Autor Thema: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)  (Gelesen 449242 mal)

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #800 am: 19.09.2014 | 18:40 »

The latest teaser trailer:
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #801 am: 20.09.2014 | 18:36 »

[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal *Indiegogo Crowdfunding*
Author: Morné Schaap
Artists: Bob Kehl, Doug Anderson, and others
Goal: $2000 (currently at 67%) - 17 days remaining

See the teaser video:

A fantasy world locked in darkness and ice after the sun exploded.

Ehlerrac is a continent on the fantasy world of Azagar. Most of the usual races lived here. But then disaster struck. The sun exploded, sending massive waves of fire into space. Ehlerrac survived the destruction because it was on the night side of the planet. Then the earthquakes and tsunamis hit and thousands died as cities fell and the landscape was torn apart.  Now a sputtering globe hangs in the sky, emitting just enough heat to keep the planet from freezing completely. The dark world started cooling rapidly and the survivors struggled to find food and shelter.

This is not a post apocalyptic setting. This is about what happens years after the disaster, as life continues...

« Letzte Änderung: 20.09.2014 | 18:42 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #802 am: 23.09.2014 | 21:14 »

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec *Kickstarter*
Authors: Shane Hensley, and others
Artists: Cheyenne Wright, and others
Goal: $8000 (currently at 145%; financed in 62 mins!) - 29 days remaining

See the teaser video:

The Last Parsec is a scifi setting of planetary exploration and adventure using the Savage Worlds system!

Faster-than-light travel has finally allowed humanity to spread beyond its lonely corner of the Milky Way. In the depths of space these explorers found millions of star systems, strange planets, and exotic alien races. Centuries later, they form the Known Worlds, a vital region of trade and technology where empires grow and business thrives.

It is an unparalleled age. Cutting edge science has opened limitless frontiers of space and consciousness, and has even begun to hint at the mysteries of the universe itself. But to find them, one must travel beyond the familiar, to the last parsecs of reality.

The Last Parsec is a science fiction roleplaying game of exploration and adventure. It requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.

Get the free Last Parsec Primer.
« Letzte Änderung: 23.09.2014 | 22:11 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #803 am: 26.09.2014 | 19:34 »

[BlackWyrm Games] The Widening Gyre: A Savage Steampunk Setting
Author: Bill Keyes
Pages: 206
Price: €7,84 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to The 19th Century That Never Was!

It is a world of wonder, of horror, of adventure, of magic, of strange technology and unprecedented cultural revolution. This is the age that nearly was, filled with radium-powered flying machines, clockwork automata, and steam-driven computers. It is an age of dark magic, sinister secrets, and unholy cults. It is a time in which the world teeters on the edge of disaster, where the enlightened scientific mind battled against ancient superstition and ignorance, in which the souls of all mankind hung in the balance.

The Widening Gyre presents an original steampunk campaign setting designed for use with the Savage Worlds rules. Recommended for experienced GMs and players looking to game in the Industrial Age As It Should Have Been, this worldbook includes...

A comprehensive and immersive campaign background detailing the fantastical Victorian world of The Widening Gyre.

- Character archetypes to play a wide variety of 19th century adventurers − Airship Pirates, Clockwork Men, Consulting Detectives, and more!

- Rules for wild steampunk technology and sorcery, including weapons, armor, vehicles, bizarre Victorian devices, and magic spells.

- Full stats for dozens of characters the heroes will encounter on their journeys, ranging from helpful allies to evil technologists to monstrous beasts from a darker era.

- New Skills, Edges, and Hindrances.

- A full bestiary with over 40 monsters and opponents.

- A fully detailed campaign, six full adventures, and four variant campaign ideas.

- Nearly twenty Savage Tales, a dozen one-sentence adventure ideas, plus an easy-to-use adventure generator to help put together quick adventures on the fly.

- Enter a world of adventuring daredevils and academics, occultist thrill-seekers and Savants both heroic and insane, in which a secretive organization of benevolent technologists seeks to prevent the dark monsters of humanity’s past from overwhelming its bright and burgeoning future.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #804 am: 26.09.2014 | 23:29 »


It's Savage September, with over 500 great deals on Savage Worlds all month. In addition to the titles on sale below, check here every weekend for our special features!

