years of Shaintar's history.
  • A Denizens section with many dozens of characters and monsters, as well as five new Monstrous Templates and templates for changing almost any Denizen to any of the eleven Races.
  • An expanded Weapons, Armor, and Gear list for epic fantasy gaming, as well as a Resource system to replace "counting coins" for wealth management.

Anyone seeking Epic High Fantasy adventure will enjoy this book, as will anyone wishing to add lots of great new material to their Savage games!

This book covers Novice through Veteran Rank gaming. The upcoming Shaintar: Legends Unleashed will cover Heroic and Legendary play.

Note- This is the Player's Guide for Shaintar: Legends Arise; that book is the complete setting book for Novice-to-Veteran gaming for both Players and Game Masters.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #532 am: 24.05.2013 | 00:51 »

[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: Chasing Rainbows
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

While certain powerful entities have the ability to pierce the Veil and breach the Maelstrom to reach some other place, there are also natural portals that exist here and there.

Stull, Kansas just so happens to have one of those places...

Chasing Rainbows is a free "One-Sheet" adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure.

Product contains: A 7-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.

[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: The Mission Link
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 8
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Ordo Hermeticus Octostium is just one of many ‘mystical orders’ that sprang up in the spiritualist craze of the previous decades. In general, they’re no more or less problematical than Freemasons or Rosicrucians, but occasionally you’ll find members of those sorts of groups who believe that ‘with great power comes an obligation to further your own agenda’... and that’s when trouble starts. Frank Augustus Miller is one of those guys, and the trouble has certainly started.

The Mission Link is a free ‘One Sheet’ adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure.

Product contains: A 8-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.

[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: In The Name Of Science
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

It could be said that the ‘good’ doctor means well, but it just as easily raises the question: do the ends justify the means?

In the Name of Science is a free "One Sheet" adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s Realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure.

Product contains: A 7-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this adventure.

[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: Knights At The Opera
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The voodoo Loa are interesting beings in that their relationships with their human worshipers are much more symbiotic than is typical of ‘gods’ – especially modern gods. While this normally isn’t an issue, sometimes there is a case that deserves a little more attention.

Such is the case of one Jean-Pierre Gudot, a practicing Taximancer bearing a misguided obsession with a Haitian immigrant by the name of Bethany.

Knights At The Opera is a free "One Sheet" adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure

Product contains: A 7-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.
« Letzte Änderung: 24.05.2013 | 01:11 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #533 am: 24.05.2013 | 00:59 »

[Atomic Overmind Press] Hollerin' Pines - A One Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok
Author: H. M. ‘Dain’ Lybarger
Pages: 2
Price: €0,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." - Mark 16:17-18

Author H. M. 'Dain' Lybarger weaves a tale in which the heroes visit a quiet town - where something nasty is brewing below the surface...

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #534 am: 24.05.2013 | 09:35 »

[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: Oppressive Heat
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 7
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Great Spirit of Oppression wants Tamagozushi, but there’s a Lord of Flame who has an interest too. The heat is on.

Oppressive Heat is a free "One Sheet" adventure for Savage Suzerain, a short adventure to give you a feel for the 1930s realm of American Grit where we set our Noir Knights book. You’ll want characters of Heroic rank to play this adventure.

Product contains: A 7-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this adventure.

[Savage Mojo] Noir Knights: Characters
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon
Pages: 11
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Mrs. Amethyst, Mr. Flannigan, Mr. Shao, Mr. Dolby, and Miss Herne... These are some of the 1930s SPA agents ready to combat the trails that await them!

All of these characters are Heroic rank and all ready to play. They are designed for Noir Knights, but can be played in any Heroic rank Suzerain game.

Product contains: A 11-page high resolution PDF plus a print friendly version for free. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #535 am: 25.05.2013 | 01:40 »

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0 Hacking Beta Test
Authors: David Jarvis, David Viars
Pages: 17
Price: Free (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Interface Zero 2.0 is in development, and one of the things we have been working on revisions to is the Hacking chapter. This document shows you what we've done.

It's 17 pages (including the cover) and gives you everything you need to hack in virtual reality and hyper reality.

Note: This document is best viewed on your screen with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat.

