So es gab etliche neue pdfs für SW:
Savage Insider Issue 2
Savage Insider Issue 2: How the Dice Roll is all about what the community does with their gaming. The pillar article, Savage Worlds as an Educational Tool, takes a look how to turn role-playing games into a tool for homeschooling.
How the Dice Roll is a cross-genre issue with content covering fantasy, sci-fi, and horror along with supporting general interest articles.
Issue 2 includes the following:
3 fleshed out adversaries
9 new weapons
A Savage Insider exclusive add-on for Beasts & Barbarians
Part 2 of the Crypt of the Crystal Lich fiction series
The first in the Echoes of Rome fiction series
Part 2 of the Deadlands comics series The Kid
A sci-fi adventure
And much more!
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Iron Dynasty: Guidebook #8
Corners of Konoyo, the Iron Dynasty Guidebook Series, provides even more information about your favorite Heavy Metal Oriental setting!
Doragon Mizu is a largely lawless string of islands in the southern waters filled with pirates and adventure! What are the secrets of the Dragon Princes? What keeps them together? What keeps them apart from the rest of the world? Let your kesshi explore these distant lands and learn about the people who pride themselves on individuality and freedom above all else.
Random encounter tables keyed specifically for the province, with all new people and creatures, fully immerse you into the setting more than ever before!
In our streamlined, signature format you know and love, Guidebook #8 awaits you!
Für 2,25€ bei onebookshelf
Totems of the Dead: Game Master's Guide to the Untamed lands
Know, brave wanderers, that we live in the dawn of a terrible new age. Our great-grandfathers
speak of an age undreamed of, a shining time of plenty, when the wilderness was
not so wild to us and the earth was our mother who provided all things. That was before
drought and famine set each tribe at the throats of its rivals. Before the sorcerer-slavers came
across the salt-foamed sea from Atlantis and stole a generation of our people, or the Sea
Wolves turned the coast into a red tide of blood and slaughter. Before the Shenites and Skadians
came with their new gods and strange ways, and before we knew the fear of Ruskar
war parties. More ominous still are the dark storm clouds gathering on spiritual horizons.
The spirits were once our guides and allies, but now, with the coming of the mists, terrible
beasts that have no place in a sane world stalk through the otherworldly vapors. Our future
is pregnant with dangers unimagined. Stay awhile and sit by the warmth of the fire, for it
is a wise youth who will listen to what an aging warrior has lived to know.
- Unknown Elder
Hail wise one. Are you ready to master a vibrant new world of swords and sorcery drawn from a tapestry of ancient legend and feverish nightmare?
That power is now yours.
The Untamed Lands are your canvas for painting unlimited tales of high adventure, glory and woe. Spin wicked webs to ensnare unsuspecting characters in battle lust, poison and plot. Craft challenges to exalt great heroes or crush them before you to the lamentation of the players. You have all the tools you will need right here at your fingertips. With this tome you will discover what epic tales you may temper in the fires of imagination.
The Totems of the Dead GM's Guide Includes:
A GM's Introduction to the setting.
Numerous campaign models detailing many possible roads to adventure in the Untamed Lands.
A sword and sorcery themed adventure generator.
Regional encounter tables.
Savage Tales of adventure set in each of the major regions of the Untamed Lands.
Countless hordes of beasts, native spirits and nameless horrors.
NPCs from loyal sidekicks to vile sorcerers.
Traps, poisons and other dangers.
Meant for use with the Savage Worlds roleplaying game and the Totems of the Dead Player's Guide.
Für 9,76€ bei onebookshelf