Our special feature on this last September weekend:

50 Fathoms Explorer's Edition€19,60€3,13
Weird War II€14,70 €5,48
The Solomon Kane Bundle€26,63€12,54
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #805 am: 30.09.2014 | 19:39 »

Hellfrost Fan One-Sheets

I’ve finally gotten round to polishing and formatting a couple of mini-adventures I wrote for use at UK Games Expo last year. Only one was used but it seemed a shame to waste them so I’ve uploaded them to UK Role Players. I’m not promising that they are anything special but hopefully you’ll be able to get some use out of them.

I’ve even “gone mad” and hand-drawn some new maps for them (note to self, “dungeon” locations are easier to draw than wilderness locations!)
Dave McAlister
UK Role Players
« Letzte Änderung: 30.09.2014 | 19:41 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #806 am: 4.10.2014 | 07:46 »

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Untimely Discovery
Author: John Goff
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Igor Vitkovskiy
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


In Untimely Discovery, a One-Sheet adventure by John Goff, JumpCorp employees are sent to investigate a signal of refined metals in a decaying orbit around Echidna. Will they make the right moral choice--or is there one?
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #807 am: 4.10.2014 | 08:01 »

[Sneak Attack Press] Kronocalypse Preview: A Mother Fragging Dragon
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Kirsten Moody
Pages: 13
Price: €2,37 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)
Kronocalypse Prelude Adventures [BUNDLE] €9,48 €7,92

The Dragon Slayers are a small team of highly trained, heavily armed mercenaries. They've taken on everything from rampaging cyborgs to hostile takeovers, but a real dragon? You're joking right? Those things are from fairy tales.

Or not.

A Mother Fragging Dragon is an adventure for Savage Worlds in which the heroes play hi-tech mercenaries fighting a real fire-breathing dragon. It is set in the world of Kron, and you can use it as a stand-alone adventure, or as a prelude to the upcoming Kronocolypse campaign-setting.

Der Kronocalypse Kickstarter ist seit dem 4.10.2014 mit $4385 von $4000 finanziert. Das Setting wird etwa Juli/August 2015 als PDF und gedruckt erscheinen.
« Letzte Änderung: 4.10.2014 | 08:07 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #808 am: 10.10.2014 | 19:11 »

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Ghosts in the Machine
Author: Matthew Cutter
Artists: Igor Vitkovskiy
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle Store)


Peril at Station P-06

A few days ago, surface miners on a remote moon unearthed an extraordinarily old piece of alien tech, and tripped the colony’s distress beacon when it reactivated. Upon arrival at Mining Station P-06—a tiny colony of 12 miners—rescuers are unable to make radio contact with the station.
JumpCorp sends a rapid-response team to nullify the threat by any means necessary.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #809 am: 10.10.2014 | 19:16 »


We'll be running this sale from now till the end of the month and most products in the TAG store and on DriveThruRPG/RPGNOW are at a 25% discount!

Head over to the store to pick up some bargains!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #810 am: 12.10.2014 | 23:11 »

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec *Kickstarter*
Authors: Shane Hensley, and others
Artists: Cheyenne Wright, and others
Goal: $8000 (currently at 696%; financed in 62 mins!) - 10 days remaining

See the teaser video:

The Last Parsec is a scifi setting of planetary exploration and adventure using the Savage Worlds system!

Faster-than-light travel has finally allowed humanity to spread beyond its lonely corner of the Milky Way. In the depths of space these explorers found millions of star systems, strange planets, and exotic alien races. Centuries later, they form the Known Worlds, a vital region of trade and technology where empires grow and business thrives.

It is an unparalleled age. Cutting edge science has opened limitless frontiers of space and consciousness, and has even begun to hint at the mysteries of the universe itself. But to find them, one must travel beyond the familiar, to the last parsecs of reality.

The Last Parsec is a science fiction roleplaying game of exploration and adventure. It requires the Savage Worlds core rules and the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion to play.

Get the free Last Parsec Primer.

Get the free Design Diaries and One Sheets.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #811 am: 15.10.2014 | 18:35 »

[TAG] Hellfrost Expansion II *Kickstarter Update*

Hi folks,

All the card art is now in for the royal cards (Jack through Ace) and two Jokers, the cards have been designed and laid out, and the rune boon text has been added. A small amount of tinkering yet to go at our end, such as adding the reverse side art and logos. After that, we have to get a test set printed to make sure the printing process has no kinks in it (printer’s rules). If that passes muster it’s on to the production run!