Note for iPad users: The Acrobat app will not view this file properly. You should grab iBbooks or Good Reader to view this document.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #536 am: 28.05.2013 | 21:22 »

[Savage Mojo] Brain Powered Beach Party Official Soundtrack
Artist: Alex Cottrell
Tracks: 12
Price: €6.18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Rock on with the Brainpowered Beach Party Original Soundtrack by Alex Cottrell! Get this great soundtrack as a way to set the mood for your game.

This is an album designed for Quantum Sliders' most recent adventure "Brainpowered Beach Party"

Product contains: 12 tracks recorded at 320kbps, the highest standard of MP3. Over 42 minutes of music!

[Savage Mojo] Quantum Sliders: Ruins of Tomorrow
Author: Zach Welhouse
Pages: 20
Price: €3.09 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

War and capitalism make for strange bedfellows.

Not every legendary treasure turns out to be real. When a hot tip goes cold, one band of heroic fortune-seekers is dragged into a web of greed and lies. A mega-corporation fallen on hard times boosts its bottom line with realm-jacked wizards from the fantasy world of Relic, who would rather be anywhere else, thank you very much.


Part of our Quantum Sliders range of adventures, Ruins of Tomorrow offers you a Savage Worlds adventure packed with Fast! Furious! Fun!

Product contains: A 20-page high resolution PDF with layers so you can switch between full-art and print-friendly views. A copy of Savage Suzerain is also recommended to get the best out of this book.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #537 am: 29.05.2013 | 01:23 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Templates for Templates for Savage Worlds
Pages: 3
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle)

The Savage Worlds Template Specification document details the dimensions of the templates and their construction (mostly handy for the cone template). You can also isolate the template outlines to print blanks or place into your own graphics programs.

Now you can completely customize the templates for your home and con games. You can even have a different template for every trapping if you like. Heck, there’s just no stopping you now!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #538 am: 29.05.2013 | 21:56 »

[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar: Legends Arise
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artist:  Aaron Acevedo, James Denton, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon, Tomasz Tworek
Pages: 183
Price: €15,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is the full book, complete with all Player and Game Master information for Novice to Veteran play!

Sean Patrick Fannon’s vision of Epic High Fantasy comes to life for Savage Worlds in this all new iteration brought to you by Evil Beagle Games.

"The heart of any lasting and memorable roleplaying campaign is the setting. Is it vivid? Alluring? Full of mysteries, as well as straight-ahead challenges?

If the answer is “Yes” to all of these, you are in good hands.

SHAINTAR is deep in “good hands” territory.

Just paging through the Players Guide makes you want to play, and it’s genuinely hard to create a boring character using this book; everything works together to make your Hero interesting. And that’s even before you get to the four detailed Major Enemies lurking in Shaintar. Or the rules for alchemy, or the tantalizing glimpses we get of the Black Lantern and Grayson’s Grey Rangers . . .

A winner. Get this book."
-- Ed Greenwood, creator of The Forgotten Realms®

Savage Worlds fans will find a lot to love about Shaintar: Legends Arise:
  • Eleven distinctive Races with many specialized Racial Edges for each.
  • Over 60 new Edges, including Professional, Combat, and Power Edges.
  • Expanded options for magic, including Applications for Sorcery, Extended Casting, and more.
  • New and expanded rules for Alchemists and Artificers, as well as personalized magic items.
  • Setting rules like All Out Move, the Deep Magic, and Lead from the Front.
  • Information about the many nations and factions that drive the stories of Shaintar.
  • A complete Timeline featuring thousands of years of Shaintar's history.
  • A Denizens section with many dozens of characters and monsters, as well as five new Monstrous Templates and templates for changing almost any Denizen to any of the eleven Races.
  • An expanded Weapons, Armor, and Gear list for epic fantasy gaming, as well as a Resource system to replace "counting coins" for wealth management.
  • Extensive advice about Game Mastering an Epic High Fantasy setting.
  • Three Legendary Tales, "Countering the Terrror," "Red Store Rising," and "Return to Honor, Return to Glory."

Anyone seeking Epic High Fantasy adventure will enjoy this book, as will anyone wishing to add lots of great new material to their Savage games!

This book covers Novice through Veteran Rank gaming. The upcoming Shaintar: Legends Unleashed will cover Heroic and Legendary play.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #539 am: 30.05.2013 | 21:41 »

[Savage Mojo] Savage Suzerain Fillable Character Sheet
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This is our most current version of our fillable character sheet for Suzerain. It has been updated for the Savage World Deluxe rules.

