[SWAG][Veiled Fury Entertainment] Fast Lane HackingAuthor: Manuel "ManuFS" Sambs
Pages: 3
Prices: $1 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
Hacking is a difficult task to tackle at the table. Many RPG systems with dedicated hacking rules overshoot the target, making it a cumbersome chore to give computer systems a feeling of “real” security. Often this boils down to a player needing to endure a separate “hacking minigame,” while the rest of the group goes to get refreshments.
Fast Lane Hacking supplies you with a simple, fast system for
Savage Worlds to provide a more detailed experience for the group’s dedicated electronic surveillance and information specialist (aka, the hacker). It is primarily modeled for Cyberpunk or SciFi settings, but also provides alternative rules for modern settings, in which a hacker relies on an old-fashioned computer to break into high-security mainframes to steal data.
This product requires a copy of
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to use.
PLEASE NOTE: This product is an excerpt of
Sprawlrunners, a cyberpunk-fantasy framework, which will be released some time later this year. Besides Fast Lane Hacking
Sprawlrunners will include another, more detailed, system for hacking cyberspace hosts, rules for cyberware, drones, magic in a cyberpunk world, and more!
If you are not in a hurry, please wait for the full release, as I cannot at this time give you a discount on the full release when it hits if you have already purchased Fast Lane Hacking. If you enjoy my work and want to support me, please know you have my deepest gratitude for buying a copy of
Fast Lane Hacking!