Sorry it’s later than planned, but it’ll be worth the wait!

Skinned alive! – The Jack of Spades Card

Hellfrost Joker

Ace of Hearts

King of Clubs

If you didn’t pledge for the deck then don’t panic! You’ll be able to buy them from us (but not your FLGS) when they’re released. RRP yet to be decided.

Triple Ace Games Creative Director
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #812 am: 15.10.2014 | 20:41 »

[Pinnacle] ETU: Brewhaha & Maps
Authors: Ed Wetterman & Jason Hess
Price: Freebie (Pinnacle)

Something’s off about campus-favorite beer Brazen Hussy. Is there something wrong with the equipment? Is the owner’s new ex-wife angry enough over a divorce more bitter than a handful of hops to commit sabotage? Is the health department right about their concerns of drugged dregs? Or is there something more sinister at work on these spirited suds?

You and your classmates can get to the root of the problem, save a business, and maybe score some free six-packs in Brewhaha, our newest One-Sheet for East Texas University!

But to celebrate this festive time on college campuses everywhere, we’re also giving you a whole campus of your very own. Heck, we’ll even throw in a town! Download your free poster-sized ETU Campus Map and Map of Pinebox, Texas now.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #813 am: 15.10.2014 | 20:59 »

[DramaScape] Valkyrie
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 24
Price: €3,14 PDF, €3,93 PDF & Poster (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This product is a two full-color, 18 inch by 8 inch, floor plans of a Spaceship, with Hex, Square and No overlay.

The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play), and a 360 degree view from the center of the map.

The product is also available in print on demand (POD) poster map format with no grid as two 12 x 18 posters of the upper and lower decks (Placed side by side this only occupies 24 x18 table space, easily fitting even in the center of even small gaming tables). In the PDF map, the ship is gray whereas in the POD poster map the ship color shifts to a more blue gray. The PDF is Free if you purchase the Poster Map version if you click the Poster and PDF option.

“Damn the Gestalf Megacorporation and their mercenary lapdogs. They pursue this ship like it’s their only copy of the stealth schematics in the entire galaxy.”—Captain Hilda Brand

The Valkyrie Smuggling Ship was trying to sneak past your view, but your ocular sensors have detected DramaScape’s latest space ship map!

Valkyrie Smuggling Ship includes the upper and lower interior decks of a small, light freighter. The product includes four 360-degree panoramic views of the bridge, living quarters, mess hall, and cargo areas.

The recommendation for use of the poster map is to place the poster maps onto the table, and then overlay a clear piece of Plexiglas on top of them. This will flatten the poster maps completely and the Plexiglas can be drawn on with markers if the map needs modified with the results of an explosion for example.

Valkyrie Smuggling Ship includes ship stats for the Valkyrie and its four person crew using the Savage Worlds Deluxe, Science Fiction Companion, and Super Powers Companion Rules (One instance: A Deader’s super power). The product also includes ship stats for our Vanguard Shuttle and the four person crew of bounty hunters and mercenaries trying to track them down.

Valkyrie Smuggling Ship is intended for use in near or far-future science fiction settings.

Even if not using Savage Worlds, the PDF and poster maps, and the ship and NPC descriptions can be modified and applied to any science fiction setting.

Hunting the Spirit Ship: When Hilda Brand stole the Valkyrie Freighter from her previous employers, she thought she was just stealing their new stealth ship and signaling her early retirement from the company. She figured all she needed to do was get out the sector and they would not pursue beyond their megacorporation system boundaries. But the Gestalf Megacorporation relentless searched its sector of space for the Valkyrie. When they found nothing, they put up a bounty of 6000 credits for her dead or alive and 6000 credits for the capture of the Valkyrie intact.  Now bounty hunters and mercenaries pursue her even in fringe systems. Will the Player Characters join Hilda’s smuggling crew or will they play the bounty hunters and mercenaries trying to track her down?