Product contains: A PDF fillable character sheet for Savage Suzerain Deluxe edition.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #540 am: 1.06.2013 | 00:26 »

[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Jason Allard, Kevin Andrew Murphy, John Wick
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivins, Jessica Cox, James Denton, Jason Engle, Bien Flores, Elizabeth Lee, Chris Malidore, Jim Pavelec, Gill Pearce, Alida Saxon, Matthew Scheuerman, Carly Sorge
Pages: 129
Price: €15,39 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Enter… and die!

Dungeonlands is Savage Mojo’s realm of fantasy maiming, centered on the Lich Queen’s abode. This old school killer dungeon is split into three parts, and LQ1 Tomb of the Lich Queen is the first part of that trilogy.

For high rank characters that have been summoned across time and space - you can take any character from any setting into the tomb – the lich queen’s devious machinations, traps and monsters are an impenetrable barrier between your characters and their greatest prize – survival!

Beautifully illustrated in old school style, reminiscent of pulp Conan novels and that rolepaying game which started it all, Tomb of the Lich Queen is a treat for any Savage looking for a real challenge.

Product Contains: A stunning 129 page PDF detailing every evil twist and turn in the dungeon. The book is layered so you can switch off the ink-devouring elements to create a print-friendly version on the fly. Note, this is the Savage Worlds version of this book

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #541 am: 2.06.2013 | 01:41 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Noir GM Screen Inserts
Pages: 18
Price: €3,07 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

These full-color, full-size screen inserts, include artwork and the most important charts and tables from Deadlands Noir.

The sheets can be used as inserts in the Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen (available at game stores or, printed and attached to an existing landscape-style screen, or printed on rigid cardstock for a quick stand-alone screen.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #542 am: 3.06.2013 | 06:23 »

[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen Gamemaster Cards & Tables (Savage Worlds)
Authors: Darren Pearce, Joel Sparks
Artists: James Denton, Jason Engle, Bien Flores, Elizabeth Lee, Gil Pearce, Alida Saxon
Pages: 98
Price: €7,69 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Who would have known that shrunken heads could be so dangerous? Or the blind monkey, for that matter? Or that a curious saddle could be such amazing loot? All this and much (MUCH) more are inside this set of random tables, each item fully described with rules included and a gorgeous card to accompany it.

These cards and tables are a companion to our Tomb of the Lich Queen adventure, a massive treasure trove of wonderful new monsters, encounters and treasure. You can delve into the Tomb without them, but why would you want to? Print out these cards, keep the tables handy, and ad a whole new dimension to your sessions.

Product Contains: Two PDFs, one of cards (65 pages), one of tables (33 pages). The cards are full color, high resolution images while the tables can be viewed in all their glory or have the most ink-intensive elements removed for print friendliness. Note, this is the Savage Worlds version of this product.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #543 am: 5.06.2013 | 05:23 »

[Pinnacle] Deadlands Reloaded: Grim Prairie Trails
Author: John Goff
Artists: Chris Bivins, Mike Burns, James Denton, Carly Sorge, Bryan Syme, Headfirst Studios, and the Doomtown Artists, Alida Saxon
Pages: 145
Price: $14,99 (Pinnacle PDF Store)

If it bleeds, you can still kill it…

The Weird West is full of grim and twisted trails, where the boogeyman isn’t just a story parents tell misbehaving children. And fresh—or not so fresh—horrors are spawned from the depths of Hell with frightening regularity.

For cowpokes who’ve become jaded gunning down walkin’ dead and plugging the occasional jackalope, Grim Prairie Trails rounds up 19 of these horrors for use in tormentin’ the heroes anew. Best of all, each monster includes a full Savage Tale so it won’t take long to get on the trail. Best mind what’s lurkin’ around the next bend, amigo!

So what are you gettin’ for your wooden nickels?
  • 19 rascals, varmints, and critters ready to drop into any Deadlands campaign.
  • 19 full Savage Tales with all the maps, descriptions, and vital statistics a Marshal needs to bring them to life.
  • Stats for Weird West archetypes like cowboys, gamblers, and lawmen.
  • Stats for mundane—and dangerous—fauna found Out West, like cougars, boars, and bears…oh my!
  • The PDF is fully bookmarked, indexed, and cross-referenced to make tablet and screen navigation a snap.

Grim Prairie Trails is not a complete game. It’s a supplement for the Deadlands setting for the Savage Worlds game system.

