[Gramel] Beasts & Barbarians plansDo you wonder what is going on in GRAmel? A lot of things is happening, but we are working constantly on new things.
Beasts of the Dominions (our first indiegogo product) is in layout and pdf should be published/send to people who backed up us in August. Book in print may be sent a bit later – we are working on it. We don`t want you to be sad, so we have prepared something for you! Covers of two upcoming books and a monster from the third one:
Cover of Beasts of the Dominions
Cover of Tattered Banners (a sourcebook about playing in a band of mercenaries – or even a mercenary band!)
onster from Jalizar, sourcebook about city of thieves,Garbage Monster
Jalizar produces a lot of garbage, but where does it all go? It piles up in the alleys till it becomes so smelly that it is thrown into the Sewers. Sometimes these piles of filth are touched by tendrils of evil emerging from the Sewers and come to life. A Garbage Monster is of a vaguely humanoid shape, filled with decomposition gases, and its eyes are made of methane blue flames. It isn’t very smart but it is constantly hungry, looking for any type of “food” to sustain its rotten body.
Garbage Monsters are considered Seasoned creatures for the purposes of the
summon ally Power.
Variable Size: Garbage Monsters exist in various Sizes (from +1 to +6). The following stats refer to a small monster. For bigger ones modify the Size accordingly.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d4.
Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8Special Abilities•
Construct:Garbage Monsters receive +2 to Spirit rolls to recover from Shaken. They are immune to called shots, poisons, and illnesses. Wild Card Garbage Monsters aren’t affected by Wound Modifiers.
Engulf:If a Garbage Monster hits an enemy with a raise, the victim is wrapped in a filthy embrace of trash that tries to filter into his body. A character in this situation is considered grappled and suffers Str+d4 damage every round until he manages to break free, winning an opposed Strength roll against the Monster (which rolls with +2).
Pile of Garbage: When lying flat on the ground, Garbage Monsters are almost indistinguishable from normal piles of trash, but can be detected with a Notice (-4) roll.
Garbage Absorption: A Garbage Monster standing on a pile of normal trash for an entire round automatically recovers a Wound (or recovers from Shaken). Instead, an unwounded, unshaken Garbage Monster on a pile of rubbish permanently gains +1 Size, by consuming the entire pile.
Size +1: Garbage Monsters are bigger than humans.
Weakness (Fire): Garbage Monsters contain a lot of inflammable gases, so fire deals +4 damage to them. In addition, any Garbage Monster Incapacitated by a fire based attack explodes dealing 2d6 damage in a Medium Burst Template.
Last, but not least. Our products would be available during Christmas In July sale on DTRPG! So, be an early Santa – sale starts on 23rd of July!