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #814 am: 16.10.2014 | 22:17 »

[Pinnacle] The Last Parsec: Catch of the Day
Author: John Goff
Artists: Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


The team is dispatched to Messana Bay, a tiny outpost situated on the eastern shore of the main continent of Vesta, not far north of the massive tectonic ridge known as the Fall. A brief, garbled call was received yesterday, then abruptly cut off. A supply skimmer overflew the outpost and reported the place was in a shambles and there was no sign of life.  JumpCorp is concerned the small station, leased to Forsian Fishing Tours, has fallen prey to an attack by the Natural Order terrorist group.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #815 am: 17.10.2014 | 21:48 »

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Gladiators of the Dominion
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 168
Price: €15,62 €11,71 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The sun-scorched arenas of the Dread Sea Dominions await you in this book!

In these pages you’ll fight ancient monstrosities from the pits of Tricarnia to entertain the bored Priest Princes, you’ll risk your life against beasts in the Imperial Arena of Faberterra for the enjoyment of the crowd, or you’ll match your skills against the pit fighters of Syranthia, the best in the world.

You are a gladiator: men shout your name, women faint at the sight of you.

But when you enter the pit, under the merciless sun, you are alone against your opponent. Today, will it end with your blood or his dripping on the sand?

So what are you waiting for: grab your gladiator helm, your shield and sword, and go bare-chested to spill your blood for glory and money!

The Season of Blood: In this appendix you’ll find all the rules you need to run a GM-less league of gladiator fights in the arena. Hire your pit fighters, buy assets and resources, and lead your team to victory! We are also attaching a Paul Page`s for The Season of Blood rooster, for your convenience!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #816 am: 20.10.2014 | 01:36 »

[Fabled Environments] Throwdown at the North Pole
Author: Clint Black
Artists: Krista White, Vanessa Beach
Pages: 8
Price: €2,35 €1,57 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The workshops are closed, Santa off on his journey. But there’s no rest for the elves.
Santa’s mortal enemies, the abominable snowmen, attack each year as soon as the big man is gone. With hearts as cold as ice, they tear apart the gingerbread houses and toss theelves around, hoping to cause enough pain and destruction to ruin Christmas the following year.

But the North Pole is not defenseless. One person rallies the elves each year. One person trains with them in combat techniques and tactics. One person personally leads them in battle for one night each year to insure her husband can deliver toys to children next Christmas. That’s right; the leader of the elves is none other than Mrs. Claus, one of the most formidable holiday warriors on the planet.

This great module, written by Clint Black, is a light-hearted look at the question of what happens when Santa leaves with his sleigh and reindeer team each Christmas. Clint has provided Elf archetypes, loadouts and new weapons that will make this both fun and customizable. In addition, this module features a great new map from Fabled Enviroments.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #817 am: 20.10.2014 | 21:43 »

[Void Star Games] Nova Praxis GM Screen *Savage Worlds*
Authors: Mike McConnell, Void Star Studios, Inc.
Artists: Andree Wallin, Mike McConnell
Pages: 8
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

These screen inserts, formated to be arranged as four landscape panels, features art from Nova Praxis on one side and the following reference tables and rules on the other:

* Quick Reference Facts on the Houses
* Relative Distance Between Systems (a table not found in the core book)
* Sample Favors
* Effects of Gravity
* Resleeving and Fragmentation Modifiers
* List of Nova Praxis Skills
* Fragmentation Psychosis
* Quick Combat Reference (Damage, Incapacitation, Injury, Bleeding Out)
* Common Combat Modifiers
* NPC Reaction Table
* Overview of the Setting Rules used in Nova Praxis
* Random NPC Characteristics (Personality, Rep Rating, State, Allegiance, Sex, Motivation)

This PDF can be useful to have on a laptop screen, or printed out for yourself and your players.

It's even better if you have a landscape Customizable GM Screen.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #818 am: 28.10.2014 | 23:40 »

[Pinnacle] Deadlands Hell on Earth: HOE Companion & The Worms Turn *PREORDER*
Authors: John Goff, Shane Hensley, Clint Black
Artist: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 98 each
Price: $19,98 PDF; $35,00 PDF + SC; $45,00 PDF + HC (Pinnacle Store)

This is a preorder of print products. These products are expected April 2015. A PDF copy of each product will come FREE with each preorder purchase, and available as a download immediately following your purchase.
Book 1: Hell on Earth Companion

It’s lonely in the Wastes…take a Companion!