This is an  Explorer’s Edition sized PDF (6.5″ x 9″). Full-color. 145 pages.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #544 am: 5.06.2013 | 05:28 »

[Pinnacle] Savage Worlds Deluxe Map Pack

All the maps from the One Sheet Adventures in the Savage Worlds Deluxe books have been compiled into one free download for you—the Savage Worlds Deluxe Map Pack!

Want to print the maps as handouts for your players? Not a problem! Add or remove the backgrounds and the map titles as you like—the PDF is fully layered for your customization.

Be sure to check out the rest of our free downloads while you’re at it. You never know what wonders you’ll find.

We’ve kept the maps at a large size with a high resolution, so the file’s a little larger than you might think a six-page freebie would be (35 MB). You may be better served to right-click and Save Link As (or comparable command in your browser) to save the file before trying to open it.
« Letzte Änderung: 5.06.2013 | 05:31 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #545 am: 5.06.2013 | 05:59 »

[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Isle of Paxetel
Authors: Jason Engle, Alida Saxon  
Artist: Alida Saxon  
Pages: 144
Price: €23,08 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Picture an island in the ocean, with ruins, a mysterious cave, and a portal from… who knows where. Maybe there are harpies on the highlands, bugbears on the beach or arachnids in the ancient temple. What people find is up to you, but we can guarantee you plenty of inspiration where every square inch of the island is beautifully crafted by master cartographer Alida Saxon. And we’re talking about nearly 7,000 square inches of island in nine parts, each the size of most map sets!

The Isle of Paxetel story maps are the perfect companion to our Dungeonlands setting and the Tomb of the Lich Queen adventure, but they’re also perfect for any fantasy campaign where you want to add a whole lot of visual flair. In fact, they’re also perfect for many other settings from historical Greek to swashbuckling pirates.

Product Contains: A huge 144 page high resolution, full color PDF including maps tiles for all the locations on the island. Together, that’s nearly 7,000 squares of map and if you’re going to lay it all out at once you’re going to need a bigger table!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #546 am: 5.06.2013 | 06:13 »

[Savage Mojo] Dungeonlands: Dungeon Tiles
Authors: James Denton, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon
Artist: Alida Saxon  
Pages: 63
Price: €11,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Your torch crackles as you descend the spiral staircase. Chains rattle in the darkness below, water dripping off stalactites, and something big sniffs the air, catching the scent of fresh prey approaching.

For every dungeon delve it helps to add as much flavor as possible, and a lot is possible with this amazing set of map tiles by our master cartographer, Alida Saxon. Whether you’re playing through our Dungeonlands old school killer dungeon or an adventure of your own creation, these tiles help set the scene perfectly. Live the experience as your characters die trying to escape the traps and monsters… or maybe, just maybe, follow the map to glory and riches!

Product Contains: A 63 page high resolution, color PDF including maps tiles for all the locations in our Dungeonlands: Tomb of the Lich Queen adventure and many classic tiles in addition. Over 3,500 squares of top art goodness for your gaming table. Yes, that’s 3,500 squares of options and great dungeon variety!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #547 am: 5.06.2013 | 18:59 »

Slipstream: Extra GM Screen Inserts

Michael Ysker aka Trigger hat für Slipstream ergänzende GM Screen Inserts online gestellt.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #548 am: 5.06.2013 | 21:13 »

[Atomic Overmind Press] Wheels-Up Landing - A One Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok
Author: H. M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Pages: 2
Price: €0,76 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The heroes wind up paying for passage aboard a beat-up old Ford Tri-Motor—its seen better days, and many repairs, but it’s the kind of near-indestructible aircraft that stays in service near the edges of civilization. Trouble is, it’s only near-indestructible.

Author H. M. "Dain" Lybarger offers a scenario that can be dropped into a campaign at any time the heroes need to travel by air over bad territory. Any landing you walk away from is a good one, right?

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #549 am: 6.06.2013 | 05:00 »

[GRAmel] Beasts and Barbarians: Archetypes of the Dominions and Jalizar
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 24
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome back to the Dominions!

This supplement gives you thirty ready-to-play archetypes. They are premade characters, fifteen typical of the Dominions and fifteen from Jalizar, City of Thieves. You can use them to create on-the-fly NPCs or as very quick pre-generated heroes for convention or pickup games.

So what are you waiting for? Draw your bronze sword, trust your loincloth and your mighty muscles to protect you, and walk the path of adventure again!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon