[DramaScape] Circus (Bundle)Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 68/60
Price: €7,33 €3,67 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

DramaScape makes maps and miniatures for use with any game system with a focus on fantasy, horror, modern, and science fiction settings. This product is the usual DramaScape map but also comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure, it can be used with or without the adventure.
BIG TOPThis product is a 48 x 30 inch map of a Big Top, it comes with Square, Hex and No Overlay and also contains the Virtual Tabletop files for online use.
“Ladies and gentlemen please, this way to the show.”DramaScape takes everyone out to the carnival with our latest map. What is under the Big Top?
Big Top shows the interior of a giant traveling circus tent with a center ring viewed from front row and bleacher seating. The exterior of the tent shows the ropes attached to tent pegs outside that hold up the big top.
Big Top is intended for use in modern, pulp, or Horror-themed games.
Cirque de Tromper is a Horror-themed Savage Worlds adventure for use with this map.
A traveling French circus named Cirque de Tromper touring the United States has gained an almost cult fame lately for putting on amazing shows. However, rumors persist of mysterious disappearances of audience members who attend the show. They go to watch the shows but do not return.
The group has gained a reputation for investigating strange phenomenon, which usually turns out to be hoaxes. Figuring out the trick to the show and why people are disappearing motivates them to act. But is it a hoax this time?
FAIRGROUNDThis is a 48 x 30 inch Battlemap of a Fairground, it has Hex, Square and No Overlays, it also includes the VTT files for online play.
“Welcome to the fair. Enjoy the rides, races, games, shows, and food!”Fairground is an external map of an amusement park or state fair. Interiors are provided for half the park’s features except for a few tents and the helter skelter or skyslide ride.
Fairground is intended for pulp, horror, or modern games. Fairground was made to be a companion to our Big Top adventure and map.
Fairground has good scope as it can be used as part of a state fair or as a part of an amusement park.