The Hell on Earth Companion gives your scav what she needs to become an honest-to-Oppenheimer cyborg and adds two new Arcane Backgrounds: Librarian and Witch. For those looking for less weird in their Wasted West there’s plenty of guns and gear, details on the dangers of the irradiated future, vehicle combat, and how to contact a lonely AI in the sky.

The Marshal will enjoy twisted takes on the Adventure Generator and Survivor Settlements to help put some flesh on that husk of a campaign, not to mention a few new things to go bump in the night.

The Hell on Earth Companion requires Hell on Earth for Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds core book to play.
Book 2: Hell on Earth: The Worms’ Turn

Something lurks beneath the irradiated soil. Something ancient and evil.

The Worms’ Turn is a full-length Plot Point Campaign featuring the aftermath of the climactic battle called “The Harvest.” The Reckoners have been banished to the distant living planet of Banshee, but there’s no time for celebration. The Iron Alliance has learned a terrifying secret—the Reckoners were keeping other, even older terrors in check.

The Worms’ Turn contains a full-length campaign, updates on the events of the Wasted West, and numerous Savage Tales that can be inserted into your own tales of wasteland woe.

The Worms’ Turn requires Hell on Earth for Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds core book to play. The Hell on Earth Companion is highly recommended as well.
« Letzte Änderung: 28.10.2014 | 23:42 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #819 am: 30.10.2014 | 00:03 »

[Pinnacle] ETU: Creature Feature - La Bruja
Authors: Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Matt Schorr
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Mike Burns, Bryan Syme, Jonathan Taylor
Pages: 14
Price: €2,36 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This 15-page Creature Feature contains more information on the Mexican witches known as “la bruja,” as well as Savage Tales and Figure Flats for the most unwholesome señoritas at ETU!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #820 am: 11.11.2014 | 00:06 »

[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Guidebook: Goblinesh
Authors: Phil Vecchione, Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Bien Flores, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon, Phillip Simpson
Pages: 17
Price: €4,82 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

What does it mean to be goblinesh?
One answer would be that it means other folk take one look at you and make certain assumptions...
Another goblinesh may answer the question thus; "I am part of a patchwork nation..."
For a people like the goblinesh, in the end, all we really have is each other... when I am with my people, the goblinesh, I am one of them in a profound way...
That's what it means to me to be goblinesh.
- Krazkar the Hooded One, Gentleman Thief

Here's the Goblinesh Guidebook, the next Guidebook for the Epic High Fantasy setting that is Shaintar. Written by the clever and creative Phil Vecchione, with additional material and game design by Shaintar's creator, Sean Patrick Fannon, the Goblinesh Guidebook reveals deep and dark secrets as well as great tales of courage and honor.

There's a ton of cultural information about the Gathers scattered throughout Shaintar, including a revelation of the origins of the goblins, orcs, and ogres of Shaintar that may well rock certain characters to their soulful core.

There are also rules for mixed-blooded goblinesh, as well as combat techniques for the extraordinary chuktar weapon and the exceptional powerful and intriguing Bloodsoothers.

An excellent addition to your Shaintar campaign, as well as for any Savage Worlds fan looking to add some new and fun material for their fantasy gaming.
« Letzte Änderung: 11.11.2014 | 00:08 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #821 am: 11.11.2014 | 00:19 »

[Dragonlaird Gaming] Savage Characters, Volume 1
Author: James Laird Davenport
Artists: Bart Browne, Jesse Griffith, Gordon Napier, Vicki Moon Spiege
Pages: 156
Price: €4,01 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Grab a Character and Get Savage!

The Savage Characters series utilizes the Savage Worlds Deluxe game engine to present TWENTY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS.  Each character is defined with a rich background, full body portrait, full stats as a Legendary figure, the complete build path to play them at whatever experience level you choose, and five adventure ideas (one for each rank).  Used together, these friends and foes, PCs and NPCs present entwined histories and related adventures.

The characters are grouped into four Dragonlaird Gaming settings with five characters in each setting.  The settings are original but the characters could be easily used in other games of the haunted west, fantasy, modern horror, or space opera genres.

Dark Ages & Dragon Gods: A beautiful traveling noblewoman hides a secret life as the larcenous Lady of Red Silk.  Out of love, a grizzled mercenary from Moorish Iberia keeps the noblewoman safe  A priest of the Dragon God with a secret carries out the will of the Roman Draconic Church.

