[TAG] Hellfrost - Local Customs *Teaser*I'm just putting together a supplement on local customs (see
Resource Miracles), and as a generous chap, I've decided to post one for free. A sneak peak at a (unedited) work in progress.
Climbing the HairDeity: EiraTales are told of winter nights how a young maiden of great beauty was locked inside a tall tower by her zealous father. She was eventually rescued by a passing knight, who scaled the sheet walls thanks to the maiden’s hair, which had grown immensely long during her imprisonment. The story ends with the pair getting married and living happily ever after. It’s a common enough tale, but for one village it is fact, for they claim the knight and his new bride settled in their community afterward. They even have an unmarked barrow to prove to doubters where they lie in an eternal embrace.
Every year, a rope is hoisted from the highest window of the tallest barn, and the feat repeated. To make it more challenging, and amusing, the rope is heavily greased. Contestants are required to give a lengthy and flowery spech proclaiming their undying love for the maiden before they begin climbing.
Whoever reaches the top is rewarded with a kiss from the maiden. Alas, no marriage ensues, for the maiden is actually a man dressed in women’s clothes and plastered in heavy make-up. Instead, he gets to carry the title “Knight of the Hair” for the rest of the day, and is rewarded with a hare for his cooking pot.
On rare occasions, the maiden is actually what she claims. Seeking a husband good with words, willing to publicly admit his feelings toward her, and with physical strength and stamina to match, she willing offers herself as a bride to the lucky winner. On such occasions, only single men may participate in the event.
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