Demon Streets & Made Men: A nightmare from another dimension controls one of the Five Families and plots to consume New York City into a soulless Hell. A hideous creature skulks in shadows, influencing minds and enacting the schemes of its master.  A Catholic made man for the Romanos learns of the growing darkness and vows to protect his city from Satan.

Ghost Lands & Sixguns: A mad scientist performs twisted experiments in a hidden lair in the Sierra Mountains.  An American Black Bear is made intelligent by science and takes up a gun and crime.  A heartless thug parlays violence and schemes into rule of the town of Miasma Springs.

Theta Ships & Iron Men: A disgraced captain of the Royal Stellar Navy hunts the creature who stole his flagship from him.  An alien bounty hunter burdened with a rigid moral code travels the Galaxy after criminals.  A spy for the ancient Spironetti Empire seeks to rock the foundations of her own people.

Whether you are a Gamemaster using these characters and adventures to enrich your campaign world or a player looking for a different sort of character, Savage Characters is sure to Fire Up Your Game!

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #822 am: 12.11.2014 | 19:54 »

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #20: The Caliphate of Al-Shirkuh
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 80
Prices: €9,46 (TAG Store); €9,63 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Welcome one and all to the Caliphate of Al-Shirkuh, a land where the Faithful have found paradise! For just a handful of lowly coins this marvelous guide book will detail the many delights of our great cities, introduce you to many illustrious persons, and explore our enlightened and benevolent culture! Within these pages you will find stories of danger and glory, learn about those who honor the gods, and find fuel enough for any imagination! This great and wondrous tome is divided into three section for your reading pleasure.

This 14 page section covers general information concerning the Caliphate and its people. Inside you’ll find details on Social Hierarchy, Education, Religion, Military, Law & Order, Trade & Tribute, Major Locales , and Persons of Note.

The Cities
Each of the eight great cities receives 8 dedicated pages. We cover the same topics above, but with a specific focus on how they apply with each city. Hundreds of new locations provide you with plenty of places to visit, explore, and shop! Will you browse the Little Shop of Horus or dine at Meet for Meat? Have you what it takes to enroll in the University of Healing and Herbalism? Or will you visit the Tower of Stars and gaze deep into the heavens?

The Brotherhood of Unfortunate Souls
This two page section expands the material on the Brotherhood of Unfortunate Souls, with information for GMs and players alike!

But there is yet more, oh wise and sublime friend of merchants! The author has provided further information through the use of sidebars! Here are such thing as the hierarchy of the temples, the cost of funerals, how to flatter people, punishments for criminal acts, religious wares, new herbal remedies, new Edges, and different types of coffee and tabac for those with discerning tastes.

« Letzte Änderung: 12.11.2014 | 20:03 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #823 am: 16.11.2014 | 11:18 »

BrigadeCon Interview: Paul ‘Wiggy’ Wade-Williams

Casting Shadows is very proud to present an interview with Paul ‘Wiggy’ Wade-Williams, one of the most prolific and creative RPG writers of our time. With questions ranging from the creative process and collaboration through a quasi-hypothetical Lego apocalypse, Wiggy will let readers into his mind for a tour.
« Letzte Änderung: 16.11.2014 | 11:25 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #824 am: 18.11.2014 | 07:10 »

[Fainting Goat Games] Miscreants, Malefactors and Megalomaniacs
Authors: Walt Robbilard, Mike Lafferty, Adrian Smith, Sean Nokes
Artists: Dan Houser, Storn Cook, Adam Dickstein, Jacob Blackmon
Pages: 28
Price: €6,00 €3,19 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

With the release of Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (2nd Ed), Savage Worlds is ready for fast, furious and fun superhero action

All you need now are spandex tights and bad guys - and Miscreants, Malefactors and Megalomaniacs is here to give you some supervillains to smash, outwit and overcome.

MM&M contains 12 supervillains ready to menace your next Savage Worlds session.

Villains such as:

Psi-Wasp - Size-changing supervillain Robin Hood!
Holo-Master - Elusive, mercenary master of hard light illusions!
Blue Shift - Formerly a teleporting secret agent, Blue Shift was betrayed by the government she served. Now she's gone rogue and is out for vengeance!
Tariq - An evil fire djinn summoned by unwary mystics, Tariq seeks to bring the world to its knees!

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon